under fire

Chapter 111 Abnormal

Chapter 111 Abnormal
"Boss Hu, it's a waste of bullets to shoot at this distance! The devil's marksmanship is good, even if he hits us blindfolded, he can't stand it. Up to now, we have injured three, although they are all minor injuries. If this continues, the devil will become more and more serious." The more people there are, when they attack, I don’t think it will be dark.”

Hu Yi withdrew his gaze from the map, looked around, and then looked at Luo Fugui: "Go and tell everyone to stop shooting, let everyone hide, and tell the political commissars to retreat. It doesn't make much sense to stay here."

What Luo Fugui was waiting for was this sentence, and he got up from beside Hu Yishen in a panic, and gave the order to Xu Xiao, Xu Xiao was unambiguous, and immediately ran back to deliver the order.

Luo Fugui pulled the binoculars and scanned the top of the mountain, feeling a little panicked: "The devil has exposed half of his body, is he going to attack? Run quickly!"

"Offensive shit, the devils are on the top of the mountain, there are so many weeds, there are too many devils, they must not be able to find a suitable position, lying on their stomachs and can't see the foot of the mountain, so they had to stand up, it seems that they didn't Dare to charge down against the grenade!" The little girl understood Luo Fugui's worry.

Luo Fugui suddenly realized, and continued to look at his subordinates who were hiding around in peace of mind.

There are more and more enemies on the mountain bag. When Xiao Gao goes down to the foot of the mountain, it is not a gentle slope, but a series of ridges. If the devil wants to come down, he has to touch slowly. If he jumps wildly, the sharp rocks caught in the bushes It seems that it is not easy to deal with.

The gunfire from both sides stopped completely, and Jiulian stayed in the bushes. Except for two or three people who secretly looked up, the rest of them were all hidden behind the bushes and some large stones, squatting or sitting, and began to move The grenades were pulled out one by one and placed neatly.

The sun continued to move westward, and the sun was no longer so hot. The fierce firefight just now seemed to have happened a long time ago, making people feel that the battle just now seemed to be fake, or the silence now is not real.

Hu Yi's eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled, why didn't the devil attack?What are they thinking?Do they have another way, so they are not in a hurry here?
The shortest way to the division is here, if you take a detour, it will take at least half a day longer.

It was really a thrill: No, did they really take half the sky on the Eastern Front by detour?If this is the case, then Jiulian staying here is of no use at all!

He looked up at the blue sky, wiped the dust from his hands on his body, carefully took out the pocket watch, opened it and took a look, it was 04:30 in the afternoon.

"What's the situation? The political commissar has already retreated, and the devils on the mountain don't seem to have come down!" Luo Fugui carefully put on his helmet, and poked out his bear eyes from the bushes: "Boss Hu, are we here?" Should we retreat too?"

The little girl squatting next to Hu Yi replied smoothly: "If you want to run, take your bastards first, the devil may be waiting for you in front, hurry up if you are not afraid of death!"

"The devil is in front, as if you have seen it. Seeing your virtue, you just have a crow's mouth!"

"Damn! Those who are ambushed by devils are worthless people like you, who want to run away when they encounter a battle!"

"I am willing. It is better to be ambushed by devils than to see more and more devils up there. There are so many devils, it makes my teeth hurt!" The two, one big and one small, grinned.

Until a figure ran from the north, it was Tian Sanqi, who ran away from the northern reconnaissance when the troops assembled, and reported breathlessly: "Company commander, a large number of devils' military boots have been found in the north!"

Seeing Tian Sanqi come back, the two bickering immediately stopped fighting, watching without speaking.

After hearing this, Hu Yi stood up, looked at the bushes on the hill, closed his pocket watch, looked at the sky, and ignored the big and small ones who were bickering, "It seems that the devils are leading the army, It should have gone north, and the devils at the foot of the mountain have not moved, which means that the devils have divided their troops. Some of them must have gone to the east half of the sky, or there are other devils attacking from the east. If there are, then the devils should enter from the wine station Mountain!"

Luo Fugui asked rhetorically: "The devils entered the mountain from Meixian? Oh, my grandma, isn't this the end? The old nest of the wine station will be taken away again. We just fought with them not long ago, and now they have entered again." Shan, Boss Hu, do you think they can run so well?"

Little girl: "If the devil is really targeting the division headquarters, how can he have time to manage the wine station?"

"Do you know how many devils and security forces there were last time? Hehe, every single mouthful of spit can kill you crooked melons and cracked dates!" Luo Fugui tried his best to show his prestige to others.

"Fox, what should we do now? The situation is a mess right now, and there are devils all around, but the mountain is so big, no matter how capable the devil is, it's impossible for him to search the entire mountain, right?" the girl asked worriedly.

I have never encountered such a situation before. The number of times the devils invaded and suppressed was quite large. Every time there was heavy thunder and little rain. The mountain was so big that it was not easy for tens of thousands of devils to enter the mountain.

"This...his grandma's, Boss Hu, I said, let's run together!" Luo Fugui realized that the problem was serious, and stopped mentioning the matter of running first.


Just talking casually, I didn't expect Hu Yizhen to answer, and Luo Fugui slipped away when he heard Luo Fugui: "Really?"

"Really, what you said is right. No matter how we defend, we won't be able to defend when it gets dark." Hu Yi suddenly shouted in the direction of Li Xiang: "Go 100 meters for me, anyway, we have to keep an eye on the edge Line position, as long as you can hit it, extend 20 meters, release another round, cover with machine guns, and then retreat!"

Hu Yi's idea was simple. Anyway, if he wanted to go, this grenade was only useful for offensive and defensive positions. The terrain in the mountains was complicated, and the two sides fought guerrilla combat.

Compared with the scale of nearly a hundred devils, the Eight Routes under the mountain can actually attack directly, but it is a pity that the guns should come up soon on the issue of firepower.

If the devil really dared to spare no expense to destroy this group of Eighth Route Army, his casualties would probably not be small, but in this mountainous area, if he suffered a serious injury, he might die. As the supreme commander on the mountain, how could he I don't love soldiers like sons, wait a minute, wait until there is artillery firepower before doing the Tuba Road under the mountain.

The lieutenant saw that it was getting late, and the mortar sent from the mountain had finally come up, so what are you waiting for, he immediately ordered the artillery to prepare for the artillery, and let the team leader who had come up earlier get ready before attacking downward.

The first to come up turned out to be the group of heavy soldiers who sent supplies to the devil's advance team. This is the real reason why the devil didn't attack.

The lieutenant with the binoculars looked around, and was immediately stunned, which made him speechless: the eight roads at the foot of the mountain were marching down the mountain in groups, as if they were also in action, what are they going to do? ?Want to attack?

Isn't it good for a piece of grinding time?Can't you wait for the imperial army's gun mounts to be ready before attacking?cunning cunning...

However, when did the imperial army fall to this level?
(End of this chapter)

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