under fire

Chapter 1069 Let go of frontal blocking

Chapter 1069 Let go of frontal blocking
Explosions kept ringing.

After the darkness was interrupted, Tubalu kept playing cold shots.

It seems that there are not many daredevil warriors who can still stand, and finally they are gradually approaching the foot of the mountain.

The despicable Tubalu played landmines so well that he caused heavy casualties to the self-proclaimed invincible Imperial Death Squadron.

Tubalu, who was fleeing towards the mountain, kept appearing under the moonlight.

The straight-line distance is already 400 meters away, and it is more difficult to aim when shooting upwards.

The lieutenant at the back gritted his teeth with hatred, and could only watch Balu go higher and higher.

Tubalu, who was fleeing up the mountain, left behind troops on the gentle slope near the foot of the mountain. It is not a good idea to follow and chase.

The fleeing Tubalu casually threw two grenades down the mountain, and the chasing warriors would be blown up.

Even with Expendables it doesn't work.

The lieutenant immediately ordered the machine gun team to deploy, suppressing and firing on Tuba Road who had fled halfway up the mountain, at least to make the escapees not run fast.

Then let the other men disperse and find other ways to go up the mountain nearby. The uphill to the west is a gentle slope. Even if you can't find a way, the warriors of the imperial army can still open a few ways among the chaotic rocks!
chug chug.
The machine gun crew opened fire.

The lieutenant was not disappointed. Tubalu escaped to the mountain ridge not far away. Under the leadership of a certain death squad, he really found a way.

Then, the men came down to report: "The large troops have completely occupied the position of the Eighth Route on the mountain ridge, and the sharp soldiers have come down from the mountain ridge. The captain has an order: Be sure to bite the tail of the escaped Eighth Route and wait for reinforcements!"

The lieutenant immediately became in a bad mood. I am the reinforcement, okay?

What are you waiting for reinforcements?
Fortunately, the order given by the captain did not conflict with his current arrangement.

It would be great if the captain could make the warriors on the mountain ridge come down faster. In this case, the soldiers can be divided into two groups, one part follows and the other part detours.

"Old bandit, are you really good at pinching and counting?" Dirty Face was in admiration.

"Hey, there are not many people coming for reinforcements from the little devil. The devil officer leading the team would never dare to follow behind for fear of being bombed. With the devil's virtue of saving his life, he will of course resort to the most amazing tactic: flanking "

"Then you let everyone wait here for them?"

"Hey, let's let the little devil understand what a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood are!"

"I said, how many times have you been chased by devils before you can understand the temper of the little devil so thoroughly?"

"Boy, looking for a draw, aren't you?"

"What about the brothers fighting at the foot of the mountain?"

"Hurry up and blow the whistle and tell them to move closer to us. After the devils catch up, they won't be able to retreat."

One short and two long sharp whistles resounded in the darkness.

The fighters hiding among the rocks on the gentle slope near the foot of the mountain and fighting against them quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Most of the casualties of the Devils Death Squad's goal was roughly achieved.

Tubalu, who was fighting on the gentle slope, did not fight back. Was he killed or scared away by the bravery of the imperial army?

Sergeant Cao, who was replaced as the team leader, hurriedly sent someone to report to the lieutenant behind that the Tuba Road blocking force had been eliminated, and it was time to pursue the Tuba Road on the mountain ridge.

However, the devil who came back after being slapped by the lieutenant's deputy had a mournful face: "The lieutenant has sent warriors to go up the mountain from another road in the south. It seems that they should be able to climb up the mountain ridge before the Tuba road that carried the wounded to escape."

Sergeant Cao was dumbfounded, and the lieutenant seemed to have forgotten the existence of the Death Squadron.


The reinforcement lieutenant did not choose to pursue Tuba Road, but chose to attack from the flank up the mountain, obviously not wanting to cause too many casualties to his men.

After being stunned for a long time, the Sergeant finally made up his mind: "Warriors, we have all seen that the Tuba Road is also full of wounded soldiers. For the honor of the empire, I decided to continue chasing up the mountain along this mountain road."

Know the shame and then be brave. The devils have long forgotten how strong the firepower of the Tuba Road is.

Even if the whole battle was killed on the way to chase the remnants of the Eighth Route Army, the Tuba Road, who was also defeated and fled, would have to pay the price!

Therefore, the wounded soldiers of the Death Squad were gathered together, and the remaining dozen or so ghost soldiers gathered the ammunition of the whole team, and chased quickly up the mountain along the gentle slope without hesitation.

The gentle slope is on a ridge about 200 meters away from the foot of the mountain.

As the moon rises higher and higher, the moonlight behind it is constantly moving down.

Maybe, half an hour later, the moonlight will shine on this ridge.

More than a dozen figures supported each other and had just climbed to the ridge, lying on the ground, staring wide-eyed, panting heavily, and looking behind.

However, nothing can be seen.

"Hurry up and bandage the wounded," a voice yelled in a low voice.

"Let's get out of the way, what if the little devil chases up the mountain road?"

"You don't need to worry about it, Li Xiang has arranged for the queen to be cut off"

Suddenly there were more than a dozen numbers, and the ridge was a bit crowded. Dirty Face pulled the machine gun to the side and shook the machine gun stand: "Hey, get the wounded away quickly!"

"Fuck you, I can still fight!" A soldier with a bandage on his head cursed.

"Shut up, the devil is coming up." The observer who continued to look down the mountain with wide eyes suddenly growled.

Immediately afterwards, the old gangster Qi's voice sounded again: "I heard you clearly, we must wait for the fire to ignite later, and then we all fire together."

As the area of ​​the valley illuminated by the moonlight becomes larger and larger, the near-sight distance in the valley gradually increases.

The devil didn't light a torch, nor did he turn on the flashlight.

The stones on the mountain road that few people walk are constantly being trampled and rolled down.

The devil went up the mountain very fast.

It was far faster than the speed of Jiuying and his party carrying a stretcher on the mountainside.

If it was before today, a devil who hadn't been beaten in 800 years would not be afraid of the dark at all.

In the afternoon, on the mountain ridge, Tuba Road used landmines to block it tenaciously. When they went to the valley for reinforcements, they found that an elite squadron had been maimed by Tuba Road, which left a shadow in the devil's heart.

As a result, a burst of flames suddenly appeared on the side of the mountain road, causing the devil who was as frightened as a bird to lie down on the ground immediately.

"Enemy attack." Niaoyu screamed.

However, the flames did not seem to be mines!
The devils lying on the ground were a little confused, except for a loud "chi", the expected explosion sound did not come.

Looking at the ignited bushes, many people have only one thought in their minds, the landmine that Tubalu made failed!
However, no one thought about how Tuba Road planted landmines on this road!
It seems that in the consciousness of the devils who saw their compatriots survived the bombing with their own eyes, on the way forward, it would be abnormal if there were no landmines on the Tuba Road!

Use the grenade to pull the hair rope as the ignition, and spread the gunpowder around the ignition point.

Of course it won't explode after pulling the fire, but it successfully ignites the withered grass covering it.
Then successfully ignite the dry bushes gathered in a pile.

The fire began to spread amidst the crackling sound, and the light became brighter and brighter, even completely suppressing the dim moonlight in the sky.

On the cliff to the east.

The devil troops that had occupied the mountain ridge began to approach the edge of the cliff to the west.

More than ten ropes were dropped from the cliff.

Many devils slid down the cliff.

The heavy machine gun that was disassembled and wrapped in a marching blanket was also hung on the rope pulled by the devils, and slowly lowered down the cliff.

On the gentle west slope across the valley, a fire was suddenly lit.

Commander Lieutenant Guizi, who was looking westward, held up his binoculars and was a little puzzled. What are you doing with such a big fire when you are chasing the Eighth Route Army?
Immediately afterwards, Lieutenant Guizi's doubts were resolved.

Da da da.
chug chug.
Flames suddenly flashed from the mountain ridge, and dense bullets rushed towards the attacking devil crowd.
(End of this chapter)

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