under fire

Chapter 1094 Separation and Beginning

Chapter 1094 Separation and Beginning

The sun is westward.

Logically speaking, when the southerly wind blows in early summer, the dark clouds in the sky should be directed northward.

A line of dark clouds in the sky is rarely drifting to the south.

After working for a year, if it rains, everyone will be in a good mood.

The person who answered him finally came.

Seeing the ghost figure appearing in the valley, the staff officers who couldn't walk suddenly gained strength.

The smile on Zhang Weimin's face quickly turned gloomy.

The deputy chief of staff's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot: "... What do you mean, when you came out three days ago, the military headquarters was surrounded by the enemy?"

"Only Officer Li can still be contacted now. I received their help telegram two hours ago."

"That is to say, the commander disappeared first and lost contact with the military headquarters, and it has been more than three days?"

"Humble position dare not speak falsely"

The deputy chief of staff looked at the map next to him, and immediately gave an order to Zhang Weimin: "Send a report to Li Tietou immediately."

Although the staff officer did not directly command the battle, but the two positions were too far apart, Zhang Weimin did not raise any doubts, and immediately saluted and turned around to arrange radio soldiers: "Yes."

Jin Shanchuan saw a company of military guards coming, and he was accompanied by battalion commander Zhang. Battalion Commander and Chief of Staff Liu send each other off, if you need a brother for anything in the future, the brother will definitely help you even if you are in a daze."

This man was talking about Gao Yidao, but he didn't even look at Gao Yidao who was not far away.

Sitting next to him and hearing this reactionary spewing dung-like words, it is obvious that he wants to cross the river and demolish the bridge: it is clear that he is telling his group to get out of here
Liu Manhe, who was looking at the valley to the east with binoculars, was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and there was an unnatural smile on his face that was uglier than crying: "Hehe, Commissioner Jin speaks quickly, that's good. Be careful all the way. leave it alone"

Gao Yidao still didn't give up, and ran for hundreds of miles, the wounded soldier Baishi silently blocked the Ninth Battalion, and then owed him a favor.
The friendly army received it, and they didn't catch a fart. They didn't even look at themselves when they were talking about the scene. Their faces were so gloomy that they were dripping water.

However, the deputy chief of staff of the friendly army who soon received the reply from Li Tie, who had been on the radio, walked up to Gao Yidao, and didn't mind lowering his posture, and extended his hand to Gao Yidao with a hearty smile: "Battle Commander Gao, this time you are helping each other. In the future, if you can use my brother, just say it!"

There is almost no difference between what this person said and what Jin Shanchuan said, but there is a sense of sincere gratitude in his words.

Gao Yidao doesn't show good looks to Hu Yi, who has cooperated with him countless times, how can he show good looks to his allies?
He didn't even bother to do the polite gesture of reaching out and shaking, so he took out a small notebook: "Please write a few sentences. I can go back and return to life."

The deputy chief of staff was stunned for a moment. Even his life was saved by others. This request seems not too much.

After taking the small notebook, he took out a pen from his pocket, wrote a few sentences, and then wrote down his name.

In fact, if it falls into the hands of the puppet army, it is estimated that there will be no fear of life, but the nature is absolutely different.

After thinking for a while, he took out the small pistol hidden on his calf, which was not found by the puppet army: "There is nothing to repay, this gun is given to Commander Gao as a souvenir."

I have to say that the staff officer surnamed Liu is still very generous.

Most of the submachine guns confiscated by the puppet army from the guards under him were returned from the puppet army and returned to the guard platoon.

Without speculative words, Jin Shanchuan and Liu Manhe finished talking and led his two men to Zhang Weimin's Radio Soldiers.

The deputy chief of staff walked up to Liu Manhe: "Chief Liu, let's leave now."

"It's easy to say. There will be a period later!" Liu Manhe stretched out his hand and shook this man. The devil has already caught up with him, and it would be a hindrance to keep these staff officers.

The deputy chief of staff nodded: "I will definitely send a big gift to Staff Liu some other day."

"Cooperate to fight devils, we don't play with those empty-headed ones."

"Yeah, keep in touch"

In the past, the friendly army and the Eighth Route Army fought for territory, and the two sides were enemies, but now, there is no need to lose face like Gao Yidao.

The dignified deputy chief of staff of the army department, the deputy chief of staff at the same level as the eighteenth army!

It is estimated that Gao Yidao will rarely have the opportunity to shake hands with others in his life.
It's okay to fight in secret, but etiquette is still required on the surface
Without the consent of your superiors, who would dare to keep in touch with you?

It is impossible for Liu Manhe not to like the submachine gun of the friendly army. As a staff member of the independent regiment, his awareness is naturally much higher than that of the nine battalion and the others. That thing is a bullet swallower.

That's why he didn't take advantage of the fire to rob the friendly army. If he had known that the friendly army had a radio, he would have done it no matter what.
Watching the friendly troops go down the mountain to the south, the company commander of the spy regiment leaned over to Liu Manhe and muttered, "Brother Liu, are you short-hearted?"

"Hey, how dare you talk to me like that?"

"Isn't it enough to pay them back half, and you really paid them all back?"

"Then what is hidden in your correspondent's backpack?"

"Hey, Heideng picked up some odds and ends. Besides, their guards died by a dozen, and he didn't know if there were two or three less."

"How many bullets did you get?"

The company commander smacked his lips: "Except for the ones in their guns, the rest are all there. There are eighteen spare 32-round magazines, and there are two small pistols that are exactly the same as the big chief."

Liu Manhe looked at the distant team with malicious intentions: "It's really rich."

"Hey, you said, the little devil will really block them in the front?"

"Have you read the battle briefings? Don't you think the little devil would be so stupid as to follow us and get shot? Besides, this time it's probably those goddamned beasts of the advancing team!"

The company commander was taken aback: "Take them as bait, if this gets out, we will definitely be punished."

"If you don't spread it, it will be done?"

"Company Commander Ma of the Independent Regiment is fine, but the students are too noisy."

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, and Company Commander Ma won't tell you, who would know?"

"Where's Battalion Commander Gao, I think he doesn't seem to be getting along with Ma Lian?"

"You have to study hard on this."


"In order to improve combat effectiveness, many troops deliberately let the grassroots commanders below compete with each other, do you understand?"

"Can you still do this?"

"Otherwise? Why do you want to compete in the team and strive to be the vanguard?"

"It makes sense, otherwise everyone would have no devils to fight, and practice queues, fight stabs and throw bombs like a pool of stagnant water all day long. It would be better to farm the land every day and get a harvest."

"It seems that the head of the independent regiment and the political commissar are not easy, we have to see and see when we have time"

"Report." The soldiers in charge of reconnaissance from the special task force climbed up the mountain ridge with two friendly soldiers.

Liu Manhe looked at the friendly army who was carrying the box and returned, his heart was full of joy, and he immediately understood the meaning of what the deputy chief of staff of the friendly army said before leaving: "Oh, what are you two?"

The radio operator saluted: "Report to Chief of Staff Liu. Under the secret order of the Deputy Chief of Staff, the Seventh Group of the Radio Station of the Forty Army Military Headquarters came to report. After teaching your Ministry how to use the radio station, they will report back to the Military Headquarters."

Liu Manhe rubbed his hands: "How embarrassing is this? Hehe, I'm so embarrassing."

The radio station of the friendly army is configured to the regiment, and the Eighth Route Army regiment level has no radio station at all!

When there is a big battle, the phone line is temporarily pulled.
Captain Qin's jaw dropped to the ground.

Gao Yidao was dumbfounded.

A long-lost smile appeared on Ma Liang's face, and he was whispering to Xu Xiaomei about Jiuying's whereabouts.

Gao Yidao opened his mouth wide and closed it for a while, and immediately pulled Ma Liang who didn't care about the radio at all: "The friendly army sent a radio station to Staff Liu, no, he should give it to Lao Tzu's second battalion, right?"

Ma Liang turned his head and looked around, only then noticed the friendly radio soldiers surrounded by soldiers from the secret service group, and shook his head: "You don't have that much face."

"The person surnamed Liu is no more than 20 years old. Besides, his chief of staff is absolutely fake. Why should he give it to them?"

Gao Yidao's second company commander was still a platoon leader when he was studying at the Anti-Japanese University. Because of his injury, he didn't participate in that operation with Jiuying, so he didn't know Liu Manhe.

Ma Liang sighed: "You're half right. Staff Officer Liu is only [-] this year. He's only [-]. Don't look down on him. He's a staff officer of the headquarters' secret service group. Don't spread the word when you see someone."

"What?" Gao Yidao ignored what Ma Liang said about his dog eyes, and was dumbfounded again. Who doesn't know what the Eighth Route Army is?Then he soon became excited again: "No wonder. I see that the soldiers under him are all murderous, more powerful than those who can kill you in the Ninth Company."

"It's not too late for you to know now."

Gao Yidao suddenly grabbed Ma Liang's chest and skirt: "Why didn't you say it earlier? If you said it earlier, I would have asked for two submachine guns from the friendly army!"

Ma Liang is in a good mood, and he has no scruples about speaking: "You didn't ask. Hurry up and let it go, no big or small."

"I didn't know that the New Ninth Regiment would be made up. You said that I am not big or small." Gao Yidao let go, and tidied up Ma Liang's dirty military uniform while muttering: "Hey, dare to tell me that I am not big?" No kid. How many of your subordinates are also members of the Secret Service?"


"I think that Yang looks very dangerous!"

"Even if you have vision, you'd better not mess with them. Also, those unfamiliar faces are the girl's new reconnaissance platoon."

"Pfft..." Gao Yidao laughed directly: "The one in Taoist clothes too? You have a half-immortal fortune teller first, and this time you even invited Niubi who is a water and land dojo?"

Ma Liang looked calm: "You have the ability to say it in front of the girl."

Gao Yidao immediately came back to his senses: "Hu Za. Hu is really surrounded by devils?"

The Ninth Battalion that broke through suffered heavy casualties, but they should have already broken out. Ma Liang nodded, "Do you think I'm going to joke about this?"

Gao Yidao stopped talking, and began to think in his heart. He helped Jiuying fight all night, and he did such a favor to the boss, so he had to charge some interest
I have heard that the platoon leader under him reported to him after he came back that he participated in the operation to kill the advance team.

He is not interested in things about people like Ma Liang, but Ma Liang seems to have a good relationship with Liu Manhe.
On this, I have to do something wrong, I have to get some hard goods from the secret service
Soldiers from the Special Task Force who were in charge of tracking and reconnaissance hurried up the mountain ridge: "Report, the devils in the valley behind have started to go up the mountain."

Liu Manhe didn't watch the secret service soldiers chatting with the radio soldiers of the friendly army on the mountain ridge.

He tore open the map and began to draw a map of the enemy's distribution situation, then turned his head to call the correspondent who was waiting next to him, but asked Gao Yidao, Captain Qin, and Ma Liang to come over to discuss countermeasures.
The big drama is about to be staged, now we have to let everyone understand the situation
(End of this chapter)

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