under fire

Chapter 1080 Chapter 1081 Battlefield Discussion

Chapter 1080 Chapter 1081 Battlefield Discussion
On the east side of a certain valley.

under the moonlight.

There are many figures crouching among the low bushes amidst the black rocks.

Three or forty people sat on a slightly flat open space, sitting high and low in a circle of three or four floors.

Most of them are Anti-University students.

They were all listening to Liu Manhe exchanging ideas with the soldiers.

Captain Qin continued to persuade: "Company Commander Ma, you fought very well in the ambush of the devils. You can't hide your good experience."

Seeing the refusal, Ma Liang looked around and thought for a while before speaking: "Soldiers are not tired of deceit, find out the enemy's firepower before taking action, clear the whereabouts of the troops or deliberately reveal the traces to the enemy to lay an ambush, and choose favorable terrain first when fighting. With the superiority of local troops and firepower, at least three aspects of superiority in time, place and firepower should be achieved.”

Ma Liang didn't hide his secrets. Combining what Hu Yi often said to himself, plus the battle process he participated in, and the theory taught by the instructors of the Anti-Japanese University this time, he picked out the battle experience he thought would be useful, and roughly said something. .

"If you can meet the conditions you mentioned, Company Commander Ma, anyone can beat him up." A certain student felt that Ma Liang was simply memorizing the textbooks taught by the instructor.
Captain Qin found it interesting: "Hey, every company in your Ninth Battalion has such strong firepower? Are all the light machine guns in the platoon?"

Ma Liang was stunned for a moment, and wanted to say that he had seized a lot of Japanese machine guns when he was studying in the division, but it was a pity that they were handed over later.

When I left the Jiuying to ask for help, the girl's machine gun platoon had already arrived on duty, but if I said this, it would be a bit shocking, so I had to hold back: "Almost."

"You can really blow it!" A student wearing glasses in the team shook his head: "Our entire company has only one machine gun, and most comrades still have old sleeves in their hands. Do you think your independent regiment can compare with the secret service regiment?"

"You should have gathered all your company's weapons and equipment because you broke through the siege, right?" a student questioned.

Another student in the crowd hesitated, and then expressed his opinion: "I don't agree with your practice of sacrificing the lives of your comrades in exchange for the capture."

Liu Manhe among the crowd felt that what Ma Liang said was right: "There must be sacrifices in fighting the enemy. If we dare not even fight the devils, then what kind of anti-Japanese team are we? If we don't fight the devils, how can we capture them?"

The student who spoke just now blushed: "I'm not saying not to fight devils. The superiors have always emphasized that we must continue to strengthen ourselves in the struggle against the enemy. If we lose all our people, how can we protect the common people?"

"If you don't even dare to fight the devils, how can you protect the people?" Ma Liang suddenly felt that it seemed inappropriate to say this, and immediately added: The actual situation of each base area is different, and combined with their own actual conditions, adopt a flexible method to fight against the devils That's right"

Listening to Ma Liang's tone of saying this, it was completely admonishing, and the glasses student who spoke first quit: "Hehe, the tone is really not small."

This one has been ridiculing, and the mud bodhisattva is also a little bit angry. Ma Liang didn't want to get too fussy with him, so he thought for a while: "I believe everyone has heard from the instructor that we are currently on the defensive stage, and most of the time the devils are raiding, so they We took the offensive, which gave us the opportunity to lay an ambush. Think about it, everyone, we can't be chased and beaten by devils all our lives, right?

So I think that taking the initiative to attack the enemy properly can completely catch the enemy by surprise.”

"The bullets and grenades that the superiors gave us are limited. Besides, once we attack, we will lose our geographical advantages. How can we attack the devils proactively like you said?"

"That's right, it's almost the same except for night raids."

Ma Liang has a black thread. When the Ninth Battalion was still a squad, he and the Second Company did conduct night raids on the artillery towers.

After being promoted to the platoon, he even attacked the county town, and later directly attacked the devils' armored vehicles.

After being promoted to the company, even the Devils Cavalry Company dared to slander, and then they fought directly with the Devils several times.

The superiors should know these things, but since there is no publicity, maybe it is not suitable for promotion.

Thinking of this, he continued: "There are no bullets, no grenades, and no geographical advantage, but we have people! As long as we concentrate our superior forces to ambush the enemy, we can accumulate small victories into big victories. As long as we can continue to win battles and keep eating small groups of enemy troops, devils You have a lot of ammunition on your body, so why worry about bullets?"

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I immediately realized that it might be related to the matter of exchanging the lives of comrades-in-arms for capture.
"Commander Ma, the devils carry a lot of ammunition, but the devils are too powerful in combat. We have even fought with five to one troops, but the puppet army and the reconnaissance team are much easier to fight. Can you tell me, the puppet army, The traitors usually don’t carry many bullets on their bodies. After a battle, the captured ammunition is not consumed at all. How do you do it?”

"Let the puppet army not be able to shoot"

"Earlier you said that the devils disguised themselves as the Eighth Route Army, and we can also disguise ourselves as puppet soldiers. The soldiers are as thin as sticks, and they don't look like puppet soldiers with fat heads and big ears. Besides, where can we find so many military uniforms?"

If you don’t fight the puppet army, where did you get the puppet army uniform? As for the fact that you are too thin and only eat two thin meals a day, Ma Liang really thinks this question is not easy to answer
The discussion was intense, and in the end, it almost became Ma Liang's classmate.
Crazy Yang, who was lying in the grass outside the circle, couldn't help shaking his head: "What the hell?"

Looking at the big dog staring at the moon with dirty eyes, he muttered: "Damn it, I always thought that the eight roads were similar to the nine camps. I didn't expect there to be so many poor ghosts."

"You are not allowed to talk about the Eighth Route Army like that." Dagou offended people as soon as he said this, Wang Yinzhi reminded not far away.

"Is it true that you only eat two meals a day?"

"Can you still eat three meals a day?" Wang Yinzhi asked curiously.

"What the hell did you eat with us?"

"It's War Time"

The big dog rolled over and sat up: "Not good, there must be canned food seized this time."

A black shadow came in a hurry: "Report, the devil is chasing you again"

Liu Manhe among the crowd was overjoyed: "Get ready to fight!"

Crazy Yang outside the team suddenly said, "I think we should withdraw."

"What do you say?"

Knowing that Crazy Yang was going to recite the Three Character Classic again, he probably couldn't figure it out for a long time, so the big dog next to him hurriedly added: "What the hell did you wait for so long before the devil came after me, there must be something wrong in the middle!"

"What happened?"

"There were nearly a thousand devils chasing us. Where did they go? Do you think the little devils would stand on the mountain ridge to watch the fun?"

"what do you mean?"

"Fuck, according to the temper of the little devil, most of them have already divided their troops and outflanked them from the north and south wings of the valley."

"The devils are here now just to feign attack? Just to hold us back?"

"This should be!"

Captain Qin in the team was stunned for a moment: "Are you sure?"

Ma Liang's thinking is similar to that of the big dog: "The little devils are stronger than us in combat, and their firepower is far superior to ours, and they now have superior forces. We are just taking advantage of the favorable terrain in advance. Of course, we still have the initiative on the battlefield. , the little devil commander is not stupid. They have so many advantages, so they naturally want to fight us. What they fear most is that I will fight guerrillas and not fight him head-on. Therefore, I suggest to make use of our strengths and avoid weaknesses. I run"

Liu Manhe's expression changed, and he immediately asked the correspondent next to him, "Have the scouts from the north come back?"

At this time, the soldiers of the secret service group came back together. It seems that they still did not pay attention to the battlefield reconnaissance. , we have no choice but to be surrounded by devils."

"How could he form an encirclement circle so quickly, we will have time to go straight up the mountain!"

"What if the devil arranges a small group of troops to go up the mountain from other places and go around us and set up an ambush in advance?"

"You look too high on devils, don't you?"

"Is there any? You will know if you go up the mountain now."

"You mean, we are probably surrounded by now?"

"Not now, if we wait any longer, we will!" Ma Liang shook his head and didn't speak any more.
Liu Manhe looked at Ma Liang, then looked again at the attracting troops who had already engaged with the enemy, and ordered to the correspondent next to him: "Alternate cover, retreat up the mountain ridge"

A ditch suddenly appeared on the mountain road, and the second lieutenant and the lieutenant followed behind the team.

The lieutenant had an intuition that the Eight Route Army might set up an ambush here.

If the Eighth Route had installed two machine guns outside the ridgeline of the northern ditch, as long as the warriors entered the ditch, they would probably be dealt a devastating blow.

Now there are two ways, one is to bypass.

The second is to clear the eight-way ambush team with grenades.

The first way is to waste time, besides, the mountain road is not easy to detour.

The second method will consume too many grenades. First, the warriors must be arranged to enter the ditch to attract the Tuba Road to fire, so as to accurately remove the firepower of the Tuba Road.

(End of this chapter)

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