under fire

Chapter 1087 Someone Has to Carry a Stretcher

Chapter 1087 Someone Has to Carry a Stretcher

The moon has set.

The sky in the east has turned white.

The darkness before the dawn is over.

The disgraced Gao Yidao led his men back to the east mountain ridge in a panic.

Maybe it's something else, maybe it's because of poor vision during the time before dawn, the chasing devils took away the two corpses and retreated temporarily. With the temper of a little devil, it is estimated that they will make a comeback after dawn...

Gao Yidao held up the binoculars, looked into the valley for a while, and gritted his teeth: "This time, I spent all my money... to stop the devils for one night. If they still can't break through, I have nothing to do with me!"

The company commander next to him lost his military cap and knew who the "they" the battalion commander was referring to were, so he reminded: "The battalion commander, the squad we arranged should have sent someone to report the news an hour ago."

Gao Yidao came back to his senses: "You mean they didn't come? Could it be that we retreated too fast to the north and they didn't keep up?"

"The guard post that has been left on the mountain ridge has not noticed them coming."

"What did you do long ago? Hurry up and send a squad and a platoon to look for it"

The first company commander rolled his eyes, he had a heated fight with the devils just now, you kept complaining about the lack of troops, besides, you just got the news, and you didn’t refute it right away, so hurry up and make arrangements.
Gao Yidao turned his head and told Kuaileg next to him, "Quickly count the casualties."

As soon as the quick legs ran away, the correspondent who was with the guard post in the north hurried to Gao Yidao: "Report to the battalion commander, the guerrilla detachment reinforcements are coming."

Following the direction pointed by the correspondent, Gao Yidao could clearly see that a large group of figures were coming from the north.


Old sleeves, bird guns, red-tasseled guns, broadswords... There are all kinds of clothes, and the shoulders, arms and knees are almost unpatched.
Is this for reinforcements or for autumn wind?
Gao Yidao was a little speechless, he blocked it for nearly a night, but you came at dawn.

It's okay to watch the excitement, it's autumn wind, the Second Battalion has been chased away by the devils, and there is almost no chance to clean up the battlefield!

Lost soldiers and generals also lost a lot of guns.

Now in the valley, it is possible to pick up some odds and ends that the devils don't want.

Seeing the tall and tall soldier in the lead staring at him, Captain Song, who stepped forward quickly, frowned: "Independence Regiment Commander Gao, right? Hello...my surname is Song"

"Captain Song?" The detachment leader, at the regiment level, looks down upon him, but the rules can't be broken. Gao Yidao slowly raised his hand to salute: "Hello, this is you."

"A group of devils came from the north, and our detachment is splitting up to break through."

Isn't it reinforcements?Gao Yidao's face darkened even more: "Can you be more careful?"

Although the opponent is a second-rate independent regiment, Haodai is also the battalion commander of the main force. Moreover, the opponent dragged the devils in this area until dawn, and the detachment broke out to the southeast.

The Song detachment didn't care about Gao Yidao's way of speaking: "Part of the devils who originally surrounded the Ninth Battalion of the Independence Regiment turned northward, the devils in the west of the canyon went up the mountain ridge and their movements are unknown, and the puppet troops in the east are advancing on our troops overnight. If it weren't for you I blocked the devils here for one night, maybe we have been surrounded by devils."

Captain Song's words contained a lot of information, so Gao chewed on it for a while: "Then why don't you leave quickly, what are you doing here?"

Captain Song shook his head: "As soon as the day breaks, the devils will attack us if they are free. We can't stay here any longer."

Still have to fight?Gao Yidao was a little confused, so he quickly pulled out the map and looked at it in the hazy morning light... He had no troops, and he didn't know where he was after running around in the middle of the night. He didn't see why, so he raised his head and curled his lips: "Who is the devil's target?"

"According to the instructions conveyed by the superiors, the devils did not have a clear target this time. Instead, they adopted wheel-sweeping and combing tactics against the entire southern mountainous area. The ultimate goal is to completely clear the mountainous area. The target, the friendly army has already surrendered, should be our division headquarters! "

This matter is too big, and the small arms and legs of the Independent Regiment cannot change the overall situation. Thinking of this, Gao Yidao changed the subject: "How is the situation of the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment surrounded by devils?"

"I also just got the news that they should have broken through to the west, and the militia members we left behind have been crowing three times to help their wounded go to the base area. The specific situation is not clear yet."

"Have already broken through? Then I've been messing with my mind for most of the night." Gao Yidao laughed at himself.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and asked the first company commander: "Has the platoon you arranged to find someone left?"

"Just leave!"

"Collect the troops immediately, leave a platoon behind, and the others will carry the wounded and leave eastward with the guerrilla detachment"

The company commander was stunned for a moment, and he heard something in Gao Yidao's words: "What about you?"

Gao Yidao kicked over: "I'll take your row to the south to see."

The first company commander sideways dodged: "That won't work, you lead the team away, I'll go to the south..."

"Do you still dare to hide? I'm taking over this job. It's not your turn to worry about it. Get out of here quickly." This kick was firm.

The story of the first company commander kept rolling and climbing: "I will let the second company commander go with you."

The leader of the Song branch next to him frowned and beat up the subordinate?

The pale sky is getting brighter.

The desolate mountain ridges are gray and green, and the valleys are deep.

Singing birds and flowers are not fragrant.

The guard post is reporting to Gao Yidao who just came over: "The gunfire in the southern valley has been going on since the rooster crowed three times, and it hasn't stopped until now."

"what's going on?"

"Earlier, the third squad sent people to say that the valley on the west side of the southern contact point... that is, there was about a battalion of puppet troops behind the devils. After the correspondents returned, they never came again!"

"Go over and have a look!" Gao Yidao strode south along the path sunken in the bushes on the mountain ridge without hesitation, and the second company commander behind hurriedly arranged for the vanguard.

The vanguard trot quickly surpassed Gao Yidao and headed south quickly.

The sound of gunfire and explosions became clearer and louder.

In the valley three miles away, gunpowder smoke filled the air.

"Report, there are people on the mountain ridge!" The vanguard who arrived first was lying behind a small highland on the mountain ridge.

Gao Yidao led a long line of people to lie on the back of the high ground.

Gao Yidao waved to the vanguard: "Continue to scout forward. Be sure to find the squad left behind."

"Could it be that they exchanged fire with the puppet army?" asked the second company commander next to him.

Gao Yidao pulled out the binoculars and was not in a good mood at all: "The terrain in the valley is flat, just some rocks and bushes, and there is no danger at all. Do you think... your squad can stop a battalion of the puppet army or even a company or even a platoon?" ?”

"Heideng blindly fights head-on, even a squad of the puppet army can fight us equally." The second company commander shrank his neck: "Unless... the third squad has already joined the friendly army"

Gao Yidao raised his binoculars to look west, and suddenly called out strangely: "*&@#"

The Second Company Commander next to him was taken aback: "Battle Commander, are you in a daze?"

Gao Yidao started laughing loudly, he almost held his breath, threw the binoculars in his hand to the Second Company Commander next to him, and pointed at the valley
The second company commander was stunned for a moment, and put down Cao Changjing in his hand.

Lift the binoculars thrown by the battalion commander to see farther and more clearly.

Amid the gunpowder smoke everywhere, the two teams were fighting inextricably. The two sides were close to the foot of the west mountain, and the position was divided into three larger areas from north to south.

Both sides appear to be on the defensive.
The second company commander looked at it for a while, but still didn't understand why the battalion commander smiled so happily, and was a little puzzled: "Could it be that our reinforcements have arrived?"

Gao Yidao next to him pointed at the gunpowder smoke: "Look carefully at their military uniforms!"

"Some of the ones near us look like friendly troops, and some of them look like puppet troops. The ones in the west can't be seen clearly."

"You can't see clearly, can't you see that one side is firing artillery? Look at the plaster flag on the opposite mountain ridge."

The artillery shells continued to explode on the east position, and naturally it was the western team that fired the artillery!The Second Company Commander was happy: "Battalion Commander, do you mean that the friendly army has started fighting with the little devil?"

"Hey, isn't it worth being happy that the friendly army is fighting with the devils?" Gao Yidao laughed so hard that his stomach hurts.

"Battalion Commander, we ran hundreds of miles this time. The task given by our superiors is to meet the friendly troops. They seem to be unable to carry it. What should we do now?"

"Hey, let them bite the dog and bite the dog for a while, and we will go over when they can't support it anymore!"

"But, there are so many enemies. We only have one platoon?" The second company commander reminded, he should have brought his half company here!

"What's wrong with a platoon? We won't go down on the mountain ridge. They will come up if they like it. What does it have to do with me if they don't like to come up?"

"There is someone on the hill in front of us, could it be the staff officer of the friendly army? Why don't you go over and have a look first!"

"Go ahead, don't say I'm here." Gao Yidao waved his hand, pulled back the binoculars, and continued watching the show.

Such situations are rare!
In his opinion, the west side of the valley is the devils, so the east side is naturally the friendly army.

It seems that it should not be difficult to meet the staff of the friendly army this time.
When they are almost done fighting, I will go to get in touch with the people they left on the mountain ridge.

How interesting is that?
The second company commander who took a squad to the south naturally knew what the battalion commander was thinking. Last night when he blocked the devils, one-third of his men were killed or injured, and a lot of equipment was lost. He was very happy, and his heart was very excited, and his complicated mood made him smile for a while.

Why didn't the vanguard squad keep anyone?
The second company commander felt something was wrong!strength,
Waved the soldiers to disperse, and carefully climbed up a horizontal hurdle...

Ma Liang, with his arms in bandages, spread his legs apart, Da Ma Jindao stood in front of him, and the second company commander who was lying on his stomach raised his hand and slammed his eyes. It was early in the morning...Did you see a ghost?
Quickly got up, and the vanguard squad that had gone first was standing in the valley behind the ridge. It took a long time for the Second Company Commander to recover, raised his finger and pointed at Ma Liang, trembling: "Why are you here?"

"Hehe, I still want to ask, why are you here?"

The second company commander immediately turned his head to look at the vanguard squad leader: "Why didn't you report back?"

The squad leader cried and said, "Don Dagou won't let us go."

The second company commander turned to Dagou with a dark face: "What do you mean by your mother?"

Big Dog's 800-year "again" unwashed dirty face shook and laughed: "Didn't your Erlian leave a squad here? Someone must carry a stretcher for them, right?"

The second company commander's face became calm: "What's going on down the mountain?"

"Why don't you have dog eyes?"

"You don't salute when you meet your superior?"

(End of this chapter)

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