under fire

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070

Shameless and tricky again.

He even made a fire on the way up the mountain for the warriors who were chasing in a roundabout way.

In the place where the moonlight could not see, the fire suddenly appeared, putting the vanguard team in an extremely disadvantageous situation immediately.

In the telescope, more than [-] meters above the gentle slope of the fire, there seems to be a hurdle...

Maybe it should be called a little highland.

On the small high ground, four or five flames are shooting at the vanguard team going up the mountain!
The lieutenant, who followed more than a hundred meters behind, was furious. Hearing the sound of gunfire... there were at least three Taisho Type [-] light machine guns from the imperial army.

Damn Tubalu actually used the advanced weapons of the imperial army...

The three-burst shot was shot in an orderly manner. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would have thought it was an elite machine gunner from the Empire shooting!

Seeing that the vanguard team was crushed on the hillside.

Many of the bullets fired from the eight routes even flew to the foot of the mountain, and most of the detour squadron was completely suppressed!

The lieutenant's battlefield experience is not bad, and he urgently ordered the follow-up team to shoot suppressively at the small high ground where the eight roads set up an ambush!
The mountain road is narrow and the valley is relatively open.

All of a sudden, the valley was full of voices, crooked handles, and grenadiers were fired one after another.

Tom tom tom.
The grenade firing belt rattled.

chug chug.
The crooked sub-machine gun rained bullets on the mountain.

What does the distance matter?
Suppressive shooting doesn't require much precision!
Both sides come and go, and no one is willing to be left behind.

The devils of the vanguard squad who were ambushed by the Eight Route Army were dumbfounded.

Most of the entire squad is now exposed to the light of the fire.

The elites under him threw several grenades in a row according to the training requirements, but they couldn't blow up the fire created by the eight roads at all.

The terrain on the hillside is weird, completely different from the flat land, and most devils can't find a suitable cover at all.

The condescending eight-way machine gun fired fiercely. After being hit by the grenade shot up from behind, the grenade was thrown down in retaliation
The devil infantry who couldn't find cover were crying bitterly.

But under the command of the squad leader, he either squatted or lay down and raised his rifle to fight back on the high ground.

The two machine gun groups in the squad hurriedly found a good position and fired back.

The squad leader then shouted at the grenadier team and ordered: "Kill Tubalu's machine gun."

The well-trained grenadier soldiers rushed to find a place to set up grenadiers despite the bullet rain roaring above their heads.

bang. bang.
Before the Devil Grenadier fired a grenade, the eight-way rifle at a distance of 34 meters rang amid the clamor of the light machine gun.

The shooters of the two grenadiers were knocked to the ground directly.

The enemy is dark and we are clear!

The terrain was completely unfavorable, and this battle was impossible to fight. From time to time, people were hit by the trajectory of machine guns pulled back and forth on the high ground.

The eight roads on the high place are covered, and the machine gun always fires a shuttle to change places immediately, but the Tuba road machine gun can shoot continuously, which makes the devil team leader suspect that the one above is not the legendary three guns and eight roads at all!
The grenades dropped by Balu are more like eyes, and the landing point will always be near the warriors.

After every explosion, there will always be three or two elites who just fell silent.

As the unshielded subordinates were continuously shot or killed, in less than 3 minutes, there were at least [-] casualties among his subordinates, and the team leader finally panicked.

He felt that at this time, the strength of the squad should be retained, and the firepower and formation should be reorganized before launching an attack.

The second lieutenant acted decisively and immediately ordered to retreat.

"The devil just ran away?" On the hillside, looking at the devil in the firelight, he ran back regardless of his head, put down his machine gun with his dirty face and turned back to ask the old bandit.

"Hurry up and hang the grenade on the string, everyone immediately retreats to the mountain"

"We have an advantage now, do we need to run at this time?"

"Hey, just now we took advantage of the location to sneak attack. In a local area, we formed more attacks and fewer enemies. However, the retreating devils wanted to make a comeback by retreating. First, they used grenades to knock out our fighter jets , Hehe, we can't give him that chance."

"Didn't you knock off the little devil's grenadier just now?"

"You know what a fart, we killed the little devil's vanguard as soon as the grenadier showed up, and the distance behind was too far, so we didn't get bombed, and the devil's grenadier set up a position later to fight again, then The thing can almost hit where you point, if the grenade launchers of the two small teams in the back fire at the same time, we can’t eat it and have to walk around.” What old bandit Qi said is reasonable and completely beyond doubt, as if .

The devils left more than [-] corpses behind, and swarmed out of the range that the fire could illuminate.

The old bandit Qi directly stopped several people who wanted to go down to clean up the battlefield, and retreated up the mountain without hesitation.

After hearing the casualty report of his subordinates, Lieutenant Guizi's nose crooked with anger.

In addition to laying ambushes on Tuba Road
Or an ambush!
There is no way to fight face to face with the warriors of the imperial army!

The furious squadron leader kept reminding himself to be calm.

Lying behind a rock on a gentle slope, cursing and panting, carefully observing the movements of the eight roads on the small high ground
It's a pity that there was a pile of raging fires 30 meters below the small high ground, which seriously affected his observation line of sight.

Even the observer next to him couldn't see clearly the situation of the eight-way position behind the fire.

The elite squad leader under him even retreated without his own order.

The lieutenant finally understood that he really underestimated the Eighth Route Army Special Agents Corps!

The firepower of the Eight Routes was not weak. From seeing it on the mountain ridge in the afternoon, he was sure that the Eight Routes that ambushed the next team had not fully demonstrated their strength.

At least, their machine guns didn't all fire!
What's more, this group of Tubalu is really powerful. When they broke through, they snatched four light machine guns from the imperial army!

More importantly, Balu seemed to have judged that the imperial army would go up the mountain from another mountain path!
Everything shows that there must be soldiers in the middle of the Eight Routes who understand the imperial army's combat methods very well!
My heart suddenly moved.

Is it
After the surrender of the New Fifth Army, the gendarmerie received a message from some surrendered soldiers: a staff team left before surrendering.

Could it be that those staff officers are up there?

Thinking of this, the lieutenant immediately whispered instructions to the messenger next to him, telling him to report his discovery to the captain on the edge of the cliff to the east.

Although Tubalu temporarily escaped from the siege of the imperial army.

But they were carrying so many wounded, it was absolutely impossible to escape the pursuit of the imperial warriors in the mountains!

A team of more than [-] people came down from the eastern mountain ridge, and soon came to the lieutenant.

In the lead was a second lieutenant.

The young lieutenant did not give an order to continue the pursuit.

After the second lieutenant casually saluted the lieutenant, he began to ask about the situation on the battlefield.

The lieutenant looked at the second lieutenant in front of him, who was obviously higher in rank than the opponent, and he seemed a little nervous.

Most of the machine guns of the Ninth Battalion are in the hands of the team led by the old bandit Qi.

Old bandit Qi's judgment was really accurate, and the little devil really went to the place where old bandit Qi was ambushing.

According to the speculation of the firepower of both sides, the devil has been repelled by the old bandit Qi.

Li Xiang was lying on the back of the stone, his current position was already higher than the dividing line between the darkness that was invisible to the falling moonlight and the light that could be seen.

A dozen or so sneaky shadows below followed closely behind.

These ghosts who followed continued to shoot coldly at the mountain ridge.

The distance between the two sides is very close, and if you are not careful, you will be shot.

These ten or so devils are not afraid of death at all, and always let one person walk in front.

Even if he stepped on a buried landmine, he could only kill and injure the guy walking ahead.

It's all about thundering with your life!

Three fighters who stayed behind to stop the attack had already died!

(End of this chapter)

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