under fire

Chapter 105 The devil goes up the mountain

Chapter 105 The devil goes up the mountain
Lieutenant Okawa watched the devils struggling up the cliff along the ropes one by one. Several ropes were thrown down from the mountain, and two of the ropes were still tightly knotted. He was very satisfied. If those two The stupid pigs of the Tenth Division can also climb up, so no one in the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division can escape.

Of course, those idiots of the [-]th Division obviously can't count on it. Anyway, when the time comes, leave a rope here and let them figure out a way to climb up. I don't care anymore. If I reach the Eighth Route Command first, These idiots haven't arrived yet, so they must not be able to bear the charge of missing the military plane.

Seeing the last group of ghosts groping their way up the cliff, Okawa Toyoshi looked at the heavy soldiers: "Boy, learn a little bit later, if you can climb up, come to our advance team, by the way, can you speak Chinese?" ?”

The second lieutenant Guizi shook his head, the one on the cliff, one miss, still turned into meat sauce?Just looking at the piss would scare me out, my hands would be numb, my feet would tremble, so forget it.

The lieutenant contemptuously looked around at these pig teammates of the [-]th Army, and finally stopped despising, tied the rope around his waist, and was pulled by the team members above, and followed up the cliff with his hands and feet.

Seeing the starry eyes of the captain of the supply team, it finally dawned on me that I could go up the mountain like this, and my mind was bubbling with regret!
Lieutenant Okawa went up the cliff, and the Devil scouts had already completed the reconnaissance of the terrain: "We are now located five miles away from the position of the eighth road blocking position, with a small hill in the middle, and the eighth road blocking on the edge of the cliff did not find us Come up, if we never go to the top, they should be invisible."

The initiative is finally in your own hands!Okawa Momoyoshi was very excited.

Immediately ordered the radio soldiers to turn it on, replenished new dry cell batteries, not afraid of running out of power, and sent a report to the First Army Headquarters.

Soon got a new order to encircle the division headquarters in the south of the Eighth Road at all costs!

"Your Excellency Okawa, I request to lead a team to attack the Eighth Route position?" A ghost second lieutenant came up and asked for a fight.

"Are you a pig? We only have less than a squadron of troops to fight the Eighth Route and one reinforcement company, plus the marching time, how long do you think it will take to end the battle?" The lieutenant was very dissatisfied with his short-sightedness.

"Uh, it may take an hour to march, and then destroy the gang, in my opinion, it will not exceed two hours at most!" The second lieutenant went up the cliff very early, and just came down from the hill. After the reconnaissance, he had a battle plan in mind. Immediately proudly report.

"How far can we go in two hours?" Lieutenant Okawa said sullenly.

"Uh, if you go through the mountains, ten miles is no problem." The second lieutenant was thinking about the reason for the lieutenant's question.

"Mr. Xiaogou, if you spend a little more time, you can almost touch the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division from the mountain road. Then, you will definitely be able to reach it before dark! But if you beat the group of Eighth Route, go to the Eighth Route Division headquarters. , I won’t be able to reach it before dark today, who do you think is more important, a company of the Eighth Route or the division headquarters of the Eighth Route?” Da Chuan educated earnestly.

"Hey, my subordinates are stupid. Uh, of course the division headquarters of the Eighth Route Army is more important!" The little dog devil thought in his heart: Don't you think I don't know, don't you just want me to cooperate with you to make you more powerful?
"Then what are you waiting for? Order, immediately, set off to the north, don't worry about the Eighth Route Army. As for whether the [-]th Division can come up here, whether it can outflank those Eighth Routes, it is no longer important. Our goal is not to fight against the Eighth Route Army. , Remember, we are the elites of the empire, and we have a great goal, which is to take down the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and capture Mao Zedong alive!" Lieutenant Da Chuan was very energetic.

In the binoculars, in the village at the foot of the mountain, there was smoke billowing from the kitchen. Lieutenant Okawa's face became peaceful, and he didn't find anything wrong.

"Captain, there are militiamen from the Eight Routes ahead, shall we take them?" The second lieutenant wiped his neck.

"Mr. Xiaogou, you can't use your brain? A few militiamen, what's the use of killing them? Exposing our whereabouts or satisfying your perverted murderous psychology?" The lieutenant sneered.

"Hey, my subordinate Yulu, please give me instructions." Lieutenant Xiaogou continued to use his stupidity to cooperate with the wise lieutenant commander.

"Let's say we are members of the new Sixth Brigade. You should treat these militiamen who are not even considered as Tuba Road as your brothers. The river in front, when we came here last time, if you want to cross the bridge, It takes a lot of detours. In order to save time, it would be best if they can take us across the river by boat. We have to find a way to get them to help us. You, understand? If you can’t do it, I don’t mind letting you Be a heavy soldier!" Lieutenant Guizi's Chinese is very good, but occasionally there will be a noise or two.

"Ah? Let Balu find a boat for us, is that possible?" Xiaogou once again showed his stupidity, which made the devils next to him look contemptuous.

"Aren't you wearing a military uniform?" The lieutenant reminded again.

"Uh, Your Excellency Dachuan, Ying Ming, what you said is too reasonable." Xiaogou's answer made the jaws of a group of ghosts drop: Can you stop being so shameless?
The mountain village at the foot of the mountain is not big, with ten or twenty families. There is a big river beside the village. It is summer and the water flow is fast.

The sound of chickens and dogs barking in the village was ups and downs, and it was a lively scene.

The village had long received a notice from the captain of the militia, saying that there were two squads of devil advance teams operating in the mountains, so there were militiamen hiding in hidden places on the roads in several directions in the village to keep watch.

Although the common people in the village had never seen the world much, they carried out the orders of the Eighth Route Army to the letter. In the mountains at noon, it was the most upright, but few people were busy in the mountains.

At the back of the village, a young man was sitting under a small tree, weaving baskets out of mountain vines in boredom. When he looked up by chance, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a figure shaking on the road on the mountain!

Immediately put down the thing in his hand, ran to a small high ground behind the village, and looked carefully.

I saw clearly that there was a team coming down from the mountain, and the young militiamen immediately became nervous, poking their heads out of the bushes to observe quietly, holding a "gun" tightly in their hands.

Seeing that the team is getting closer and closer, judging by the attire, it should be the Eighth Route Army. Although the young militiamen are not educated, they still have a little bit of head counting with their hands and feet.

But he didn't dare to be negligent, so he suddenly picked up the "gun" that was always on his left and right, got up in a panic, and ran towards another sentinel outside the village, because he didn't know what to do, let alone deal with the Eighth Route Army. .

"Brother Niu, a team came down from the mountain in the south, it seems to be the Eighth Route Army." The small young man was panting, nervously looking at the young man not much older than him in front of him.

"Why are you nervous? How many people are there? Could it be the advance team? Let's go and see." The young man named Maverick was much more courageous.

"A lot, I don't know exactly how many, but it's definitely not the advancing team. The number of advancing teams that the team announced doesn't seem to be that many!"

The two discussed it and felt uneasy. They hurried to the village and called another young man who was also a militiaman. Together, the three of them hid by a dilapidated house at the entrance of the village, carefully observing with their heads. Come down, then, this is the only way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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