under fire

Chapter 1058 Strategy

Chapter 1058 Strategy
Hu Yi walked at the end of the team.

Worried, he looked back again and again at the old bandit Qi on the mountain ridge.

Every time I look back, the old bandit on the mountain ridge will wave his hand
What the old bandit said when we parted was still in my ears: "You can rest assured."

Don't worry?

This seems like a silly thing to say
Hu Yiqi didn't know much about the behavior of the old bandit.

But I still believe that soldiers are bloody in their bones!
Many people believe that the soldiers who came out of Heishan Baishui lost the three eastern provinces without resisting the order.

But he knew very well that even after the non-resistance order was issued, many soldiers still rose up to resist and fought bloody battles with the Japanese invaders.

Including Ma, Huang and others, as well as the main generals of the Volunteer Army, all came from the old army.

What caused the old troops not to resist, as a low-level officer, he has no say.

His past experience is different, which makes him very different from many Eighth Route commanders at the grassroots level.

Similarly, the views on devils are also very different.

From equipment to training, the old troops are no worse than devils!So much so that he didn't feel that he was close to death for the upcoming breakout battle.

Humans have two legs and one head.

In terms of stature, the little devil is a head shorter than Balu.

Psychologically, he did not regard the devil as a powerful and invincible opponent at all.

This is also the reason why he dared to attack the county with a platoon of troops!
He didn't even realize it himself.

As commanders, many grassroots commanders studied theory at the Anti-Japanese University for a month, and they may not have even scratched the surface.

But for Hu Yi, many years of actual combat experience are almost all defeats!The accumulated experience almost coincides with the experience summed up by the instructors and predecessors who participated in the Long March!

It is far faster to learn and improve than ordinary grassroots commanders.

He didn't show much worry about the upcoming breakout operation.

The devils who had arranged in advance in the valley did have an advantage, but so what?

If chasing and intercepting were useful, there would be no Eighth Route Army today!

Breakout battle!
As a breakout party, it is necessary to take an offensive, and it is naturally at a disadvantage in the battlefield situation.

However, the strategic goals of the enemy and us are completely different!
The focus of the breakout party is to forcibly break through the enemy's favorable terrain advantage with firepower, and then get out of the unfavorable situation of being surrounded, not to destroy the enemy's vital forces.

The devil's goal is to wipe out the Ninth Battalion!
The most important point, the most basic tactic of breaking through is to concentrate superior forces and break through the enemy!
There are also many favorable factors for the breakout side. You can choose the start time of the battle, and you can also freely choose to attack the weak position of the enemy's defense line!

As the defender, if a point is attacked, it will naturally mobilize troops from those positions that are not attacked to reinforce the breakout point.
In this process, the Ninth Battalion only needs to take a feint. It can even take multiple feints!

Let the enemy not know the real breakout position of the Ninth Battalion.

In local areas, forcefully break through the enemy's geographical advantages with the advantages of troops and concentrated firepower, and form an absolute crushing situation.

When the strength of the two sides is not much different, the strategic goals are different, and the offensive or defensive postures adopted are naturally different.

In the case of equal firepower and troop strength, strategic goals may not necessarily be achieved even if they have a geographical advantage.

The Ninth Battalion just wanted to break through the encirclement. The two sides had different requirements for the outcome of the battle, so the tactics they adopted were naturally different. It was completely different from the two sides fighting blood against blood for casualties in a positional battle.

Assuming that the Ninth Battalion surrounded the devils, and the devil's fighting goal was to break through, the Ninth Battalion couldn't stop them either!

It is impossible for a squadron of little devils to have an absolute advantage in the valley!
The lieutenant of the valley, in terms of strategic understanding, is at least one grade behind Hu Yi!
From experience, the devils completely believe that the fighting power of the Tuba Road is not strong, and they are taking a dominant defensive position. First of all, they decided that the devils must have arrogance.

In fact, there was not much difference in firepower between the two sides, and the firepower of the Ninth Battalion even far surpassed that of the Devils. After all, the dozen or so machine guns of the Ninth Battalion far surpassed the six light machine guns of a squadron of Devils.

Both sides had grenade launchers, but the Devil Squadron, which was aiming to encircle, did not have mortars.

Close combat is even more terrifying. No one knows that the Ninth Battalion of Freaks actually has hundreds of shelling guns!
Even if there are not many bullets, it is still no problem for the first echelon participating in the offense to fight a wave!
As for grenades and grenades, they're all the same!
However, the Ninth Battalion could not break through to the south, because the terrain on the mountain ridge was narrow, and the enemy's forces were almost concentrated together. If they went south, they had to face the entire force of a squadron of devils!
Even if the Ninth Battalion were all wiped out, it would be impossible to break out from the devil's position, which also had a geographical advantage.

No one would be so stupid as to choose to break out to the south.

It stands to reason that it would be easier to have reinforcements to the east. Big Dog and Crazy Yang risked their lives to inform the reinforcements to come to the east. Most people would think that the Ninth Battalion would break through to the east!
Soldiers are impermanent!

After going down the valley, it is very difficult to go up to the mountain ridge opposite the valley in a short time, and there is a large army of devils farther away, and there are still a large number of angry devils in the north, even if all the reinforcements called by Ma Liang are filled in, it is useless!
As for the other side of the valley, Liu Yuanqing said that the possible allies behind the devil are helping each other.
It's not really important to Jiuying.

Because, with Jiuying's ability, he can completely rush out of the devil's encirclement by himself!

Concentrate the forces close to the two companies to attack one point. Even though there are more than fifty wounded in the team, he didn't feel how difficult it was at all.

Once the devil's line of defense is broken through, a position will be established immediately to attack the troops on the devil's wings that can be reinforced in the middle.

Finally there is the question of getting rid of.

Hu Yi's focus is on the rear troops.

After all, once the breakout battle begins, the devils on the north side of the mountain ridge will get news soon.

But the devils are unlikely to prepare too many ropes in this kind of mountain ridge attack. Even if they send reinforcements down the mountain, they can only go through the valley.

After all, he was already entangled with the devils in the valley at that time.

Unless the devils disregard casualties and carry out indiscriminate attacks
The odds are slim.

Of course, to say that he has no selfish intentions
There is a tradition in the Eighth Route Army that the seriously wounded are cut off!
If the devil commander in the north gets the news, he will indeed send troops for reinforcements.

He knew Tian Sanqi and Ma Liang's soldiers well.

He didn't need to mobilize at all, and the seriously injured number in the team would ask to stay.

Thinking of this, he felt uncomfortable.

I thought that I was used to seeing life and death, and my heart was as hard as iron. After staying in the Eighth Route Army for a long time, no matter how hard my heart was, it would melt.

The ideological education level of the Anti-Dalian University is very high. At least, Hu Yi no longer regards the casualties of the Ninth Battalion as numbers.

That living person!
Everyone has parents.
At this moment, Hu Yi felt that his ideological awareness seemed to have finally improved a little bit.
The instructor said that a commander must use his brain when fighting a war, and make decisive decisions based on the actual situation on the battlefield...

Xiao Hongying walked in front of Hu Yi, also worried: "Hey, fox, what are you thinking?"

Hu Yi came back to his senses: "I didn't think about anything"


"I'm thinking, after the battle starts later, how long old bandits Qi and the others can drag the devils on the mountain ridge."

"You don't have to worry about this. Tian Sanqi has used up all the explosives that Tian Sanqi will bring back to the base area to make landmines. I'm afraid the devils won't attack." Xiao Hongying suddenly smiled as if she wasn't worried about the team leaving after the end. The question: "You think about how to explain to the logistics department when the time comes"

"I just said, it was used up on the road"

"Hey, do you think that with Zheng Zheng's shrewdness in doing things, you have used up all the things in the organization, do you think you can escape?"

"Then what do you say?"

"Close the confinement."

Hu Yi was speechless.

"Hey, the Anti-Japanese University officially starts next month, shall we go?"

"Go, of course go"

"This issue is all about the grassroots commanders of the company platoon. You are a staff officer and battalion commander. What's the matter?"

"My consciousness has improved rapidly..."

"Aren't you blushing?"

"Our officers and soldiers are equal..."

"How are you thinking about joining the party?"


"Hey, I think you will succeed if you find a political commissar to be your introducer."

"One won't work."

"And Uncle Niu"

"I said, what are you worrying about?"

"Hey, don't tell me you don't know our rules? Go and find out, among the trainees, is there any company commander who is not a party member? Let alone the battalion commander..."

"There seem to be quite a few, right?"

Xiao Hongying waved her fist, with a look of hating iron but not steel: "Can't you improve a little?"

"How to make progress, you transferred the head of the team?"

Xiao Hongying gave Hu Yi a white look: "You can really think, didn't you hang up with a staff officer? It's still possible to add a 'long' behind it."

"We don't care much about whether it's long or not."

"I just think that our Ninth Battalion's reputation is a bit unfair"

"How to say?"

"How can a regiment have the Ninth Battalion? When the instructor rolls the roll..." Xiao Hongying began to imitate Instructor Liang's tone: "That Ninth Battalion Commander, you come to answer this question...by the way, wipe the blackboard..."

Hu Yi imagined the scene in class in his mind, and couldn't help laughing.I remember that old bandit Qi once laughed at the number Jiuying, but he didn't care at that time: "Is old bandit Qi fooling around with you?"

"No, it's Crazy Yang! He said that our eight-way organization is chaotic, so he doesn't want to join my special agent platoon."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "I told you earlier, that is a great god, and our temple can't let it go."

"If you become chief of staff, who do you plan to marry?"

Hu Yi almost fell over the nearby bushes: "Grandma, is your head hot?"

"I think the vixen seems pretty good too." Xiao Hongying opened Hu Yi and stretched out to touch her hand that was not overheated: "If she disagrees, hehe, you can think about me."

"You are not ashamed"

"What's the matter, sister Xu from the guerrillas, she has two children already?"

"Is this the same thing?"

"Isn't it the same thing?"

The soldier walking in front had been listening to the conversation between the two, his dirty face was flushed, and he didn't dare to laugh.

"Pay attention, don't make a sound..." The flat ground created by cutting down the bushes in front of them was crowded with stretchers, soldiers who had experienced the great war squatting everywhere, and almost buried their heads in their lunch boxes.

Luo Fugui's voice called out: "Boss Hu, hurry up and have dinner..."

(End of this chapter)

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