under fire

Chapter 109

Chapter 109
The soldiers marched quickly, and after half an hour, they arrived behind the small highland.

The sun in the sky was already westward, and the devil lieutenant on the small high ground turned his head angrily to stare at the devils who kept climbing up behind him, and then watched the team leader who came up first start to prepare, coordinate, and prepare to deal with the impact of the eight-way attack from the other side around the small cliff highlands.

Half an hour ago, I found that there was something wrong with the eight roads. I must have discovered that someone came up from my side, but it shouldn't be. How could the eight roads find out?I can't take care of anything else, let's guard this hill first, and then there are dozens of eight roads, which are not worth mentioning.

The devils who came up had only two grenadiers, and more than 50 soldiers. With the imperial army's precise shooting skills, eight groups also came to stroke the imperial army's beard, so wouldn't they come and die?
In the binoculars, there are only about two rows of the eight roads going around. It seems that there are still some people left at the mountain pass. It seems that the imperial army is still unable to come up.

The squadron leader couldn't help but feel a little sad. When will the imperial army defend against the Eight Route Army?And it's still half of the division, and half of the company's Tuba Road is on the opposite side!This unscientific.

Seeing that the Eighth Route had reached the foot of the hill, the Eighth Route stopped moving forward, and stayed in the bushes under the hill. From there, it was a big gentle slope. The lieutenant drew out his command knife, and prepared to wait for the Eighth Route to advance a few tens of meters before playing the role of the imperial army. of archery.

The eighth road is no longer moving forward, leaving the lieutenant speechless, can't you go a little further?Faster 400 meters, you make the imperial army's excellent shooting skills unable to play, go a little more, even 50 meters.

Balu smelled the wind?impossible?What does it mean to stay at the foot of the mountain?
The lieutenant is confused!
Li Xiang had already put down the engineering shovel in his hand, commanded a dozen soldiers, and began to take off the grenades behind them, and set them up in the pile of earth and rocks that had been simply filled up.

The little girl pulled out the machine gun, and put a stone that Luo Fugui had just brought over as a shooting platform.

"Xu Xiao, give me the binoculars." In the current situation, the little girl naturally had to show off.

The little girl blinked and stopped talking, she was waiting for the fox to give an order.

Hu Yi held up the binoculars, but couldn't see anything. Just now Tian Sanqi came to report that the ghost was found on the mountain. The reflection of the binoculars was particularly obvious, and the ghost was undoubtedly behind the hill.

The troops had already reached the bottom of the hill, about [-] meters away from the hill, and the devils hadn't fired yet. On one side was a small cliff with a water source, and they couldn't get through. On the other side, Tang Dagou and Hao Yun led two squads to stare nervously.

Not long after, Tian Sanqi, who was no longer a sentinel, came back from reconnaissance: "Company Commander, there are traces of people walking on the eastern cliff!"

Ding Deyi and Hu Yi looked at each other: "Commander Hu, is it true that a group of devils have already passed by, but why didn't they attack the team at the mountain pass?"

Hu Yi also had no idea.

Jiulian has no shortage of experts at any time.

Luo Fugui took over the words: "That's not easy. The devils want to sneak attack on our division headquarters. They don't have many people coming up. If they attack us, it will waste a lot of time. So let people go to the division headquarters first, and the people who come up later If there are too many, they will attack us again and cooperate with the devils to come up. This is like we snatch a few people to go in before the local tyrants, and then let them open the door with great fanfare. way."

You can talk about stealing chickens and dogs so magnificently, and mosquitoes with thick faces that don't know what to do will definitely not be able to bite through them.

"So I have an idea, before we touch the chicken, we always throw a stone to lure the dog away, and then catch the chicken."

The devil who went up the mountain first was turned into a dog by Luo Fugui's fallacy, and the one who was still climbing the rope was the chicken.

The devil's situation was guessed by a group of Tubalu.

Lieutenant Guizi watched the eight roads at the bottom of the mountain making troubles, but the bushes blocked his sight, and the eight roads stopped at the bottom of the hill and stopped moving forward. What does this mean?I checked the distance visually, it is more than 300 meters, if they advance another 50 meters, you can give them some color to see, if you don’t come up, I don’t care about you, wait a little longer, more imperial troops will come up, hehe, I’m exhausted Affordable, the longer it takes, the better it will be for the imperial army.

Boom—the first grenade was fired from behind the bushes, and a soldier tore off the safety of the second grenade, preparing for the second reload.

Hu Yi looked at the hillock calmly, and the binoculars gradually focused until it became clear. He saw a grenade that had just exploded behind the hillock, and the raised stones, bushes, and branches were falling everywhere; nothing was wrong, if it wasn't for Tian San Qiming said that he saw the devil's helmet, and Hu Yi felt that the grenade was pointless at all.

Immediately afterwards, within a range of about ten meters wide, six grenadiers fired together. Even a veteran soldier like Hu Yi could only stare blankly, unable to determine the approximate range of the target, and unable to determine whether there was anyone at the target. Unwillingly, Hu Yi slammed firepower on the area behind the mountain bag. Hu Yi felt that he was crazy.

The target is definitely not crawling around, they must be hiding now, Li Xiang's grenade launcher is actually not very hopeful, such a large area, only three rounds of grenades, less than [-] grenades, even if they are all released, they can't cover much In other places, the chances of being in Mongolia are very small.

A few binoculars were carefully sweeping along the ridgeline of the mountain, watching carefully, pushing themselves and others. If there were really a large number of devils, then there would be a little different movement. Finally, the rocks and bushes from the explosion flew up. Break the uniform!
So the grenadier stopped, and there was a faint howl from the other side of the mountain bag.

Finally, some unlucky devil was caught, which caused a burst of laughter on the Eight Road side.

Since you devil is good at marksmanship, it is impossible not to know that the troops of the Eighth Route have come, so the devil will definitely lie on the ridgeline of the mountain. Since you devil will not take the initiative to attack, then I will come instead!
At the same time, it is explained that the number of devils on the mountain must not be many, and the troops are insufficient. If such a steep mountain is climbed, it will kill the old man. Does the cliff mean that you can climb it by climbing it?
The problem is how to attack. The devil's marksmanship is not covered, and Hu Yi never thought of taking human life to fill it.

If the devils are really on the top, most of them must be on the ridge line. The distance between the two sides is no matter how good the devil's marksmanship is, and the devils can't reach them. There's no need to take risks, if you can't fight, run away if you can't fight, anyway, the division has been notified, they are fine, and they drilled into the mountains by themselves, it seems that it is not easy for the devils to find themselves.

The little girl's machine gun rang out untimely, the sound shook the sky again, the scorching muzzle flame distorted the air, the pigtail trembled, and the machine gun tripod vibrated the stone, bringing up a cloud of dust.

The lieutenant was taken aback by a string of bullets flying over his head, and quickly buried his head in the crevice of the rock. When did Balu become so rich?Isn't this a tactic commonly used by the imperial army? You are not afraid of death, let me show you some color!

The lieutenant, who hated his teeth itchingly, had a ferocious expression: "Grenadier's work, fire immediately, destroy that machine gun for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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