under fire

Chapter 1108 Ricochet

Chapter 1108 Ricochet

From time to time there was a piercing pain in the arm, which couldn't stop 21's heart to avenge his brothers.

Three wretched figures shuttled through the wilderness.

The fast-legged cat swayed from side to side, and Juechen and 21 spread out on both sides, pulling away from each other by 40 meters.

Simple "soldiers" are divided into three groups.

Alternate forward.

Logically speaking, in about one or two hours in the valley, there should be devils ordering soldiers to and fro.

It was almost half an hour since the sound of the gunfire, and there was not a single imperial army or imperial association army passing by in the valley!

The wounded devil soldier who was sitting hurriedly begged Siwei to give him a rifle.

The other two Japanese wounded soldiers lying on the stretcher couldn't raise their rifles, and one of them pulled out the captured submachine gun enduring severe pain.

The other one couldn't even use a submachine gun, held a grenade in his hand, tilted his head and looked at the desolate valley, ready to die with the enemy before dying.

The elite among the elites was targeted by Tuba Road, and the injured elite remembered a Chinese saying: The wolf fell into Pingyang and was bullied by the sheep.

Who can tell who is the wolf and who is the sheep?
The distance between the two sides was less than [-] meters, and the three of them turned from a cat's waist to a crawl like a wolf surrounded by food.

Climb forward cautiously with the help of rocky and shallow ditches in the valley.

Before he had advanced far, the little devil Siwei temporarily moved a few stones and made a simple bunker in the bushes. The rifle that was erected on the stones and hidden behind the grass opened fire first.

The distance was too far, and the bullet missed the target slightly.

21 on the left raised his gun and fired a shot at the devils who were also in the rocks, then pulled out a grenade, pulled out the safety cap and threw it forward, silently counting to five.

The mud, stone, rain and gunpowder smoke flew up, and 21 jumped up from the ground.

Running in a zigzag shape and protruding forward for nearly 20 meters, a forward lunge lay down behind the rocks that had been expected earlier
Raising the gun again, he didn't show his head at all, just fired another shot in the devil's direction based on feeling.

Walk on the fast legs in the middle, then pull out a grenade, ignite the fuse and throw it forward vigorously.

After the grenade exploded, he jumped out of the shallow ditch where he was hiding and ran diagonally forward.

This time, little devil Terao was already prepared.

With a sinister smile on his face, he finally had a chance to put Tubalu in the front sight!

The muzzle is fine-tuned, and a slight advance is made
Kuaileg memorized the bullet-dodging formula secretly learned from Park Buhuan: run five steps to the left, three steps back, and then roll forward.

He didn't run blindly, he ran seven or eight meters in five steps and then turned immediately.
With a whoosh, bullets whizzed past him.

If you run one more step forward, your body will definitely hit that bullet!
The quick legs didn't stop, and without hesitation put the gun in his arms, rolled forward, and quickly dodged among the rocks and weeds
"Oh!" There was a strange cry from among the weeds.

The recruit Juechen not far away raised his voice and asked loudly, "Brother Kuaileg, are you alright?"

"It's okay, the thatch got stuck in my hook." Quick Legs hung the military cap on the bayonet, stretched it to the side of the stone in the hiding place, and deliberately shook it back and forth twice.
call out.
The military cap was blown off.
Ba. Gunshots followed.

21 lying on the ground also had a bayonet inserted into the ground, with a military cap on the handle of the knife.

There are also two holes on the cap
He held his rifle and hid in the shallow pit covered with weeds on the other side of the stone, aiming at the direction of Guizi Siwei who was hiding behind the chaotic rocks.

The moment the devil fired and hit the fast-legged military cap, he pulled the trigger.

He had discovered a long time ago that the only real threat was the devil who kept shooting.

The devil immediately retracted his head after firing a shot, shrinking faster than a turtle.

No one will continue to expose their heads to the enemy as a target after shooting.

Let him change several positions in a row but failed to find a chance.

Therefore, the target of 21's aim this time is not Terao's head.

No chance of shooting that guy in the head.

He didn't think he had the slightest chance of hitting the target!

Therefore, the position he aimed at was the side of a rock next to Devil Terao's hiding place!
If you want to completely avoid the opponent's bullets during the attack, no one dares to say that you have that ability!

Therefore, when attacking or defending, you must lower your body as much as possible.

At least it can reduce the bomb area to reduce the chance of being shot!

If you want to survive on the battlefield for a long time, in fact, luck is the most important thing!

21 Although he was just an ordinary soldier, he had been chased away by the devils for many years, so he was able to serve as a scout in the guard camp, so he naturally had a few talents.

Veterans all know that when looking for cover on the battlefield, one should try not to set up positions on smooth stones in front of the position, let alone set up positions on flat roads, except of course barricades that can hide people.

Second, in street fighting, unless you are in a blind spot where the enemy cannot see, try to stay as far away from the wall as possible!

After the devil's bullets are shot, the ballistic trajectory at close range is very stable. As long as the vital parts of the head and chest are not shot, at most they will suffer a penetrating wound, and they will not die.

Many brothers were not directly hit and killed by the enemy's bullets, but were injured by the ricochets hitting the wall, and finally died of serious injuries!
The reason for the ricochet is very simple. When the bullet hits a hard wall or the stone fails to penetrate, it is likely to jump away. The bullet that bounces will be deformed or even rolled due to the impact. , the injury may be more serious.

If the treatment is not timely, it is even more serious than being hit by shells or fragments of grenades!
In many cases, injuring the enemy on the battlefield may achieve greater results than killing the enemy!

21. Immediately shrinking his head after shooting, he doesn't care whether the bullet hitting the stone can form a ricochet, let alone whether it can hurt the devil behind the stone!

What he has to do is to continue to suppress the enemy in this way!
At least let that devil understand that I can't hit you in the head, so I will use ricochet to deal with you!
Load ten or eight bullets, and one of them will jump on your mother!
Another bullet hit the irregular and hard stone and then flew wildly.
I don't know why Kuaileg, who has been preparing to cover [-], is next to him.

Watching 21 keep shooting, and the sparks and stone chips constantly bouncing on the stone next to the devil's hideout.

Kuaileg couldn't help curling his lips and yelling strangely: "Your surname is Er, your mother hastened to rush forward, I will cover for you!"

"There is only one little devil who can fight us, just wait!"

"Then can you be more accurate?"

"You know what a fart, hit the surface of the stone at an angle of [-] degrees, and the ricochet formed will sweep behind the stone at an angle of more than ten degrees along the plane of the stone's impact point."

It looks so profound, I can't understand it!

"Crazy" quickly cursed and turned to recruit Juechen: "Damn, are you waiting to die there? Even if you hit the sky, shoot me twice quickly. Remember to keep your head down. Shrink your head as soon as you finish the shot."

Terao wiped the blood that was continuously dripping down his face, and his brow was scratched by the stone chips splashed by the bullet hit beside him.

He dared to stay here forever. Protecting the elite wounded among the elite was only one aspect. He firmly believed that as long as he stayed in the valley, sooner or later there would be imperial signal soldiers passing by here!

At the beginning, I hid among a few calf-high rocks, so I didn't have to worry about being hit by bullets. However, I didn't expect that the soldiers of the national army couldn't hit me, and they kept shooting at the rocks next to my hiding place!

The legendary extremely advanced bounce technique!
In actual combat, let the bullet bounce to produce the killing effect, and this record is indeed recorded in the textbook.

However, it can be used in alley or positional warfare. This is a valley overgrown with rocks, bushes, and weeds. Did the opponent take the wrong medicine?

In fact, 21 just wanted the devil to not be able to hide behind the rocks at ease. In that case, if the three of them charged without paying casualties, it would be difficult for the devil to get close to the devil's temporary position in the valley using the rocks.

The suspicious Terao finally felt that this seemingly safe hiding place could become a deadly place at any time!
So, he decided to change his position!
Leaving the grenade aside, flipping the safety cap and throwing it forward.

The grenade exploded, kicking up a cloud of rocks and dust in the valley.

Follow up and yearn for another direction that you have been optimistic about for a long time
Just as his body was about to hide behind the chaotic rocks, there was a shrill sound.

A bullet hit the side of his helmet.

The inner lining of the steel helmet was quite thick, and he turned his head half a circle fiercely, and he heard a click on his neck.
Immediately scared out of my wits.

The body hit the ground as if hitting the quilt at home, and it didn't hurt.

The eyeballs rolled, isn't it dead?
I wanted to turn my neck back, only to find that my neck was numb.

Then came the great pain.

I wanted to raise my hands to support my head, but my hands didn't listen at all.

His feet seemed to be disobedient, and he opened his mouth to let the wounded soldier who was sitting on a stretcher hidden among the rocks come over to help.

The voice from the mouth was a little weak: "*%¥#"

After a while, the numb hands and feet seemed to regain some feeling.

Fortunately, the neck should not be broken!
(End of this chapter)

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