under fire

Chapter 1079 The general trend

Chapter 1079 The general trend
A class of devils who came down from the mountain ridge died completely.

The battlefield has been cleaned up, and there are not even loincloths left on the corpses of the devils on the ground.

Ma Liang was lying on the left of Liu Manhe, and Captain Qin was lying on the right.

Liu Manhe is proudly passing on his experience: "In an ambush, you must exchange the smallest sacrifice for the greatest result. Even if you can't destroy the enemy, you must wear down the enemy's will and at the same time grasp the initiative on the battlefield."

Are these theories worth learning?Ma Liang hurriedly asked: "I want to ask you how you usually train with such a tacit cooperation."

"Well, I'll give you a training outline later."

Captain Qin was displeased: "Company Commander Ma, can you wait for Staff Officer Liu to finish speaking before interrupting?"

"We fight an ambush. After choosing the favorable terrain, we must seize the opportunity and attack aggressively. We are short of ammunition. If we don't have an absolute advantage in the terrain, we can't fight defensive warfare at all. In addition, we must combine raids and harassment when fighting ambushes. Even if you are in the enemy's rear, you can fight as you want!"

Ma Liang was speechless. The Nine Battalions mentioned by Staff Officer Liu did not dare to say that they played superbly, at least they could be regarded as proficient.
Consummate perfection and perfection seem to mean the same thing, so I can't help being distracted.
The fifth is erratic and impermanent; the sixth is that the closer to the enemy's rear, the easier it is to succeed.

Captain Qin took this opportunity to impart experience to the students next to him: "The instructor said that when the enemy is strong and we are weak, you must go against the enemy's way in battle. When the enemy advances, we retreat. When the enemy gathers, we disperse. I avoid, the enemy is small and I deceive, avoid the truth and pretend to be false, and make a sound, and what's more, accumulate small victories into big victories."

A student behind was not happy: "Aren't you memorizing textbooks, I still know who said this!"

"Hey, you guys understand, but other trainees don't necessarily understand. Also, after the battle begins, you must act quickly, bravely, and resolutely. In hand-to-hand combat, the gun will be fired three times, and the bayonet will plunge into the enemy's belly. go in"

Liu Manhe couldn't help being a little amused. What Captain Qin said was based on the experience of the New Fourth Army based on guerrilla warfare. It was fine for troops that lacked ammunition, but it was of little use to the special task force that had no worries about ammunition: "Company Commander Ma, These are all your classmates, why don't you say a few words?"

Guerrilla detachment, regimental level.

The difference from the independent regiment is that the independent regiment is a guard force directly under the division's base area, and in principle does not participate in production and local affairs.

The guerrilla detachment belongs to the local troops organized by the combat troops. It usually conducts training, and when the enemy sweeps up and transfers the masses, or fights with the enemy with guns and knives.

Like the Independent Regiment, there is no official number for the theater, and the detachment has a variety of names, mainly named after the area of ​​activity, or directly named after the number of the superior under its jurisdiction followed by a serial number, some are named after the arms, and some are even named after the leader.

In principle, the level of the detachment is higher than that of the brigade. There may be a guerrilla brigade under its jurisdiction, or it may include a guerrilla squadron or a guerrilla detachment. Some detachments are organized in companies, platoons, and squads, and even include militias, children's regiments, and women's rescue societies.
The militiamen are mainly villagers, and their scope of activity is mainly near their residences. They do toilets during the day and train at night, or concentrate on training during slack.

The guerrilla detachment led by Lao Song is called Pingshun detachment.

The mountainous area is extensive, and the composition of the detachment is very complicated, mainly composed of militias.

Naturally, their combat effectiveness cannot compare to the guerrillas who have been fighting the enemy for a long time on the plains.

The devils mopped up, and the detachment cooperated with the work team to transfer most of the old, weak, women and children in the village, leaving many people in each village to ensure the production of summer grain.

If the enemy comes to raid, use the familiar mountain terrain to deal with the enemy, and occasionally cooperate with the same guerrilla combat troops to participate in some large-scale battles.

The six militiamen and village activists left the village overnight, which naturally attracted the attention of some interested people.

Except for a few people in charge who acted as traffic liaison officers, the people who were named and left had no idea where they were going on the trip.

The team hurriedly marching on the mountain road has no vanguard and no rear.

As a result, no one noticed that behind almost every team, there were some sneaky figures dotted far away.

The mountain people deep in the mountains may have never seen the world, and they can't even write their own names, but they almost all have hunting skills.

He has been in the zone of integration with the reactionaries for a long time, and his vigilance is not low.

"Uncle Qiao, there are people following us," a militiaman whispered to the old man Qiao who was walking in front.

"What are you talking about? All the children in the village are in the team, who could it be?"

"I think it might be Lan Zhiyuan from the east of the village. When the work team transferred the villagers a few days ago, he said that he sprained his ankle and stayed behind. Before we set off at night, we notified him to participate in this mission. He said he had a foot injury. It’s not healed yet, I’ve sprained my foot for three days and it’s still not healed, there must be something wrong in the middle.”

The old man Qiao walked a few steps quickly and caught up with the middle-aged man in front: "Hey, Comrade Zhao, let me tell you something."

The militiamen and villagers did not slow down, and the two soldiers walking in front disappeared into the darkness.

on the mountain road.

A middle-aged man was sitting on the ground in embarrassment, with a painful expression.

Weeds hung on the patched clothes.

Next to him, there is a shell gun hanging on his shoulder, and the bayonet in his hand is bright.

The old man Qiao was a little excited: "Surnamed Lan, tell me, why did you follow us?"

The middle-aged man on the ground cried and said: "Old village chief, I... I sprained my ankle, but then I thought that everyone was working in the Eighth Route Army. I thought, I can't be a backward person, so I followed."

"Then why don't you just follow the team?"

"My foot injury is not healed, I can't walk fast"

Seeing that this guy was still making excuses, the old man Qiao hated iron and steel, and directly changed the subject: "In the village, everyone pooled money to let your youngest go to school in the city. Are you doing this to everyone?"

"I'm really not a traitor"

"I didn't expect to know people, face, but not heart. I watched you grow up, get married and have children. Tell me, what benefits did the devil give you?"

"No, I really didn't give it"

The soldier next to him became impatient: "If he didn't follow your order to stay in the village in the middle of the night, he must be a bad person."

Seeing that the Eighth Route Army had already drawn out their pistols, Lan Zhiyuan, who was kneeling on the ground, hurriedly kowtowed: "Excuse me, sir, I have no other choice. Captain Wang of the county police force said that if I don't listen to them, I will kick my youngest out of the school." "

The old man Qiao also thought that the soldiers next to him were going to shoot the spy, so he quickly raised his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute."

Pulling out the gun is purely to scare this guy, if he really wants to kill him, it is a matter of directly bayoneting, the shell gun bullets are expensive now!
The soldier drew his gun.

Old man Qiao looked at Lan Zhiyuan on the ground: "You said just now that you know Captain Wang of the county police force?"

How dare Lan Zhiyuan hide it: "It's not that I want to know him. The last time I went to the city to deliver food to my baby, he led people to block me in the city."

"Then you know who else has been blocked
"Know some, Qiao Lao Wu from Hongsha Village"

"Comrade, I think I'll spare his life first, we have to investigate this matter thoroughly before making any plans.
"Well then"

Old Man Qiao's complexion was very bad, as if he had eaten a fly.

He watched Lan Zhiyuan growing up as a reactionary spy.

No wonder, every move of the Eighth Route Army in the mountains is in the eyes of the enemy.

It suddenly occurred to me that the underground organization in Lingchuan County was taken over by the enemy, and it probably has something to do with these spies!
The old man Qiao has been in a private school for a few days, and his superiors have been investigating the situation of the spies hidden in the base area. Unexpectedly, the spies are in the village under his jurisdiction. This matter is of great importance, and this guy must be prevented from committing suicide!

However, based on what he knew about this guy, he should not have the guts to commit suicide, but for the sake of his children, who would know?

To be on the safe side, he had to reassure him: "You kid will get into big trouble, you know, when the time comes, tell me the truth, and I will plead with my superiors."

"Uncle Qiao, you must save me. If my baby hadn't been in the county town, I wouldn't have done this."

Soon, the three of them were on the road again.

Another figure emerged from the darkness on the side of the road, and quickly followed the three people in front.

Lan Zhiyuan was caught in the middle.

In the distance came the faint sound of a rooster crowing twice.

Not far from the destination, the four couldn't help but quicken their pace.

(End of this chapter)

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