under fire

Chapter 107 each with their own minds

Chapter 107 each with their own minds

The summer sun hangs brightly in the sky, and the sun is no longer warm on the body, but a kind of scorching.

Thatched grass in a poor location, with half gray and half green leaves, drooping and listless, swaying helplessly in the mountain wind.

The mountain wind dragged the withered yellow and refused to slide down, it still looked so withered.

In the low valley of the mountain pass, there is a fire in the middle.

Logically speaking, since there is a fire, there will naturally be Luo Fugui, but this time is an exception, without him, Erniu is busy with four or five female soldiers, Wang Xiaosan is sweating profusely, it is too hot, and he is the best The great cause of making porridge is slowly unfolding.

Xiong, who had nothing to do, was bored, so he took the initiative to ask the political commissar to arrange a job of fetching water. It is not complicated to fetch water in the mountains. A place near a cliff and a low-lying place is the source of water. A small stream flows through it, forming a A small pond.

A few figures stood under the scorching sun, sweating profusely, Xiong took out a can from behind and handed it to Xu Xiao who was following behind.

Xu Xiao didn't answer: "Why don't you give it to the wounded?"

"You idiot, there are militiamen waiting for them to eat hot food, how happy it is, this stuff is ours, Sanlian wants to take credit, it deserves it."

Xu Xiao is very worried, why can't the squad leader improve his consciousness?So in his mind, Luo Fugui is only the squad leader.

In the same direction, not far from the team, Hu Yi is habitually looking around. He used to go to the division headquarters on this road, walked a few times, walked down the cliffs, and grew up in Xiaoye Mountain. Hu Yi understands that such a place Well, it may be difficult for ordinary people to come up, but it should be difficult for prepared ghost soldiers.

Not to mention that a large-scale army cannot come up, even if a squad of devils comes up and confronts head-on, the mob like me may not be able to stand it.

Of course, this refers to killing ten enemies without injuring one.

The sentinels placed three miles on both sides, and if they went further to the two sides, there was no way, and they would not stay here anyway. They stayed until dark and were ready to retreat.

On the surface, it seems that a large number of devils are blocked here from attacking, but in fact, the devils team that actually participated in the attack is just a squadron, but it is different at night. Neither side can see the other. It is absolutely impossible, so even if there is a terrain advantage, it still depends on the strength of both sides.

The little girl was a little bored, she took Hao Yun, followed closely behind Hu Yi, occasionally kicked a stone, and fell into the mountain where the situation could not be seen clearly, but it made the ghost team close to the cliff nervous again.

"It would be great if Wu Shitou was here!" The little girl looked at Luo Fugui who came back from fetching water, maybe Wu Shitou could just find a place to dig in and out.

Not far from the edge of the cliff, a few small trees were temporarily planted sparsely. One leg was curled up under a tree, the rifle was slanted around, and the body was curled up under the shade of a small tree.

The golden sunlight sprinkled all over the earth, speckled all over his body, making people blinded.

Suddenly, I felt a figure covering the light, and I hurriedly opened my eyes, but it was Chen Chong who came in front of me, carefully holding an aluminum lunch box, which was burnt to blackness by the fire: "Platoon Leader Liu, this is yours, the cooking team Prepared dinner in advance."

"Where are the soldiers?" Platoon Leader Liu asked a little worriedly.

"They went to the cooking class by themselves." Chen Chong looked at the company commander in the distance, and replied casually.

On the other side away from the cliff, a dozen or eight roads squatted down a long stretch of a ridge, leaning against the rocks and taking a nap.

Li Xiang, who had completed the change of troops, was leaning against the end of the line, half lying down and half leaning on the ground, his posture was different, which attracted the attention of every passing soldier, and that one was neat and eye-catching.

The leader of the mule platoon, the most unassuming, went to find water and came back in person, but the soldiers under his command released the ducks long ago, nestled in an inconspicuous corner to throw dice, and even set up a whistle on the hillside, making a mess and muttering in a low voice, Banxian is shouting: "Buy and leave!"

Hu Yi wobbled around in a circle, and was walking back slowly.

But there was a smell of smoke from the bottom of the mountain, with a slight smell of meat. You don't need to guess that the devils were enjoying it. After a while, a few stones fell down, and the target was the smoking place below, and no one was hit. , but drew the devils to retaliate.

The little girl quickened her pace, came out from behind Hu Yi, followed by Hao Yun, and yelled at Wang Xiaosan who was busy with her ponytail, "You've been busy all day, why haven't you finished yet?"

Wang Xiaosan raised his head and grinned: "Anyway, it's okay, if we cook another pot of porridge, we won't have to start a party at night!"

He lowered his head and continued to put the porridge that was almost ready next to him into the lunch box.

"You're so busy! You'll be retreating in a while, why don't you eat when you go to the division?" The little girl didn't throw a single stone down, and she cried when she grabbed the stone, but she threw most of the grenades down the mountain by herself. .

Then there was no movement from the devils, and it would be a waste to throw it again. The two armies faced each other, and birds came out on one side of the mountain.

"You said you want to retreat? Isn't it good to fight the devils here? If the devils don't come up, don't they have to stare! There are so many of them, let's kill them! Since we are going to leave, we have all the food on our back, and it is easy to go down the mountain." .” Wang Xiaosan talked a lot.

"Can you talk without facing the pot?" The little girl's hair was black.

Hu Yi wandered out from the thick grass among the bushes, and turned north at the intersection to the direction of Political Commissar Ding. Since no devils appeared, it is estimated that the devils were thinking of something else. Nothing to worry about during the day.

Before he had gone a few steps, he saw some goods led by the model Wang squad leader dragging the engineer shovel to fill the hole.

Seeing Hu Yi coming over, his face was dark and sweating profusely, crying: "Commander Hu, another comrade in our class didn't stand up!"

Hu Yi was silent for a while: "Uh... didn't you tell the wounded to be sent to the division headquarters? Why haven't you left yet?"

"There are two soldiers who are too seriously injured, and I don't think they can last that long!"

"Where's Pan Zhuzi?"

"He sent a squad to carry the wounded away with a squad arranged by Platoon Leader Li. They left for a while, and now they are on the edge of a cliff. It's okay to throw stones for fun. This was arranged by the political commissar!"

"Uh, then bury it better, I'll go first."

I am used to seeing life and death, and it is not a relief to have a group of brothers dig a hole and bury it in the soil.

Go around the hill ahead.

The mule, who was walking towards the puddle again, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes. On the opposite cliff, there seemed to be a flash of light just now. It shouldn't be this high mountain?What do these mean?
He found a place to sit down, took off his military cap and shook vigorously, his eyes fixed on the opposite cliff.

Not long after, another flash of light flashed across the dark part of the cliff facing away from it. Obviously, something weird!My scalp is numb, is the devil climbing a mountain?

Then, isn't the hill opposite to him full of devils?There is a hurdle coming from the mountain bag, about ten meters high, and I can't go up from my side. If there are devils, they can go around it, but why don't they do it?Could it be that not many people came up, but how did they come up?

These thoughts flashed through my mind one by one, and I calmly said, "Little one, come here quickly."

The two of them didn't run back immediately. Luo Fugui, who was full of kettles, walked towards the puddle just like the last time he fetched water.

 It is said that one can't stop the devils in a row, ****, five people blocked a group of devils for a whole day, and five people jumped off the cliff and died three times and two were fine.

(End of this chapter)

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