under fire

Chapter 110 Running away is also a skill

Chapter 110 Escaping is also a skill

The machine gun that had emptied a magazine stopped, and the clouds of smoke from the nineteen explosions were blown away in one piece by the mountain wind.

Finally, a wretched target appeared at the Shansuo line, and then one after another, finally connecting into a line, there was no need to hide it anymore, the devils finally showed their faces and put on their guns one by one.

Boom, there was a loud noise, a black guy smashed out from the top of the mountain, swayed and smashed towards the eight-way group at the bottom of the mountain, looking at the posture, he went straight to Li Xiang's bullet-throwing position.

"Lie down!" Shouts of "get down" resounded through the mountains. Adjutant Hao threw down the girl who was changing the magazine. Fortunately, the grenadier shot down from the mountain, and the distance was a little far away. They crossed Li Xiang's grenadier position, and also flew over ten meters past the machine gun.

The grenade exploded violently, setting off a wave of mud, rocks and broken branches and weeds. The people who stood close to watch the excitement got up and ran back after the explosion.

Test shot?

Does the grenade need to be tested!

The mule next to the machine gun position jumped up and threw Hao Yun off, picked up the little girl and threw it on his shoulder, carried it on, and ran back. Adjutant Hao, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, pulled up the Czech style and followed closely.

The soldiers who had been shouting at the back, only now realized that when watching the excitement, you must stay a little farther away. Immediately after the explosion, a wave of bullets flew over, and a few unlucky ones were hit, and a soldier shouted " Oops, I was shot, am I going to die?"

But he was kicked: "Screaming so loudly, is he dead?" A soldier pulled a bullet off the back of the howling soldier, and his clothes were almost torn by the bullet. Fortunately, it was just a ricochet!
The wounded were carried away, and the swarm of birds and beasts dispersed and retreated.

A big three-eight cap was pulled over by small hands full of dust, and the girl who had just got off the mule's shoulder rubbed her belly, cursed and set up a steady rifle on a stone, the butt of which was pressed tightly against her tense little shoulder. A beautiful big eye disappeared behind the trigger, and a ferocious squint eye appeared, the old god was looking for the target.

Hey, my aunt saw you hit me!Snapped

With the arrogant muttering in the small eyes, a gunshot joined the din of the devils shooting.

The distance is already almost 500 meters, and it will be hell if you can hit it.

For the first time, the devils on the mountain did not attack!He fought back aggrievedly on the mountain bag.

"Has the devil changed his sex?" Luo Fugui looked confused.

His subordinate Tang Dagou and a group of old recruits led by Hao Yun trembled, looking for rocks and shallow pits everywhere, and after finding the location, they responded to the devils on the mountain without showing any weakness.

Da da da da, puff puff puff sounded, the Czech style and the crooked handle sounded at the same time, and the bullets rushed towards the mountain bag as if they didn't want money.

The bullets of the Devil's machine gun spun at high speed and screamed, flying wantonly, digging into the ground.

The Eighth Route is going to be dark, and the devils are waiting for someone. There are not many people coming up, afraid that the Eighth Route will find out, so the devil team has not been deployed. Seeing that the key care of the Eighth Route's grenade position has no effect, it has exceeded the range of the grenade, and can no longer continue The grenadier stopped shooting, and the lieutenant cursed that the eight-way dog ​​belonged to the rabbit, and ran fast, but did not arrange for anyone to attack.

Escaping is also a skill, and soon, all the eight roads under the mountain bag ran out of effective range.

After shooting a shuttle, none of the devils at the ridge line continued to shoot. Even though the bullet rain was dense just now, only one devil was injured, and the other casualties were caused by the eight-way grenade.

The number of enemies on the hill must still be increasing, and the Eighth Route Army is still retreating. After 600 meters between the two sides, the figures are uneven and can't be seen clearly.

Obviously, the devils had the upper hand, but the situation on the battlefield changed. Generally speaking, the devils attacked and ambushed and blocked. The reason why the devils didn't attack was that after Li Xiang's dozens of grenades fell, the devils became scared.

They don't know how many grenades there are on the eighth road, and they are afraid of encountering a second round of bombardment.

There are grenadiers on the eighth road under the mountain bag, so it’s a fart, wait for a group of people to come up, bring up a few small steel cannons, let alone, without artillery support, when the opponent’s troops far exceed your own, the drill code stipulates that you can’t attack. Right now Dodge obediently first.

Anyway, the advancing team has already left, and the imperial army can afford to wait!
"Boss Hu! Look, devils keep crawling into the position. In just a short while, there are five or six more devils!"

Li Xiang, who had been counting, corrected in a low voice: "There are eight more, five on the left and three on the right!"

Holding the machine gun handed over by Hao Yun, Luo Fugui replaced it with a full magazine, and gave Hao Yun the empty magazine.

A little girl's voice suddenly sounded nearby: "There are too many devils, we can't beat them. The terrain here is low and we can't beat them. Let's retreat quickly!"

Xiong, who was about to speak, stopped abruptly: "What did you say?" Shouldn't this be said by me, Fugui?
Hu Yi also withdrew back, looking at the girl with question marks all over her face.

The little girl was dragging the rifle backwards, looking like a cat, muttering in her mouth: "The devil has a problem."

Hu Yi didn't understand, Luo Fugui grinned in surprise: "His grandma's ghost has a problem? Even a fool can see it. It doesn't matter what you say! I almost got shot just now, Buddha bless..."

"Bless me, I said that the devil's target is the division headquarters. There are fifty or sixty people on it. We only have such a small number of people, but they don't attack. There must be a conspiracy." The cat arrived next to Hu Yi, and finally sat down just enough to accommodate him. In the bushes of only one foot, while taking off the binoculars, he laboriously pressed bullets into the gun.

Hu Yi believed that the girl's words must be believed, because this is a battlefield, and she will not talk nonsense.I just don't understand that she can know what conspiracy the devil has.

"What conspiracy do you think the devil has?" This time it was Hu Yi's turn to be surprised.

"The ghost has good marksmanship and strong fighting power. Hehe, with our little people, it's not worth their waiting, and we're definitely not waiting for someone to come up. Obviously, we don't want to get entangled with us." The little pony tail turned around: "Mule, let me ask you, Why didn't the eight roads behind us come up to say hello to us?"

"Uh, we have been wicked for nine consecutive years, and we have a good reputation!" Mule replied nonchalantly!
"You bastard who has never seen the world, you don't have a brain! You are talking nonsense." The little girl casually threw a lump of dirt over the target's forehead.

"Your grandma's..." But another piece came.

"I think most of the ones behind us are the advance team!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

Mule, who was not afraid of death after being hit twice in a row, stretched out his hand to touch the little girl's forehead: "Has your brain been confused by the devil's grenade?"

"In terms of marching in eight miles, we are considered slow. You have to admit it?" The dark face couldn't help but start to shine as usual, and the group of elders were speechless: "They didn't even We can't keep up, is that the Eighth Road in the mountains?"

Hu Yi has black hair, and the talented security forces marched together. This seems to be reasonable.

The little girl continued to be stunned: "When we turned north from the fork, they had no news. It is impossible for the devils not to find them. We blocked the devils here, and there was not even a gunshot in the mountains. You said, they Like Eight Routes, besides, they don't even know how many devils have come, at most they meet the vanguard of the devils, and if they don't fight a shuttle, you think they are still called Eight Routes?"

Hu Yi finally realized: "You mean the Eighth Route Army uniform they wore? They followed you all night?"

After speaking, he pulled out the map from his bag.

I fell into deep thought again, ignoring the fact that there were more and more devils on the hill.

(End of this chapter)

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