under fire

Chapter 106 The Nerves' Militia

Chapter 106 The Nerves' Militia

A group of figures were quickly crossing the path in the bushes at the foot of the mountain, and walked towards the open area in the south of the village. The troops were fairly neat. Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, with only a few tens of meters left, the group of people did not stop.

"Stop, what part do you belong to?" A man with the appearance of a militiaman stepped forward with a "gun" in his hand, pointing nervously and vigilantly at the Eighth Route Army on the [-]th, looking enviously at the fully equipped team, just because he held a "gun" in his hand. The gun was an iron thing that was put on the wooden stick, but it was sharpened, shining silver, but trembling slightly.

The people in the team seemed to be frightened, and hurriedly took out their guns and pulled the bolts, which made the faces of the three young militiamen turn pale. Fortunately, the Eighth Route Army was very kind to the common people, so they would not be afraid too much, and the other two militiamen also fought. Wei Wei got out from the hidden place.

"Hello, everyone. We are from the Second Regiment of the New Fourth Brigade. We are on a mission. What's your name?" Toyoshi Okawa, who had spotted them a long time ago, pretended to be shocked, saw the three militiamen clearly, and immediately changed Put on a smile.

When questioned by the "chief" of the Eighth Route Army, the young militiaman's face turned red and excited even though his face was pleasant: "Uh, my name is Wang Xiaoniu, good guy, you all have guns!"

The second lieutenant next to him looked at the young face: The Chinese are so strange, they call them dogs or cows. Are these Chinese people just because they like animals?
He forgot that he was called a puppy.

When Okawa Toyoshi heard this, it was a bad thing. This guy said that we all have guns, so what he meant was, then, in the real eight-way team, there should be some people who don't have guns?Or take a stick gun like this bumpkin?Tubalu will use this guy to fight against the imperial army!Can play for so many years?
It seems that this is the case, which means that the eight roads in the mountains are all cowards like rabbits. With cold weapons, they will only hide in the mountains, despise them in their hearts, and then they will care about them.

The visitor claimed to be from the Eighth Route Army, Wang Xiaoniu was oppressed by the momentum, and his heart was pounding, he couldn't say anything, but he had seen a lot of Eighth Route Army, and only this Eighth Route Army had the most orderly army, even the guns were uniform The seven or nine rifles, several squad platoon leaders hung up the shell guns, three Czech-style, very rich, watching the team eagerly, even carrying heavy boxes on their backs.

Maybe the Eighth Route Army heard his voice, and the leader of the Eighth Route Army looked at him with satisfaction, turned around and said to a soldier behind, "Give me your gun!"

Wang Xiaoniu saw that the Eighth Route Army soldier was still carrying a long tube wrapped in cloth, and quickly took off the rifle on his back, clenched his hands, and handed it to the chief of the Eighth Route Army.

The action of picking up the gun is really beautiful, that standard!Seeing that Wang Xiaoniu's eyes are staring, he is much better than our militia captain, and he is playing tricks.

Wang Xiaoniu looked at the rifle in his hand, with a brown body, a black barrel, and a cold bolt. It was a little cloudy, my good guy, this is not a dream, is it?

Quietly excited, her heart jumped violently, and she bit her tongue, it really hurt!
"Is this for me? It's great. The captain's gun is not as good. It's great." Yu Wuci said, "Uh, by the way, where are you going?"

"We are going to Songjiazhuang. We have to perform an urgent task. If there is nothing else, we will leave first." Dachuan Taoji smiled, full of hope.

The soldiers who sent out the rifles were originally grenadiers, and the rifles were too burdensome, so they just could lighten the burden, so they didn't care.

"Uh, are you going to Songjiazhuang?" Wang Xiaoniu felt that the other party was going to Songjiazhuang, so he had to cross the river first.

"Yes." Lieutenant Okawa replied casually.

"You guys can't cross the river ahead. If you take a detour and cross the bridge from the east, it will be a waste of time. Why don't you wait? I'll row the ferry for you, which should save a lot of effort." Wang Xiaoniu had already thought about it and needed help. The Eighth Route Army who gave me a rifle.

The guns of the Eighth Route Army were to be distributed, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with the commander giving one away.

Dachuan Taoji and Xiaogou looked at each other with joy in their eyes, and then looked at Wang Xiaoniu: "That's great, thank you so much."

Hearing the chief thank you, Wang Xiaoniu was shocked: "I...hehe...ah? It's okay, it's okay!"

Say hello to the militiaman who looked at him with an envious look on his face for two years: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up, go to the river and row the boat over."

In fact, it is a small ferry boat, which was originally the property of the village and was tied to a rope across the two banks.

The three militiamen looked at the Eighth Route Army standing on the boat calmly, without even shaking, and admired them from the bottom of their hearts.

The team of the Eighth Route Army did not enter the village, but it also attracted curious villagers from all over the village. They got out of their houses and looked at the team in front of them, but no one dared to step forward. With such a huge team coming from a distance, the common people just came to watch the excitement, and most of them were old and weak women.

There used to be quite a few Eighth Route Army crossing the river here, most of them were on boats, and they couldn't even stand steadily. Now the regular army of the Eighth Route Army is different, formidable!

In fact, the Eighth Route Army has very few troops in the mountains, because devils generally do not go deep into the mountains. Ordinary people in the mountains have more contacts, but it is the staff of the peasant associations, and the staff of the local troops or division headquarters who often pass by here. Correspondents and those who were seriously injured.

The small river was not too wide, and the current was very fast. Several young people ran back and forth a dozen times before sending all the "Eighth Route Army" across the river.

Okawa Toyoshi led the team and waved goodbye to the militiamen cordially.

Wang Xiaoniu held the rifle tightly in his hand, and his heart was full of excitement. When he didn't have to be on duty tomorrow, he would report to the captain. Whether the gun could be saved or not was up to the captain. It would be great if he could join the Eighth Route Army if he had the opportunity. Looking at the Eighth Route Army in front of me, their uniforms are neat, and they all wear leather shoes. If I can also have this kind of outfit, how can I not envy those other militiamen?

The team gradually moved away and disappeared into the depths of the mountain.

For the part of the road that can be avoided, at least an hour can be saved. Perhaps, without waiting until dark, you can rush to the division headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

The other two directions of the northwest and southeast to attack and suppress the encircled troops have already advanced smoothly, and the momentum along the way is like a broken bamboo.

The friendly army in the north, Mashiko, advanced rapidly, and has already bit the Eighth Route Army headquarters.

Okawa Tomoyoshi is a little impatient, he must speed up!
In fact, it's not far from the Eighth Road. The only thing that makes people unhappy is that the mountain is too big and the road is not easy to walk.

It can't attract the attention of the Eighth Route Division, otherwise, there is no need to scout the Eighth Route Division Headquarters. Instead, they choose to retreat temporarily. The key to plan C is that Mashiko advances to the team.

Otherwise, they would have made a move earlier. If the frightened people from the Eighth Route Headquarters drilled into the mountain, it would be as difficult as climbing the sky if they wanted to find it again.

"There are still two villages ahead. It is impossible for us to go around during the day. Let's use the method just now?" Second Lieutenant Xiaogou asked the squadron leader again!
(End of this chapter)

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