No trace of espionage

Chapter 408 4-party melee

Chapter 408
Chen Huaijun got out of the car, opened the parasol, and walked towards the exit under the protection of two spies.

When he came to the exit, he chose an inconspicuous place and stood there quietly observing every passenger who exited the station.

Before he got out of the car and hadn't opened his umbrella, Lin Chuang spotted him in the scope.

Unfortunately, before he could take aim, Chen Huaijun held up his umbrella.

To snipe a target at a long distance, one must wait for the target to be in a static state to maximize the success rate.

When Chen Huaijun stopped, his head and face were covered by the umbrella again, so he didn't have much confidence in making a move at this time.

At the same time, Lin Chuang saw that many young and strong men gathered in the square towards the exit. Unfortunately, these people looked around, but they never found Chen Huaijun in women's clothing.

Lin Chuang concluded that these people should belong to Wang Xiaolou.

"I have to shoot. Even if I can't get a headshot, it's a fatal blow. I have to remind Wang Xiaolou and the others to run away quickly."

Thinking to himself, Lin Chuang aimed at Chen Huaijun's back and pulled the trigger.


With the sound of a gunshot, Lin Chuang clearly saw a blood flower blooming from Chen Huaijun's back, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Following the gunshot, there was chaos at the exit, and passengers fled in all directions. At the same time, Lin Chuang found that many cars on the square opened their doors. direction to run.

Lin Chuang saw that more than a dozen young and strong men ignored the Japanese soldiers behind them and rushed at the fallen Chen Huaijun.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chuang finally let go of his heart.

Chen Huaijun, the biggest thunder, was finally ruled out.

"Boss, get out quickly." Ji Laoliu anxiously reminded him under the tree.

Lin Chuang didn't answer, his eyes were fixed on the scope.

I saw more than a dozen young and strong men, led by a middle-aged man wearing a top hat and a suit, forming a fan formation, fighting and rushing, while the Japanese soldiers led by Baba Koji squeezed past them from the east. .

The confrontation was very intense.

It can be seen that the Shanghai station action team has good marksmanship, and the Japanese spies who rushed to the front were all killed.

Koji Baba quickly adjusted his strategy, retreated to the square, relied on the cover of various vehicles, and relied on the military police's long guns to block him from a long distance.

Since then, the action team at the Shanghai Station was immediately passive, and several players were hit, and the situation was in jeopardy.

Lin Chuang knew that there was still a small team of Japanese soldiers at the station, and if he waited a little longer, the Shanghai station action team would have no chance of escaping.

So, without hesitation, he moved his gun, aimed at the Japanese spy hidden behind the car, and fired again and again.

"Bah ah!"

Lin Chuang's marksmanship is excellent, the gunshots rang, and the bullets were flawless, one shot at a time, and he shot the heads of everyone who showed their heads.

"There's a sniper! Take cover!" Koji Baba shouted.

The secret agents and military police hurried to the back of the vehicle, not daring to show their heads again. The members of the Shanghai Action Team took this opportunity to quickly disperse and escape, and the direction of escape was exactly where Lin Chuang was.

Koji Baba was very anxious, as long as they were allowed to enter the crop field, it would be too difficult to find them, so he hurriedly called the captain of the gendarmerie: "Hurry up, get in the car, and chase!"

Hearing the order, the Japanese military police quickly climbed onto the truck, regardless of the threat of the sniper, and took the lead in chasing it.

Covered by a truck, Koji Baba and other agents took the opportunity to open the door and start the car to follow.

The military police on the truck put their guns on the roof and fought while chasing, and two more members of the action team were shot.

The speed of the car was very fast. Seeing that he was about to catch up, Lin Chuang's gun fired again.

This time he aimed at truck tires.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, the tire on the right side exploded. The driver couldn't react in time, and even the car rolled into the ditch on one side with people.

"Bah ah!"

Lin Chuang fired three more shots, blowing out the tires of the three cars behind.

As the distance gets closer, Lin Chuang's marksmanship is revealed, regardless of whether the target is stationary or moving, whatever he sees, the spear will definitely hit.

The spy was suppressed by Lin Chuang's gun behind the vehicle, and did not dare to look up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, four bloody action team members fled to Lin Chuang's car.

Lin Chuang glanced at the four of them, only knowing Peng Huaifu and Jin Jiazhi, and not the other two.

"Hurry up and get in the car!" Lin Chuang had no time to think, slipped down from the tree, got into the co-pilot, the four of them hurriedly squeezed into the back seat, Ji Lao Liu stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out of the stone bridge with a "huh". Drive to the city.

"Bah ah!"


The Japanese soldiers opened fire, causing the car to bang and a bullet hit the rear window.

Fortunately, several people lowered their bodies and no one was shot.

Soon, the fast-moving car left the Japanese far behind, leaving only a cloud of flying dust.


"Quick, hurry up and treat those wounded who didn't escape." Koji Baba ordered.

Being escaped by the enemy calmly, Baba Koji didn't show much frustration on his face.

He saw that Peng Huaifu had already boarded the sniper's car.

He believed that whether it was Zhao Zihuan or the sniper, it would not be long before he was caught.

It was precisely because of this that he did not order Chong Guangtang to call and set up a card to check the escaped car.

After ordering his men to go down to treat the wounded and capture the enemies who did not escape, Koji Baba walked along the path to the tree where the snipers used to hide their tracks.

Nothing was left, only two rows of shoe prints, a few car prints, and a field of empty bullet casings.

Needless to say the car, although he didn't see the license plate clearly, he had already seen it clearly, it was a Dodge car.

He picked up the cartridge case and looked at it, and it turned out to be a 7.7mm bullet.

He is too familiar with this kind of bullet, it is the bullet of the Japanese Type [-] sniper rifle.

"How could it be the Type [-]? Except for the Shanghai Garrison, that is, Chongguangtang and the Secret Service Department are equipped with this kind of firearms. Could it be that the enemy came from within us? Dodge car, Type [-], could it be that the Secret Service Department has a mole?" Koji Baba Looking at the bullet casing, he was secretly startled.

He knew very well that only the "No. 67" Secret Service was equipped with a Dodge car and a Type [-] sniper rifle.

"No, it's too dangerous. The Secret Service must be thoroughly investigated immediately." Koji Baba secretly said.

"Cut down this tree!"

Koji Baba picked up all the bullet casings and ordered the station garrison team leader who came up to him.

"Hi Yi!" The team leader put his hands on the seam of his trousers, lowered his head to hide, and responded loudly.


"Reporting to your Excellency, eight members of the enemy's Shanghai station operation team were killed, three were wounded, and four escaped, including Inoue-kun and Jin Jiazhi. Eighteen were killed and five were injured on our side, including five agents. , eleven gendarmes. The dead are mainly from enemy snipers.” Koji Baba returned to Chongguangtang and reported to the Inuyang Ken office.

"Sniper? Zhao Zihuan actually arranged for a sniper?" Quan Yangjian was shocked when he heard this.


(End of this chapter)

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