under fire

Chapter 1086 Who's Who

Chapter 1086 Who's Who

Liu Manhe wanted to find bad luck for advancing to the team.

Ma Liang has always wanted to find Jiuying.

Captain Qin was originally assisting the guerrilla detachment in anti-mopping up, but after the three groups got together, he suddenly discovered that he, the captain of the anti-university members, had become a follower.

Although Liu Manhe is young, but he is a staff officer of the headquarters secret service corps, so he has to obey.

But Ma Liang is also a student. According to Ma Liang himself, he was only registered as a platoon leader on the roster of the Anti-Japanese University.

Ma Liang was the company commander who was promoted later, one level lower than himself.

This time, he joined the Ninth Battalion, which was besieged by devils, but the squad led by Ma Liang completely overturned his previous cognition in terms of fighting power.

So when Staff Liu had a disagreement with Ma Liang, he simply shut up.

According to his own thinking, the best choice is to fight the devil who is chasing after him first, and then go north to join the guerrilla detachment!

As for the Ninth Battalion surrounded by devils, he should break out by himself!

The devils carried out a large-scale raid, and the base areas were busy moving. Those who could fight were developing base areas on the plains and at the foot of the mountains. The Eighth Route Army left in the mountains was not strong in combat effectiveness, so where could they send reinforcements?
Liu Manhe couldn't persuade Ma Liang, and Ma Liang was unwilling to go east, and the two of them were about to fall apart.

Crazy Yang, who was always worried about his brother, finally couldn't help it: "Say a few words"

Ma Liang turned his head, Liu Manhe was stunned for a moment: "If you fart, let it go."

"Advancing Team" Yang Chengzhi paused at this point: "I have a way.
Liu Manhe really wanted to stretch out his hand and pull out this guy's tongue: "Say it quickly."

"There are puppet troops in the valley, we are the advancing team!"

"What do you mean?"

"Pretend to advance into the team!"

Liu Manhe was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed: "Haha. Why didn't I think of such an idea!"

Captain Qin next to him was at a loss: "What are you talking about?"

Ma Liang has a black line: "He said let's pretend to be the advance team, go to the puppet army below, and then let the puppet army fight the advance team behind."

Captain Qin De's jaw dropped in shock: "Is this okay?"

Sporadic gunfire continued in the valley.

The puppet army is encircling and annihilating the elite national army who fled to the mountain.

With submachine guns, they must be elite!

The Sergeant Cao's command was not built. He first sent people to outflank the mountain and cut off the Tuba Road to escape. Seeing that he was done.

A bayonet hanging from the muzzle of the gun parted the bushes in the valley.

A bird's cry suddenly sounded first in the darkness: "Password?"

The sentinel of the puppet army was taken aback, and he would naturally say a few words in the daily bird language: "Who is the Taijun? The Taijun is good!"

"Which part do you belong to?" Taijun asked in blunt Chinese.

"The First Battalion of the Tang County Security Regiment, Ordered to Sweep It Up"

"My name is Ichiro Takahashi, call your officer to see me immediately!" A figure appeared in the darkness, and a figure with a command knife spoke in broken Chinese with a cold tone.

Not long after, a group of black shadows rushed over.

The leader is the real commander of the puppet army, the Devil Sergeant.

This man yelled excitedly, "Mr. Takahashi is really you?"

Crazy Yang was taken aback, and said in a stern tone, "You know me?"

Juncao shook his head: "It is my honor to hear your name, I will definitely work hard to join the advancing team"

"can you speak Chinese"

Sergeant Cao was taken aback. He knew that bird language was strictly prohibited in the advancing team, so he quickly changed it to Chinese: "My, work hard, study!"

Crazy Yang raised his hand and waved to the mountain ridge to the west: "There are eight routes setting up positions. Annihilate them!"

Being able to fight the Eight Routes with the most elite troops of the imperial army, the Devil Sergeant Cao was so excited that he could speak incoherently: "Hay. Uh. Yes!"

Watching the little devil start dispatching troops, Liu Manhe picked up his dropped chin, and asked in a low voice after a long time, "Is this okay?"

"Do not talk."

Captain Qin, who was lying next to him and holding his gun to prevent accidents, was even more confused. This is a battlefield, okay?
Who are the nine camps?

Just say a few words of bird language, that little devil can he believe it?

When little devils meet with different troops, don't they have to check the password first and then identify themselves?
No, wouldn't the little devil issue a battle plan before the battle?
When and where each troop will arrive is basically arranged in advance. Is this for fun?
After the pseudo-battalion commander gave orders to several company commanders under his command, he followed the Devil Sergeant Cao and ran up to Crazy Yang and asked, "Our department is about to assemble and complete the team. How should we arrange it?"

Crazy Yang praised: "Very good, one company ambushed in front, and when the battle started, the other two companies surrounded them."

The sergeant next to him stared at the stars, the most classic tactic of the imperial army!
Speaking from the seniors of the advance team, it really is extraordinary!

It seems that the seniors must have done a lot of homework in advance, otherwise, how can they be sure that Balu will come down from the mountain?

Driven by the devils, the puppet army set up their positions nervously, but there was a lot of shouting in the valley.

Crazy Yang immediately changed his face: "Why are some people left behind?"

The pseudo-battalion commander hurried forward and explained: "A group of eight groups were discovered earlier, and under the command of the Taijun, they were all arrested."

"Turn them over to us, yours, and ambush them with all your might"

Seeing the pseudo battalion commander hesitate, the sergeant next to him immediately cursed: "Execute the order!"

How can the seniors of the advancing team do such trivial things as ambush on the ground?
The black lights are blind, and the bullets don't have eyes, so it's absolutely impossible for the seniors to fight with Tubalu!

Of course, the seniors of the advance team have to use it to eradicate the Eighth Route Command!

Crazy Yang waved quickly to Captain Qin who was standing beside him, and pointed forward.

Captain Qin had black lines all over his head, so he could only lower his voice, and uttered a word that was half-baked: "Hay."

He took more than twenty platoon leaders and followed the puppet battalion commander to the back of the puppet army's position in the valley.

Under the moonlight, there were at least twenty of them sitting or lying on the clearing in the bushes.

The pseudo-battalion commander was a little confused, but he had heard about the ruthless character of the advance team, and last year the newspapers advertised it for almost a month
Anyway, it must be the elite of the imperial army elite.

Since you are an elite, why do you do the job of guarding prisoners?
Are the elites going to pry something out of these populations?
It's better to know less about these things. In these years, the more you know about these secret things, the faster you will die!
Besides, he didn't dare to disobey what Juncao said, so much so that he didn't even bother to ask.

Anyway, the credit must be indispensable!
He took Captain Qin to the open space where the prisoners were being held, and directly greeted his subordinates to leave.

Qin Dui was in a daze again, it was a fucking dream!
I pinched my thigh, it hurt.
The people captured by the devils are either the national army or the guerrillas
Looking at the twenty or so people sitting on the ground, the five or six lying down hesitated for a while, and gestured to the surrounding students.

It means bringing someone out and asking.
Soon, a man in black in the line was dragged aside.

Those who wear military uniforms must be friendly troops, and those who wear black clothes should be guerrillas.

As for the one lying on the ground, it is temporarily unclear what it is wearing in the bushes.

I have long heard that devils have the habit of beheading their heads on the battlefield, and the one who was dragged was scared out of their wits and shouted, "Excuse me, I don't know anything."

A gun butt hit this guy's back, almost hitting the guy in the back.
"Don't say anything, are your guerrillas still members of the New Fifth Army?" a low voice asked with the bayonet across the neck.

With a knife across his neck, the man on the ground immediately pissed his pants, not daring to hide it: "I am the Special Dispatch Commissioner for Investigation and Statistics of Lingchuan County of the Military Commission."

Isn't the Special Commissioner the Special Commissioner?
As for the military committee, it ordered investigation and statistics.
never heard of that
Seeing that the answer was smooth, the student who asked the question felt that it was better to scare him first: "Our Devil Advancement Team likes people like you."

The bastard on the ground was stunned, this one spoke so clumsily that he even scolded himself?
Shouldn't it be called the Imperial Army's advance team?
Having had a lot of experience, he immediately realized that the situation was not good, and he encountered someone who didn't follow the routine!

This person has a special identity, knowing that the Eighth Route has not been suppressed for many years, but the little devil took the advance team as the vanguard, and directly took over the Eighth Route headquarters last year.

After receiving this news, Chongqing is planning to use the little devil's hand to get rid of the troubles in his heart.

They even know about the fact that the New Fifth Army has falsely voted for devils, and it is very likely that everyone will wear a pair of trousers in the future.

This is the moment. Life-saving is important, so hurry up and reveal the identity of the person who was caught pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.
"What did you say? Those lying on the ground are members of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army?" The student who asked was stunned.

Aren't the members of the independent regiment surrounded by devils on the eastern mountain ridge?

Here's another independent group?

There are quite a few independent regiments of the Eighth Route Army, no...is it a family?

Thinking of this, he immediately said to the students next to him, "Hurry up and call Ma Liang over here!"

 Su commanded the New Fourth Army, and ordered more than [-] devils from a regiment of devils to fight Danyang devils from late at night until dawn, causing nearly a thousand devils to die.
  It is hard to tell whether this is true or false, and it has never been seen in the history of the New Fourth Army.

  Personally, I don't think it's groundless.

(End of this chapter)

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