under fire

Chapter 1095 Dispel the clouds and rain

Chapter 1095 Dispel the clouds and rain
There are not many devils following up, and the enemy situation is not complicated.

The key is to calculate the possible outflanking forces and possible tactics adopted by the devils.

Battles in mountainous areas are different from those on the plains. Whoever has the advantage of the terrain will have the upper hand.

The Eighth Route Army has already measured a rough topographic map of the entire Taihang Mountains.

However, there will always be a gap between the plan and the actual terrain. Xu Xiaomei, who led the way with a group of friends, was also fortunate to participate in the meeting because she is more familiar with the actual terrain.

Liu Manhe pointed to the map: "We must first determine the identity of the devils behind, whether they are the advance team, or part of the advance team with other devils"

Team Qin hesitated: "I heard that the devil's advance team will only launch surprise attacks on the brigade-level command headquarters, and even when encountering the regiment-level command headquarters, they just give other devils a position and ignore them. Why do they follow us? "

"You don't have to worry about this matter, as long as our footprints appear, the little devil will definitely follow when he advances into the team!"

"It's really possible for a little devil to be cautious." Captain Qin has stayed in the Anti-Japanese University for so long, so he naturally knows the entanglement between the secret service team and the advance team. Hearing Liu Manhe's explanation, he immediately understood the reason.

Only Gao Yidao was at a loss. The company commander under him had told him about it, but he didn't know the details.

"The devil's advance team has a radio station. They can communicate with other devils at any time, and even mobilize other devils in the mountains to surround us."

The radio operator not far away suddenly said: "Listening to what Company Commander Ma said, I have a way to know if they are advancing into the team."

Liu Manhe froze for a moment: "What way?"

The mountain ridge is not wide, and the radio operator who heard a few people talking not far away suddenly said: "It's very simple, as long as the radio station of the devil's advance team is turned on, we can measure his approximate location."

Liu Manhe's eyes lit up: "So powerful?"

"We are a group army. Although we don't have a professional direction finder, we can still check whether there are radio stations nearby."

"We have to wait for the devil radio to turn on. Also, our battery is low."

Liu Manhe nodded: "It's not difficult to turn on the devil's radio station. If the situation on the battlefield changes a little bit, we usually send communications to inform the neighboring troops, so most of the devils will also send reports through the radio."

Gao Yidao suddenly said: "Then shall we walk along the mountain ridge now, or follow the friendly army?"

Liu Manhe glared at Gao Yidao with a dark face: "We have taken advantage of the location, so we have to hit him twice first, to show them how to look."

Ma Liang pulled a high knife, avoided the sight of the operator of the friendly army and mumbled.
Hitting down the mountain ridge takes advantage of the terrain. You only need to guard against the devil's grenades, and you should be completely invincible.

Liu Manhe stood up, drew out his pistol, and led a platoon to find a better place down the mountain to send the little devil back to his hometown.

The company commander next to him quit immediately, and jumped out to stop him: "Hey, staff officer, it's my turn now, so hurry up and study the next move."

"You kid dared to arrange for me."

"Hey, you are a staff officer, and combat is my business."

They were completely at a disadvantage in terms of terrain, and the devils advancing into the team were not as stupid as ordinary devils, so they probably won't get any bargains in this battle.

Liu Manhe waved his hands pretending to be dissatisfied: "Be careful, you may not be able to capture it in this battle, so save some ammunition."

The company commander was very excited: "Don't worry, even if you hit it with a stone, it will be enough for the little devil down the mountain to drink a pot."

Liu Manhe didn't intend to fight the devils in close combat this time, so the shell gun was useless at all.

Of course, poor shooting skills are even more useless!

The platoon led by Gao Yidao, as well as the platoon leaders in the student team who were eager to participate in the battle, Liu Manhe did not refuse: "Hey, the requirements for participating in this battle are very simple. The gun in your hand must be able to hit the target at about 100 meters away. Devil's chest, or don't follow along and join in the fun."

This staff officer is like the teacher, his mouth is not clean at all when he gets anxious!

It's a tall black line, but it's an honor to fight side by side with the secret service team, and it will definitely last for decades!
Quickly arrange for soldiers with decent shooting skills under his command, plus a machine gun team, barely make up a squad and stuff them into the special agent group.

The cadet team also ordered a "platoon leader" of a class with a good shooting level.

One of the trainees stepped forward hesitantly: "Although I am a bit short of shooting a 100-meter rifle, I can throw a grenade [-] meters!"

"Fuck, you might really be able to blow. Can you throw a grenade 100 meters? Throw it down the mountain 100 meters?"

Talking to the chief of staff, the student platoon leader was a little nervous, and quickly shook his head: "No, you can throw ninety in good condition on flat ground. Aren't you right or left? It's just a little bit worse."

Yesterday when stones were thrown on the mountain ridge, Liu Manhe noticed this one: "That's okay, count yourself in."

In this way, together with the scouts from the Special Service Regiment who stayed behind, there were exactly two platoons of more than sixty people who directly participated in the battle.

Captain Qin took the initiative to carry the wounded again.
Since it is a coalition force from three different teams, the special company commander directly started the pre-war mobilization as the commander: "They are all veterans. If they are too close, try to distance them as much as possible, and set up battlefield observers in squads.

Everyone remembers me, this group of devils is not ordinary, you have to change positions if you shoot one shot, if anyone dares to fire two shots at the same position, I don't care if you are the platoon leader or the fucking company commander. Don't blame me for greeting your mother.
Second, don’t shoot too fast, don’t shoot if you’re not sure, and don’t yell if you’re bitten by a little devil’s grenade, someone will send you away.”

Third, throwing grenades is not allowed. When the time is right, put a few stones nearby to smash him to death.
Fourth, follow the command in all actions. When shooting, you must pay attention to the branch in the hand of the observer next to me. When the branch is lowered, no one is allowed to shoot, and you are allowed to shoot when the branch is raised.
Fifth, when retreating, the machine gun team and the bombing team suppressed the cover"

Next to Gao Yidao and a black line, he can't even use the three axes he is best at: bombing, charging, and stabbing, this time.
Ma Liang, who was standing opposite, seemed to cast a malicious look at himself.
When staring back, Ma Liang turned his gaze away.
After emphasizing the battlefield discipline, the special agent company commander led the enthusiastic second battalion squad and cadet team, and began to slide down the hillside lightly along the hillside.

There is a hurdle halfway up the mountain, which I observed long ago when I went up the mountain.

It's really better to hit the block.

The scouts who stayed behind the mountainside, except for the correspondent with the shell gun, were unwilling but had to withdraw to the mountain ridge.

Taking advantage of the location, the devil will definitely not be able to deploy on the mountain road, so the machine gun he carries is suppressed and he gives up immediately. This time, he will shoot at the devil Laibo to see whose marksmanship is more accurate.

The good positions near the middle of the mountain road were all taken by the spy company commander and his people.

The soldiers of Gao Yidao's squad looked down, left, and right, and had to spread out to the left.
The company commander of the secret service began to patrol the left and right with his waist bent, and he kept yelling: "I remember it all, and make a few more bush camouflages on the head. Even when changing shooting positions, the camouflage should be left in place. "

On the top of the mountain ridge, the soldiers who went north and south to reconnaissance came back soon and reported to Liu Manhe.

"Report, the road to the north is not easy"

"The road to the west is not easy."

Liu Manhe nodded: "Then go down the mountain to the west, and then go south to scout."

The radio operator not far from Liu Manhe was stunned for a moment. Isn't this the same way as the staff?
It seems that Battalion Commander Zhang and the others took the right path to leave with the staff
"No, go north." As soon as Xu Xiaomei opened her mouth, Wang Yinzhi, who was sitting next to her, grabbed her arm: "Don't talk."

"What are you doing here? Mingming is also on the west side."

The big dog who had been watching coldly by the side suddenly shouted: "Shut up!"

(Thanks to the brothers who have been voting for recommendations, voting monthly, rewarding, subscribing, commenting, and picking typos)

(End of this chapter)

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