under fire

Chapter 1081 How can the 9th Battalion not fight back after being beaten

Chapter 1081
A small village in the mountains.

More than twenty families.

No matter how big or small, there are small courtyards.

Low and simple.

It should be a lack of building materials.

Therefore, most of the houses built on the mountain are made of local materials.

Wooden uprights.

Shrub canes weave into walls.

The inside and outside are then pasted with yellow mud.

It seems that even the yellow mud is not enough.

So the mountain wind kept drilling into the house through the cracks in the wall.

He Gensheng was busy in the house where the candles were lit and the doors and windows were sealed tightly.

Another wounded person was carried out, and when the door curtain was lifted, the light swayed out by chance, and the light was not far away.

A bloody smell rushed out of the room and spread rapidly.

Another wounded man who was waiting in the yard was quickly carried into the house.

From time to time, soldiers who died of serious injuries were carried out of the village to be buried.

In the nearby yard, Liu Yuanqing, who was leaning against the wall, looked at the soldier who was talking to him not long ago, and was carried out by two young recruits.

There was not even a piece of white cloth on the body of the soldier.

He didn't like this environment very much and planned to leave the yard.

I don't like the feeling of limited mobility.

He hates having to listen to arrangements for everything.

It is even more annoying to hear the gunshots, but not to see the useless feeling of the enemy.

However, the people in Jiuying in the village didn't like him at all.

He who had just stood up couldn't help yelling at the neighbor next door: "He Gensheng, it's useless for you to save them at this time, why don't you take a gun and go to the battlefield to find the devils and fight for it?"

There was no reply in the yard next door, two rag shoes flew high and hit Liu Yuanqing accurately.

A strange smell came, and I almost vomited.

Still no one paid attention to him, including the two sculptures sitting at the door of the firewood room.

The sound of hurried footsteps coming and going next door.

The gunshots not far from the east of the village made Liu Yuanqing's indescribable sense of excitement and stimulation even stronger.

Silently calculating the distance in my heart, I sighed.

Leaning on a cane, he walked slowly to the door of the firewood room, and cursed at the two wounded who were like sculptures sitting at the door: "You two short-sighted guys, watch out for the bastards in the house to escape!"

A certain sculpture finally raised its head: "If you want to escape from Lao Tzu, there is no door!"

"Open the door!"

The sculpture gave this guy a blank look: "Who are you, hurry up and get out."

Liu Yuanqing sighed: "Hey, if it wasn't for my idea, your kid would have died on the mountain ridge."

"That's not OK!"

"I'll just take a look at that devil, okay?"

"Take care of your injury and don't worry about it."

"Boy, if the little devil really runs away, you won't be able to cry then."

"You don't need to worry about it."

Liu Yuanqing felt bored when he saw that the oily man didn't enter, so he turned around and walked slowly out of the courtyard, dragging his leg with injured blood vessels.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he could see at a glance Tian Sanqi, the supreme commander of the wounded soldiers village, directing the lightly wounded soldiers to set up positions in the courtyard on the edge of the village.

However, Tian Sanqi was sitting on a stretcher carried by two lightly wounded soldiers, yelling: "Tear off all the thatch on the roof quickly, in case the devils throw torches outside and set fire to it!"

A certain wounded quit: "How long will this work? These houses are all made of wood, so they can still be built with a little effort."

"It doesn't burn as fast as thatch, don't be verbose, move faster."

"Oh, my whole body hurts from this movement, how can I get up quickly?"

"Within half an hour, I don't care what method you use, it must be completely dismantled."

"Company Commander Tian, ​​this can't be done at all, unless we set fire to it ourselves."

"Then demolish the ones near the entrance of the village first."

"It's almost there"

"Open a few more shooting holes on the courtyard wall."

"Is it necessary to open it? Take a random stone to make a shooting hole, and open as many holes as you want"

"Just do what you're told, there's so much nonsense."

Liu Yuanqing followed the stretcher to the east of the village, listening to the sparse guns in the east.

Tian Sanqi on the stretcher yelled again at the gate of the courtyard: "Tear down the courtyard wall quickly, move the stones to the entrance of the village and block the way into the village."

"Okay." The rifle leaned against the wall, and a wounded soldier who grinned as soon as he moved started to make a move.

Another soldier suddenly asked: "Company Commander, I think, although I have limited mobility, can you carry me outside the village and find a place where I can hide to shoot the little devil?"

"Well, that's a good idea"

"I can't go anyway, so I'll just guard the entrance of the village. Can you give me an extra grenade?" Another wounded man with a bandage on his calf held a stone taken from the courtyard wall in his hand, begging in his eyes.

"The battalion commander gave us twenty hand grenades in total, not even enough for the honorable bombs. I'll shoot them myself later."

"The quality of this shell is so good, it would be a pity to smash it later." Another wounded man, whose legs were bandaged and unable to move, sat under the wall and carefully wiped the shell gun.

"Company commander, can you stab me at that time, I'm afraid...it won't be easy to wipe my neck later." A soldier with bandages on his head and neck was a little frustrated.

"Then you save yourself a bullet."

This guy almost jumped up when he heard it: "Impossible! I will leave the last bullet for the little devil!"

Another one was even a little proud: "Hey, there must be 25 devils killed or injured by me, not to mention [-]."

"I knew I was also a machine gunner"

"Just rely on your small body to be a machine gunner? Just daydream."

"If I die, Lao Qin will take good care of my mother."

"It goes without saying that even the ordinary villagers, Old Qin, are taking good care of them."

"Hey, why are you in a daze here? Are you thinking about your unmarried daughter-in-law?"

"I still have a daughter-in-law who can think about it. When you die, there is no one who cares about you."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Lao Qin will burn paper money for me"

"Have you finished writing your suicide note?"

"Write a fart, my family is gone, who am I writing to?"

"You can write to Lao Qin and ask him to burn two more copies for you in the future."

"Bullshit, I have all my skills, even if I go to the underworld, I will still be an eight-way murderer. I want money for a fart. Who did you ask to write it?"

"Let you learn to read, you don't want to, are you dumbfounded this time?"

"I know a lot of characters, but I can't write them."

By the side of a certain earth wall, a soldier sitting against the base of the wall is using a bayonet to carve strokes on the pillars supporting the earth wall, crooked words: bloody battle to the end, Wu Wu, a soldier from the Ninth Battalion of the Independence Regiment
"Hey, engrave my name on it too." Another wounded man with a bandaged calf next to him was carefully cleaning his rifle, looking up from time to time at the dim words under the moonlight.

"it is good"

In the broken window, a head poked out: "And I"

The group of Jiuying didn't seem to be facing a life-and-death situation at all, but seemed to be doing homework.

When Liu Yuanqing came back to his senses, he couldn't help feeling a little strange: Why didn't any of these guys cry?

Kazuro Takahashi was hung from the beam of the firewood house, listening carefully to the movement outside the door.

From time to time, there were groans and the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Balu's method of tying people up is very strange. The upper body is bound tightly, and the forearms are tied together from the elbows.

A rag was stuffed in his mouth, and a bandage was tied behind his head.

So that he couldn't use his arms at all, lifted his body and opened his mouth to bite the rope tied to his forearm.

Fortunately, the foundation of the wall plastered with mud was rocks. He was leaning his body close to the base of the wall, and the mountain vines binding his legs were finally worn off.

He let out a sigh of relief, and then kicked off the military boots on his feet, lifted his feet, tried to reach his mouth, and rubbed the tightly tied bandage around his mouth to his neck.

With strength in his arms, he lifted his body quickly, opened his mouth and bit the thick and strong mountain vines on his little finger.
After a short time, the mountain vine was finally bitten off and let go.

Cautiously walked to the door, prepared to make a noise to let Ba Lu from outside come in to check, and then snatched the gun
However, he suddenly felt that there was no need to take this risk.

Hearing the thatch on the roof from Balu outside just now, his mind moved, he quickly climbed up to the roof by the mountain vines that tied him, made a hole in the roof, and quickly got out.

In the darkness where the moonlight cannot be seen.

Several pairs of big eyes are staring at this scene.

Xiao Hongying was pleasantly surprised: "Old Bandit Qi, I really have you."

Old Bandit Qi, who was some distance away from Xiao Hongying, smiled triumphantly: "Hey, even ordinary little devil spies have this ability to escape, let alone a devil who can be the leader of the advancing team."

In the darkness where the moonlight could not be seen nearby, a voice came out: "Junior Sister, hey, platoon leader, I will take someone away first."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety, leave marks along the way, and make sure to find the devils and advance into the team."

"Don't worry, if you want to slip away from Master Dao, there is no door."

"Don't talk big, if the devils enter the barracks, you won't be able to chase them. Remember not to expose them, and send someone back to report. This time, my aunt will not use mortars to kill them. This matter will never end." Xiao Hongying said face excited.

"But didn't Wan Baxi leave with Luo Fugui?"

"Hey, you don't have to worry about this."

(End of this chapter)

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