Chapter 407
Peng Huaifu, Lu Haiping and Jin Jiazhi sat in a car rented from Tailai Car Rental Company.

Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock, Peng Huaifu said to Lu Haiping and Jin Jiazhi, "You guys wait in the car."

"Yes." Lu Haiping and Jin Jiazhi agreed.

Peng Huaifu pushed the door and got off the train, and entered the station nervously with the platform ticket he had bought long ago.

Lin Chuang judged well, he was indeed a Japanese spy.

Although he is a Japanese spy, he is not an authentic Japanese. He is from Taiwan, so his name is Peng Huaifu.

After Taiwan became a Japanese colony, Inuyang Ken went to Taiwan to engage in cultural and educational activities, and met Peng Huaifu, who was still a middle school student.

Peng Huaifu was very smart, studious and inquisitive, so he was appreciated by Inuyang Ken. He unexpectedly accepted him as a student, and gave him a Japanese name—Iwao Inoue, and brought him to Japan to study and live.

After Quan Yangjian became a senior consultant of the Shadow Assistant Agency, Peng Huaifu followed him to Shanghai, and was designed by Quan Yangjian to break into the then Shanghai Station of the Secret Service and became an action member.

Peng Huaifu used his own identity to provide the Yingzuo agency with a lot of important information on the mobilization and garrison of the Chinese army through Quan Yangjian, so that the Japanese side knew the deployment of the Chinese army in Shanghai.

At the same time, in order for Peng Huaifu to quickly gain the trust and reuse of Zhao Zihuan, Quan Yangjian deliberately let Peng Huaifu obtain some valuable Japanese military intelligence.

Even if the information is not of great value, it is still enough for Zhao Zihuan to show his face.

As a result, Peng Huaifu quickly gained Zhao Zihuan's trust and was promoted to the vice-captain of the action team.

Before the Battle of Songhu, Peng Huaifu's mission was to spy on China's military intelligence, but after the Battle of Songhu, his mission became to destroy the entire Shanghai Station.

In the past, with his position in Shanghai Station, it would be easy to destroy the entire Shanghai Station.

But after the war, Zhao Zihuan adopted the strategy of "dividing into parts, dispersing and lurking", and the entire Shanghai Station disappeared overnight among thousands of lights.

It is very difficult for Peng Huaifu to obtain the lurking list and lurking locations. Zhao Zihuan only trusts a few people such as Zhou Keping, the intelligence chief, Wang Xiaolou, the operation captain, and Wu Shubao, the security team leader.

Although he can see Wu Shubao, Wu Shubao is just a messenger, and every time Wu Shubao will be secretly protected, making his plan to follow him fall through again and again.

So, he gave up his plan to open the gap.

For this reason, he successfully lured team member Jin Jiazhi to surrender, and Jin Jiazhi came forward to take the deputy station master Chen Huaijun to watch a performance by the king of the game, Xu Meiying.

When Chen Huaijun saw Xu Meiying, he was astonished as a man of heaven, and launched a fanatical pursuit, sending flowers, rewards, money and goods, until he sent himself to Xu Meiying's opium-smoking bed.

How could his little wealth be enough for him to make such a fuss?Smoking opium is the most profitable.In desperation, under the design of Huadie and Xu Meiying, he became a traitor.

During the whole process of designing to lure Chen Huaijun to surrender, Peng Huaifu kept hiding behind the scenes, and Jin Jiazhi contacted "No. 67" alone.

On the 22nd, Wu Shubao asked him to meet and said that the higher authorities would send special commissioners to Shanghai to call a meeting of all team leaders and above.

Peng Huaifu was pleasantly surprised at first, but after sending Jin Jiazhi to Suyu Drama Club, he began to have doubts for the same reasons as Li Shiqun.

Because he was not sure, he asked Quan Yangjian to meet.

Quan Yangjian was scheming, and immediately pointed out that the information was false. The purpose was probably to verify whether Jin Jiazhi had betrayed.

The subsequent developments were all covered by Inuyangjian, including the fact that he asked himself to meet "Special Commissioner Lu Ze" this time, which was also thoroughly analyzed by Inuyangjian.

Quan Yangjian believes that it is reasonable for Wuhan to send people here, but it cannot be ruled out that Zhao Zihuan used Jin Jiazhi's hand to pass such false information to Li Shiqun, so that Li Shiqun would push Chen Huaijun out to fulfill his mission of eliminating rebellion.

To this end, Quanyangjian has formulated a corresponding response plan.

One, if there is really a "special commissioner coming to Shanghai", let Peng Huaifu find Zhao Zihuan's whereabouts by protecting the special commissioner;

Second, if there is no such thing, it means that Jin Jiazhi has been exposed, and the Shanghai station will definitely send someone to shoot Chen Huaijun to death.If this is the case, order Baba Koji to lead people to guard the periphery and kill most of the people in Shanghai Station, including Jin Jiazhi. He must not be allowed to fall into Zhao Zihuan's hands, but at the same time, the lives of Peng Huaifu and Wang Xiaolou must be guaranteed, so that Peng Huaifu protects Wang Xiaolou and breaks out of the siege, in order to find Zhao Zihuan's whereabouts.

Quan Yangjian doesn't care about Chen Huaijun's life or death anymore, the value of this person has been almost squeezed out.

Of course, in order to ensure the authenticity of the play, Quan Yangjian did not tell Li Shiqun of the whole plan.


As the train pulled into the station, Peng Huaifu leaned against a pillar, his eyes fixed on every passenger passing by.

However, to his disappointment, there was no sign of Lu Ze.


At this moment, Peng Huaifu suddenly heard a clear gunshot.

Hearing the gunshots, he realized that the so-called "special commissioner came to Shanghai" was a trap.Well, this means that it is time to implement the second action plan.

So, Peng Huaifu ran against the panicked flow of people and ran towards the exit.


It was Xiong Xingshun who protected Chen Huaijun from coming to the station.

It was just a secret recognition of someone, Wu Sibao didn't really take this matter seriously.

The leaders didn't pay much attention, and the soldiers naturally didn't pay much attention. Xiong Xingshun called three team members to protect Chen Huaijun and took a car to the train station to recognize him.

Chen Huaijun knew that he was already on the military commander's assassination list, so many eyes were staring at him behind his back.

Therefore, he feels that every trip is like going to the execution ground.

This time too, he felt very bad when he went out, and his right eyelid kept twitching.

Seeing that the guards were pitifully small, he asked Xiong Xingshun to send an extra car, but Xiong Xingshun scolded him: "Who the hell do you think you are? Are you still using two cars to protect? Tell you, I will protect you in person. It’s good to go, don’t have to go to the stove.”

Chen Huaijun was very helpless, people like Wu Sibao protected him day and night, it was really hard work, but he depended on Wu Sibao for food and drink, how could he have the money to send these people away?Xiong Xingshun, who didn't get any benefits, will have no resentment after a long time?

There is no way but to rely on yourself.

So, when Chen Huaijun went out, amidst the ridicule of Xiong Xingshun and others, he came to a man disguised as a woman, put Xu Meiying's floral dress on his body, and took a parasol to cover his face and his own. With short hair, I hope this will minimize the danger.


"The passenger has come out, you two protect him and go to the front!"

There were more people at the exit, and Xiong Xingshun, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, gave instructions to the two men in the back seat.

(End of this chapter)

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