under fire

Chapter 1090 The long-lost dark cloud

Chapter 1090 The long-lost dark cloud


For many people, they can no longer see the sun as it is today.

Deep in the mountains, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

That's right, it's dark clouds!

Hu Yi couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen the dark clouds.

Where there are clouds, there will be rain.

It is a joy to meet the rain after a long drought.
However, his mood did not improve at all because of seeing the dark clouds.

More than forty devils still followed closely behind.

Hu Yi raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a little headache.

From time to time, the other arm hanging in front of the chest felt a piercing pain.

Until now, he still can't remember how many devils were killed and injured by the Ninth Battalion
The militiamen from Hongsha Village who came to help were brave enough to help the Ninth Battalion fight against it. Twelve of them died and six were injured.

If Luo Fugui hadn't gathered in the valley, it is estimated that these militiamen would have been wiped out.

As a result, they were originally here to carry the wounded, but turned into wounded instead.

The militiamen who died didn't even have a chance to collect their remains.

Liu Laogeng had bandages wrapped around his arms, two whitish grooves flowed from two tears on his face, his eyes were dull, and he kept muttering and repeating: "How can I explain to the orphans, widows, and old people?"

Village Chief Qiao, who was carrying the stretcher, kept comforting him: "Don't worry, they are all martyrs, and we will help them."

Liu Laogeng didn't seem to hear it, a bubble popped out of his nose, and he continued to mutter: "How can I explain to the orphans and widows?"

"War will kill people, they defend their homeland, they are heroes"

"How can I explain to orphans, widows and old people?"

"We will avenge him"

"How can I give to orphans, widows and old people?"


"How can I give it?"

The long queue.

The smell of blood permeated the road.

Followed by grey-faced or listless gray military uniforms with bandages on their heads or arms.

He Gensheng squatted next to the stretcher on the side of the road, stretched out his hand to feel the breath of the wounded inspector, felt his pulse, then put his hand on the wounded man's chest for a long while, then raised his head and shook his head to the villagers standing beside him carrying the stretcher: "It's hopeless." Hurry up and carry it to the roadside ditch, and come back after the devils have swept away."

Hu Yi has been worried that more devils will appear.

However, the soldiers who came back from reconnaissance in all directions kept reporting: "No trace of the enemy was found."

The little braid on her head was drooping, and the little girl was a little absent-minded: "Fox, will the enemy be really led away by the friendly army?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "The devil spends so much energy, he can't give up."

"I'm really anxious to death. The person who chased Takahashi devil hasn't come back yet."

Yi carried the ammunition box and stopped by the side of the road to wait for Hu Yi: "Battle Commander Hu, after passing the mountain pass in front, enter our village. I know there is a place where no matter how many people come, we won't be afraid of them!"

Hu Yi stopped and stood beside the road: "What do you mean?"

"There is a place called Yixiantian in front. As long as we go to the cliff to ambush in advance, we can kill these little devils behind us even with stones!"

"How far is it?"

"About ten miles!"

There was a sudden commotion in the front line.

"It's not good, Liu Laogeng hit a rock and died."

The ghost second lieutenant who was chasing him had a dark face, standing on the ridge with his binoculars in both hands, watching the long line winding northward in the valley.

After chasing to the village in front of Lieutenant Yu Sui, he keenly discovered that the fleeing Tuba Road's combat effectiveness was getting weaker and weaker.

It seems that there are definitely not many people who can fight on Tuba Road!

Judging from the corpses on the ground, Tubalu even began to mobilize villagers in the village to fight the imperial army with guns.

When I saw villagers dressed like this before, which one didn't knelt on the ground and shivered?
Could it be that the one who ran south was the Tuba Road Special Service Group notified by the headquarters?
When passing through a sparse forest just now.

One of his men died again and four were injured.

The Second Lieutenant suddenly missed the Imperial Association Army a little bit. Although it is not possible to charge into battle, he can carry a stretcher!

Tuba Road is so despicable that people are even sent to hide on both sides of the mountain road from time to time.

Smash the warrior who is carrying the stretcher back!

They sent warriors to suppress them, but the temporarily dead Eight Route tried to pull a grenade to kill them all...

The quality of the eight-way grenade is too poor, and the imperial army has added two more wounded...

Later, they had to carry the wounded soldiers in pursuit, which seriously slowed down the pursuit.

Not only that, but he should have returned half an hour ago, and the messenger who communicated with the brigade was nowhere to be seen.

The team has completely become a lone army!

There have been rumors in the headquarters for a long time that the mopping up force is less than a brigade, and they cannot enter the deep mountains!
Every step forward, you have to be careful, and at any time you have to prevent the Tuba Road hiding in the bushes on the hillside and behind the stones from shooting black guns.

It's not as enjoyable as chasing at night.

I couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

The second lieutenant's eyes almost burst into flames: endless aggrieved.

The map spread out on the ground in front of me is useless!

The sergeant under his command covered his face and said, "According to the rules of the battlefield, we should retreat now."

The lieutenant's tone gradually calmed down: "Tell me, did this group of Eight Routes deliberately let me chase them so that the people in the south of them could escape?"

Sergeant Cao froze for a moment, the second lieutenant didn't seem to listen to his suggestion at all.

I have heard that the Eighth Route Army led away the imperial army to protect the villagers and the wounded.

This is the first time I've heard of using the wounded to lure away the imperial army to cover the combat troops!
Hearing the second lieutenant's question, he would probably be slapped if he didn't answer: "I guess so."

Sergeant Cao took two steps back on purpose, feeling a burst of sadness in his heart, when did Tuba Road become so powerful?

The lieutenant was killed in battle, and this time I go back, I guess life must be difficult
Next time, be sure to be The Expendables.
"Continue to pursue. Increase the number of observation posts. As long as anyone in the Tuba Road team leaves the team, they must see clearly where they are hiding." The second lieutenant suddenly made up his mind!
Condescending, as long as someone from the Eighth Route leaves the team, they will definitely be able to see it!
There are only a dozen of the Eight Routes fighting in the front. If they can all be wiped out, then the remaining villagers with guns will definitely not be the opponents of the imperial army!

Most of the squadron died in battle, and now even if the whole squadron is killed in battle, Tubalu will have to pay the price!

The ghost sitting on the mountain path slowly stood up, no longer with the former majesty.

in the valley.

command tent.

The captain didn't sleep a wink all night!

His eyes were red, and stubble hung all over his face overnight.

On the mountain ridge, the attack on Tuba Road lost troops and generals.

A squadron of friendly forces lost more than half.

A squadron I sent to pursue even lost more than half of it, and still has the face to ask for help!
The staff officer had already been beaten into a pig's head by him, but he kept staring at him.

"Are you afraid that I will cut seppuku now?" The captain suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, I will never do that."

The staff officer shook his head: "It is certain that the wounded soldier was indeed infected with Huliela. Fortunately, it was discovered in time and the spreading trend was temporarily controlled."

The captain was weak: "Is there any news from the pursuit squadron?"

"After I came to ask for help last night, there was no news."

"Where's the messenger sent out?"

"Haven't come back yet!"


"The two battalions of the Royal Association Army have marched overnight and have reached ten miles to the south. The imperial aviation scouts will arrive over the valley in half an hour."

The captain raised his head: "I told you to retreat, don't you have long ears?"

The staff officer's tone was flat: "The major sent a call to order us to stay here!"

The captain froze for a moment: "Go out, I want to be quiet"

"Major let me watch you!"

The captain didn't seem to dare to miss it. He looked at the staff officer for a while, and finally he was discouraged: "Don't worry, I won't cut seppuku."

The staff officer nodded to the guards next to him, and the two devils immediately stepped forward to bow and salute, and then took away the captain's command saber and pocket sword.

The captain sat cross-legged in the tent, motionless, not saying a word.

The staff officer waved to the guards, turned and walked out of the tent.

Didn't take a few steps.

There was a shot from inside the tent.
The two guards quickly turned and ran towards the tent.

The staff officer shook his head, pulled off the mask hanging on his chin, and walked towards the wounded barracks tent
 The ghost Musashi knife is used to cut belly with a sword, not a common rib difference

(End of this chapter)

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