under fire

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

These friendly staff officers who were rescued from the puppet army actually brought radio stations!

Gao Yidao is dumbfounded, the submachine guns in the friendly army are not so fragrant anymore
I can see Liu Manhe's young face is as dark as Guan Gong, Youjun is so fucking rich
Captain Qin was so regretful that he wanted to jump off the cliff. If he had known that the puppet army was used last night, the independent regiment was going to meet the friendly army, and the student team did not have this obligation.

Only Ma Liang remained calm.

Apart from handing over this thing, it is useless for farts
The radio operator saluted: ".Report to the Deputy Chief of Staff, the military department is still unable to contact you."

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Jin Shanchuan: "Can I get in touch with your people?"

The guy standing on the side: "I said earlier, there is no password book"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment. The military has a plan. Even if there is no password book, you can still contact them with plain codes and code words.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get in touch with plain codes for several days in a row. Every time the radio was turned on, the possibility of being detected by devils increased.

Thinking of this, I immediately ordered the operator: "Contact immediately with the clear code"

Jin Shanchuan next to him hurriedly stopped: "No, we have suffered too much from devils in this regard, and devils are fully capable of detecting our approximate location through radio signals!"

"The devil is following us now, and he is still spying on your mother?" A staff officer next to him was angry.

In other words, the radio stations carried by the staff officers were transferred immediately after the initial report, and almost all received radio signals at a fixed time.

At other times, I dare not even turn it on.

The deputy chief of staff was angry: "My words don't work anymore? Immediately ask the military department clearly."

A few days ago, everyone had to look at the face of that surname Jin, but this time they finally didn't have to listen to him, and the operator immediately put on the earphones.

After tossing for a while, the radio operator put down the earphones helplessly: "The plain code has already been sent, and the power of our radio station is too low. Maybe the military department transferred it so we didn't receive it."

The deputy chief of staff was angry: "This shit, pack up and go."

Standing beside the four Eighth Route commanders, except for Liu Manhe who knows the basics of radio, the other three have different ideas.

South ridge.

A group of tired soldiers were lying or sitting in a mess, and they ran at least forty miles this night!Hidden in a mountain depression on the edge of the former New Fifth Armed Forces defense area, panting for breath, drinking water and eating dry food.

Xu Xiaomei, who led the way, was sitting on the side, excitedly playing with the shell gun in her hand.

After being chased by devils for most of the night, I turned around twice in the mountains until dawn before finally getting rid of it temporarily.

Fortunately, no devils were encountered all the way south.

As for when the chasing devils will catch up, no one knows.

But at least make a point.

It's not so dangerous to really run behind the devil's mopping up troops.

Zhang Weimin was squatting at a fork in the road with a few men.

Look carefully at the messy footprints on the ground: "Look, Company Commander Zhu, the footprints towards the northwest are somewhat complicated. There are cloth shoes and military boots, which should be left by the Eighth Route Army."

The company commander surnamed Zhu nodded: "That's right, all the footprints to the west are left by the military boots we wear."

"This shows that the people in the staff should go west!"

Company Commander Zhu withdrew his gaze and looked west: "Judging from the thickness of the dust on the footprints, they left no more than four days! The time is right with what the battalion commander surnamed Hu said."

As a soldier, there is naturally basic reconnaissance training, but to judge the time based on footprints, Company Commander Zhu has a wealth of experience, as if he suddenly discovered: "Look, Battalion Commander, these footprints should be left by Staff Officer Wei."

"how do you know?"

"One side is deep and the other side is shallow"

Zhang Weimin said with a dark face, "Just say that he is lame."

"That's what you said, I didn't say it."

"Hurry up and talk about the real thing."

Company Commander Zhu hurriedly added: "Now it's easy to judge. The chiefs of the staff headed west first, but encountered devils sweeping from south to north on the way, so I think they should go north somewhere in the west."

Zhang Weimin stood up: "The possibility is very high, whether it is or not, just go and have a look."

Company Commander Zhu immediately stood up and ordered to the messenger next to him: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and call everyone to assemble!"

The few remaining people followed the messenger back to the col, and Zhang Weimin saw the female guerrilla leading the way sitting silently playing with a pistol. After thinking about it, he didn't let her leave.

First of all, they were afraid that this woman would reveal their whereabouts.

The second is to look at her with admiration. After walking for a whole night, this woman is not tired at all.

Looking at the men on the ground who were stumbling up and gathering together, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Turn around and walk to the side of the radio soldier who has turned on: "Have you got in touch?"

The translator sitting next to the transmitter shook his head: "The regular contact time has not yet arrived, and we haven't sent the report yet."

"I found it." The transmitter wearing earphones and holding a pen in his hand suddenly screamed strangely, and quickly handed the paper on which the message was recorded to the translator next to him, and then continued to listen.

The translator jumped up all of a sudden, took the message and quickly compared it to the code book.

He quickly turned around and handed the translated message to Zhang Weiwang: "Report to the battalion commander, the deputy chief of staff has sent a clear telegram."

Before he finished speaking, the sender dropped another telegram.

The translator quickly picked it up.
Then handed over another one.
The translator looked at it, and was a little confused: "No, why are there so many here at once, and the content seems to be the same?"

Zhang Weimin read the first telegram with excitement on his face: "Hurry up and translate!"

But the translator handed over the second telegram with a mournful face: "The contents of those telegrams are almost the same and they are plain codes."

Zhang Weimin took the telegram and looked at it suspiciously, his nose almost crooked.

He tore up all the telegrams.

Because, the translated telegrams are all the information sent by the devils to persuade them to surrender in plain code.

After receiving the same signal, the radio soldier also felt strange, reached out and took off half of the earphones and turned his head: "It should be that the little devil deliberately sent out a useless signal of interference after receiving the signal from the deputy chief of staff."

Zhang Weimin was stunned for a moment: "You mean, the previous copy was really issued by the staff?"

"That's right, the time was agreed, using plain codes and codes."

Zhang Weimin was stunned for a moment, then quickly picked up the torn paper and found the first message.

The translator next to him explained: "Every time the little devil attacks, he will use this trick to destroy, interfere, and even determine our position through our sending a message."

Zhang Weimin raised the telegram in his hand: "Then why are there so many plain codes?"

The translator took another one, and the code of the message was exactly the same as the first two. This time he didn't even translate: "It should be that the deputy chief of staff shut down the phone immediately after sending the message, which caused the devil's location to be inaccurate! Send a clear code to interfere."

"No, as long as the staff sends a report, the ghost detector can quickly determine the approximate location of the station!" The sender took off the other half of the earphone, and then thought for a while: "The station that the deputy chief of staff is carrying is the same as ours. , the power is very small, and it is mainly used for reception. We can receive the signal now, which means that the deputy chief of staff is not far from us!"

The translator nodded: "That makes sense! Also, the devils sent so many clear-coded messages, which also shows that the deputy chief of staff should be fine for the time being."

After assembling the team, Company Commander Zhu came over and shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. What if the deputy staff officers are caught by devils?"

Dang, the company commander wearing a steel helmet got a slap on the head.

"Battalion Commander, don't hurt your hands." Company Commander Zhu was still in the mood to joke at this time: "Anyway, the New Fifth Army voted for devils, and it would be better if they were caught. The safety of the deputy chief of staff will not be a problem for the time being!"

"I'm fucking suspicious now that you're a spy of Eight Routes"

"Don't talk nonsense, Battalion Commander, think about it, we've been living in this mountain for the past two years, Lao Jiang didn't let us fight the devils, instead he went to fight the Eight Routes to grab the territory, and all the staff officers only knew how to sell cigarettes and soil to sell military rations to make money It is difficult for the country to make money, and the brothers can't even get their salary on time."

"Shut up, it's okay to complain normally, but if you dare to say that again, I will shoot you dead."

"Oh, brother Zhang, these are all my brothers, you look wide-eyed, can the brothers still run now?"

"You have to run if you can't run! Look at the Eighth Route Guerrilla Team." Zhang Weimin raised his finger and pointed at Xu Xiaomei who had just stood up: "All girls can run better than us, you have face, don't talk nonsense, Hurry up and go"

The sender was busy cleaning up the radio station, and reminded: "Commander Zhu, the location of our radio station has been exposed, and we have to move it immediately."

"If you want me to say that I'm an idiot?" After finishing speaking, Company Commander Zhu waved to the team that had assembled earlier: "Let's go, a row of second squads of vanguard soldiers, orderly soldiers... Hurry up and tell the brothers behind to follow up"

(End of this chapter)

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