under fire

Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059

The moon came out from the east, but it still couldn't shine on the valley to the west for the time being.

The ghost sentinel hiding at the foot of the mountain stared wide-eyed, looking up at the hazy cliff.

The sky was dark gray and blue.

There seemed to be a sudden noise on the ridge above the head, followed by stones and gravel falling down.

Soon, a rope fell from the sky.

In the darkness, with the help of the moonlight shining on the western mountain ridge, the ghost sentinel who vaguely saw the scene was startled.

Quickly jumped out from the hiding place, stretched out his hand and gently pulled the rope, and the rope jumped up again.

The sentinel was startled: No, Tubalu is going to slip down the mountain!

Quickly report the news to the lieutenant not far behind.

Lieutenant Guizi trotted to the bottom of the cliff, tugged and dropped the rope, looked up with a puzzled expression.

Suddenly thinking of something, I immediately felt the blood rushing to my head.

Tubalu wants to break through!

I didn't choose to be in the middle of the night, and it's not long before it gets dark.

The moon in the east should have just risen, and they slipped down the cliff at this time?

Didn't Tubalu know that the imperial army was waiting for them below?

Is this impossible?
The movement I have made in the valley is so big, it is absolutely impossible not to see Tuba Road on the mountain ridge!

Tubalu throws the rope down, what does that mean?
Line up to die?

Isn't this too unexpected?
After the Tuba Road was surrounded by the imperial army, after finding that there was no hope of breaking through, they usually struggled to the last moment, and then threw their guns and jumped off the cliff
At this time, a rope was thrown down. There was only one possibility: Tubalu thought that the moon was hanging in the eastern sky at this time and could not illuminate the valley in the west, so he wanted to take advantage of the moon to escape to the west while it was dark!

Originally, I thought how strong the Tuba Road, which hadn't been captured by a brigade in the north for half a day, would be, but unfortunately, Tuba Road is Tuba Road after all!No matter how powerful an opponent is, they will be reduced to powder in front of the soldiers of the empire.

Want to run if you can't beat it?

In front of the imperial army, can you run if you want to?
The lieutenant didn't even think that he would have the opportunity to wipe out the Tuba Road. No, the most elite spy group of the Tuba Road!

The assistant next to him was also staring at the triangular eyes in a daze: "What is Tubalu doing? Could it be that they want to slip down this rope to die?"

The lieutenant didn't seem to believe it either: "You also think that Tubalu will come here?"

"Hehe, Tuba Road must think that the moon rises from the east, and the light can't reach the valley to the west. He thinks we can't see them, so he wants to sneak into the valley."

Hearing that the assistant had the same idea as himself, the lieutenant smiled grimly, and waved the command knife in his hand: "It's been a long time since I cut off the head of Eighth Road, I want to see if the necks of the soldiers of the Tubalu Special Service Corps are harder than knives !"

The assistant then laughed: "Should we send warriors to guard the position where the rope was dropped on Tuba Road? I can guarantee that one of them will definitely die when they come down!"

The lieutenant smiled so hard that his face cramped: "No, no, no, we have to give Tubalu hope and let them feel despair when they feel hope is the greatest. This is interesting!"

"what do you mean?"

"If the warriors guarded at the foot of the mountain, all the Tuba roads would not come down from the mountain ridge."

"I understand, I will immediately arrange for the warriors guarding the foot of the mountain to withdraw!"

"Don't forget to remind the sentinel to watch carefully and see if there are any Tuba roads slipping down from other places on the cliff."

"Don't worry, our defense line is from the northern attack team to the southern defense line. No matter where the eighth road comes down, we will never escape the eyes of the warriors."

"Okay, after most of the people from the eighth road come down, light the prepared fire!" Tubalu thought that it would be dark in the valley to the west, but after a while, the light from the fire would make the whole of Tubalu a target!
"Yes!" The assistant hurriedly left to make arrangements.

After the lieutenant finished speaking, he raised the command knife in his hand, pointed at the skyline at a height of 50 meters, and fired a shot in his mouth: "Puff!"

I felt that some voices sounded like farting, it was very boring, and my heart was full of anticipation. I turned my head and waited for the orderly in the darkness next to me and ordered: "Order, move back 50 meters."

The lieutenant hummed a ditty, not even in the mood to attack the mountain ridge in the north and report to the friendly troops defending in the south.

After all, the massacre is about to begin, and the friendly forces from the north and the south will all admire their masterpieces on the mountain ridges!

At this time, send someone to deliver a letter to them. Perhaps, the massacre will be over before the messenger arrives at the outpost of the friendly army.

Looking up at the mountain ridge again, thinking carefully about every detail.

Your own arrangement is absolutely perfect!

Absolutely no loopholes!

on the edge of the cliff.

There are more than twenty soldiers lying on their stomachs.

The back cover of the hand grenade next to it has been removed, and the command of the battalion commander is to throw the hand grenade wherever there is a muzzle flash below!

The rope that was thrown off the cliff was quickly pulled back by the fighters, and then began to tie the knot.

Liu Yuanqing didn't look like a seriously injured man who had lost too much blood. He leaned against the edge of the cliff and faced the mountain wind and yelled at Luo Fugui: "You arrange someone to throw the rope a few more times so that the little devil can't figure out where we are going down."

Not long after, more than a dozen ropes tied to stones at one end were thrown down the cliff one after another.

Liu Yuanqing began to cheer up the soldiers who were about to go down the valley again: "Pay attention, even if there are devils waiting for you at the foot of the mountain, before you go down to the end, just throw a grenade and blow the fuck up!"

"How do I know when I will reach the bottom of the valley?" the soldier in front of Liu Yuanqing asked suspiciously.

"Hey, you counted it. When you touch the fourth knot, throw the grenade down, and then wait, after the grenade explodes, quickly slide to the bottom of the valley."

The soldiers who took the initiative to ask the first batch to go down to the bottom of the valley nodded, and checked the shell guns and grenades on their bodies again, and they were holding on to the ropes.

The two soldiers pulling the safety rope kept letting go of the rope in their hands.

Liu Yuanqing kept breathing, and continued to cheer up the second person holding the rope, whose legs had disappeared into the darkness of the valley where the moonlight could not be seen: "You are so nervous, even if you let go, you will not fall to your death. You are still tied around your waist." It’s tied for safety, besides, there’s another person below you.”

"But, what if the little devil shoots a black gun?" The captive, who was half hidden in the darkness, turned pale, looking at the pitch-black valley below.

"But what a fart! The moon is still hanging in the east, and besides, he can aim a fart with the dark lights in the valley." It was Liu Yuanqing's idea to let the captives follow the soldiers to lead the battle.

He said he wanted to let these [-] boys understand: Don't think that surrendering is considered surrender if you hand in your gun and raise your hands!

If you want to survive, you have to vote for a certificate!

As for what Erwuzi means, no one asks, it's not a good word anyway.

Among the paratroopers and the New Fifth Army, there is no such thing as preferential treatment of prisoners!

In his opinion, Tuba Road is so poor that it still wants to save face.
If the captive chooses to leave, can he still receive two or three ocean dollars?

The person who made this rule doesn't know how many brains are missing to do such a stupid thing!
Like now, let them go down the valley with Yigao's brave and fearless Balu, and be a death squad. How wonderful!

Mountains are completely different from valleys.

The moonlight has covered the mountain ridges. Although the line of sight is not good, you can always see some outlines.

It was pitch black in the valley and I couldn't see anything clearly.

No one knows what will happen.

First, the eyes have to adapt quickly to the darkness as you slide down.

"Report to the battalion commander, there is a flash of light on the opposite mountain ridge." The sentinel ran up to Hu Yi excitedly.

Hu Yi immediately grabbed the telescope and looked west.

Regular flashes, one flash, one off, three times in a row.

Obviously, the friendly equipment is not bad, at least, there are flashlights!

However, Hu Yixin was sinking. If the devils in the north saw the flashlight flashing, they would probably judge that there was someone in the west to respond.

Then, the enemy will definitely send reinforcements!

"Not good!" Hu Yi suddenly ordered: "Everyone, speed up the speed of going down the cliff."

Not far away, Liu Yuanqing was also looking at the mountain ridge a few miles away on the other side of the valley, a little confused: "Mr. Luo, isn't it safer to have someone to meet you from the west? Mr. Hu, why are you in such a hurry?"

Luo Fugui can basically guess what Boss Hu is thinking at this time!He curled his lips directly: "What if the devil also saw the flashlight? He has to suspect that someone will respond?"

"You are overthinking, use the light of the flashlight to send a message, except for the place where we are staying now, hehe, he may not be able to see the little devil next to him!" Liu Yuanqing looked proud.

"Your grandma is really good at talking, doesn't the little devil have eyes?"

"Why don't you send someone to ask Li Xiang who is still in the south, I can assure you that he might not be able to see the flash at that position"

Upon hearing this, Luo Fugui immediately became interested: "What do you mean?"

"For example, if we want to give them a message back, we can also wrap the flashlight with clothes first, and put a spare barrel of a machine gun in front of the light bulb. Wherever our barrel points, we can see the light
Luo Fugui was stunned for a moment: "Why haven't I heard of grandma's?"

"If everyone has heard of it, is this a fart? This is the same as sending a telegram with plain codes that can also transmit confidential information."

Send a telegram?Cut, the independent regiment has always been a correspondent with two legs to deliver orders.

I didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, and just shook my head: "Boss Hu, tell everyone to hurry up, your grandma keeps talking non-stop. You and Crazy Yang are really a perfect match."

"He doesn't like to talk. I like to talk. Is it hindering you?"

"Could you take a break from your bad mouth?"

"Hehe, do you not believe the communication method I mentioned or do you not believe that there are friendly troops on the other side?"

"I don't believe anyone except Boss Hu."

"Forget it, you're a dead mule, you don't have a brain." Liu Yuanqing didn't want to talk to this bumpkin. He will find an opportunity to show this bumpkin a paratrooper with a parachute on his back, and then experience various special communication methods. , when the time comes, this country bumpkin with well-developed limbs and simple mind will be shocked to death!
"Don't be naughty, quickly raise your arms and tie the safety rope."

"Hey, raising your hand means surrendering! If you want me to raise your hand, let me tell you...there is no way."

"Hehe, believe it or not, I will kick you down."

"Besides raising your hand, you can tie it up however you want."

Finally sent this chatterbox into the darkness, Luo Fugui suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and subconsciously grinned and murmured: "This guy is stronger than Lao Qin!"

"What?" Xiao Hongying, who suddenly appeared next to her, squinted her eyes: "Who do you think is stronger than Lao Qin?"

"It's nothing, hurry up and tie the rope around your waist!"

"Hey, I'll go down with the fox later. You're so heavy, you probably need two safety ropes"

Xiong rolled his eyes under the moonlight: "Tie three pieces"

A burst of silver bell-like laughter sounded on the mountain ridge.

It caused countless tense faces to look in the direction of the voice.

Tian Sanqi on the stretcher sighed, should we prepare to break out now?

Although the mountain wind is strong, the laughter can't be heard far away, and I'm not afraid of being heard by the devils down the mountain, but what time is it now?
This heartless person can still laugh!

I suddenly thought that the little girl would quit doing such a long line of shit, and instead of going to the battlefield to command the shopkeeper directly, I felt even more furious
(End of this chapter)

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