under fire

Chapter 1109 Reorganization Plan

Chapter 1109 Reorganization Plan

There was a mist in the mountains, and the distance to the south could not be seen, and the outline of the black mountain was gradually blurred.

Hu Yi stood at the entrance of Yixiantian.

Xiao Hongying stood opposite Hu Yi with her hands on her hips.

Like seeing off and reluctantly saying goodbye, the soldiers who know each other are separated by a long distance.

Hu Yi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he stretched out his hand to tear off the weeds on Xiao Hongying's head: "...won't you go back with me?"

Xiao Hongying pushed Hu Yi's hand away: "I said. We were chased from the plains to the mountains by the devil's advance team. We have more than 200 people and now only a hundred or so are left. This time we have to let Xiao Devils have a long memory, they really treat us as soft persimmons, you can pinch them yourself if you want!"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "You really take yourself seriously. In front of devils, it's okay to have such thoughts, but you must recognize the situation clearly!"

"I have been fighting devils for so many years, and I know exactly how the devils are fighting."

Hu Yi nodded: "In terms of equipment, the national army is not much worse than the devils. The key is the devils' usual training and their determination to fear death when they go to the battlefield."

Xiao Hongying's face was serious: "Fox, the Eighth Route Army has never been afraid that the dead devils will use us as bait this time. If they don't beat them this time, he will come out to make trouble sooner or later!"

Hu Yi nodded: "You don't know that there is a saying that the arms cannot twist the thighs."

Xiao Hongying raised her pigtails: "No matter how powerful the enemy is, let's not fight him head-on. I'll be a guerrilla and sneak attack him, isn't it okay? Tigers are powerful, right? Rats can be trampled to death by lifting their legs. You say tigers Can you catch the mouse?"

"Calling yourself a mouse, you've really grown up."

"In addition to the mass production, our reorganization must be carried out as soon as possible. The background investigation of all new soldiers must be completed as soon as possible. This matter can be done by the vixen and Lao Zhou. I have prepared the information of the old gangster Qi. Let's unite everything There should be no problem with the anti-Japanese forces.”

Hu Yi had black lines all over his head: "Is it your turn to worry about these things?"

"Both of you don't worry, I don't worry, who cares?"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect the little girl to think further than himself: "You are not the instructor of our camp. It's a shame."

Hu Yi doesn't think he knows more about the current situation of the devil's mopping up than Yatou.

But when it comes to political work, Hu Yi really has no experience!
Just like what he said to Lao Qin, the general direction is correct, and he is groping forward to the head office.

When studying at the Anti-Japanese University, the instructor once talked about the importance of ideological education.

The national army has a lot of commanders who are good at fighting, but they are always defeated in the face of devils, which fully shows that with the improvement of ideological level, orders and prohibitions, the team's combat ability can be improved to a higher level.

The Ninth Battalion didn't pay much attention to this area before, because Hao Ping was the best at doing ideological work, but the Third Battalion's combat effectiveness was the weakest among the independent regiments!
As for the ideological work of the soldiers, he is far inferior to the little girl who has been influenced by the head of the political commissar since childhood.

Ever since the Ninth Battalion entered the plains, the situation they faced was far more complicated than in the mountains.

There will be what kind of soldiers there will be. The entire independent regiment has been developing extensively. The soldiers hardly pay attention to cultural learning. They rely on mentoring and actual combat to improve their military capabilities. No one knows what will happen when a tough battle is fought or a big battle is fought.

From the Ninth Squad to the current Ninth Battalion, almost all the victories were ambushes and sneak attacks. Compared with the devils, there is still a big gap in combat effectiveness.

The instructor explained clearly that if you want to drive the devils out of the country, you have to learn how to attack!

Hu Yi is very clear that actual combat can indeed improve the combat effectiveness of the team, but it is in exchange for sacrifice.

Only with strict training can the combat effectiveness of the troops be raised to a new level!
The Independent Regiment did not set rules for the Ninth Battalion.

The little girl is no longer that naughty child with two pigtails.

Seeing that Hu Yi was silent, Xiao Hongying urged again: "Fox, hurry back, you have an arm injury, and even a quick march may cause the injury to worsen, let alone use a machine gun. If you follow me, it will be a burden. Unless your arm I don't want it anymore."

Disliked by the little girl!

Hu Yi had a black line on his face: "Be careful, if you encounter unavoidable danger, you can ask old bandit Qi to reveal his identity as a security force."

Xiao Hongying froze for a moment: "Hey, you don't know the consequences of surrendering on the battlefield?"

"No matter how serious the consequences are, it is better than losing your life."

Xiao Hongying shook her head: "You don't understand"

Hu Yi knew that the girl would not agree, but still did not give up: "Why don't you go back to the base with me?"

Xiao Hongying gave Hu Yi a blank look: "The devils are sweeping northward on a large scale. I am going south now, which is equivalent to entering the enemy's rear. As long as the vanguard is far away, there is no danger at all."

Although Hu Yi wanted the girl to follow him all the time, but he was born in a military academy, but he knew very well that the flowers in the greenhouse could not withstand the storm: "Then be careful."

Xiao Hongying turned around to leave, always feeling as if something was missing, she turned her head again, and added details: "You must remember that when you go back, the big guys must sing military songs, you must do things to help the common people, and you must improve your ideological work. , literacy classes must persist for a long time"

Four musts in a row, Hu Yi was speechless: "You really regard yourself as a trainer."

"Okay, hurry back, I have to go"

Hu Yi looked at the small body going away, and muttered to himself: Is this the "innocent" girl I knew?

What the little girl said is also true, there are more people in the army who can fight, and it is a skill to bring out a team that can fight.

After returning, we must work hard to build the Ninth Battalion into a team with unified thinking, capable of fighting well, and fearless of death.

Luo Fugui was extremely reluctant to separate from Hu Yi, so he took a platoon under his command to form a company with Li Xiang, and went to Hu Yi's side to say goodbye
Before he could speak, Hu Yi glared at him: "Hurry up and get out!"

Luo Fugui knew in his heart that if possible, Mr. Hu would always take the girl with him.

Hearing the conversation between Boss Hu and the little girl, he seemed to understand something. It turns out that this is the thing about making progress.

It seems that I have to change my usual lazy style.

However, the item about catching chickens needs to be changed. It’s a big deal and you can just buy it in the future.
Ya Tou took the old bandit Qi and a group of more than ten people to the south first.

Luo Fugui hurriedly helped Li Xiang call out the militia team next to him.

Village head Qiao handed over the rifles and bullets given to the militiamen by the Ninth Battalion to the militiamen one by one.

The militiamen from the five villages, after Li Xiang's simple assessment, selected more than [-] people, and after they were broken up, they were directly incorporated into Li Xianglian.

There is no clear distinction between militiamen and guerrillas. Relatively speaking, militiamen do not go out of production. They are mainly active in farming when they are near their homes, and training in slack time when the enemy comes and takes weapons to defend their homes.

The guerrillas will follow the team to leave their hometowns to fight, and they usually farm the fields for production, and work wherever they go!

Hu Yi knew very well what was going on with his subordinates, and Li Xianglian was still in a good mood.

If the militiamen followed Luo Fugui, they would be led astray sooner or later.

Standing on a line of sky, watching the girl leading Li Xiang and Luo Fugui's team of more than a hundred people slowly disappear into the afterglow of the setting sun.

Hu Yi turned around: "North, out!"

The devils are mopping up the base area, and all departments must be short of ammunition. The remaining ammunition must be sent to the division as soon as possible!

Hu Yi was still thinking about something.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness inside, the inside must be simplified.

After I joined the Eighth Route Army, I beat a big family surnamed Song, which is nothing.

The relationship with Li Youde had to be reorganized, and it would be best to leave it to the political commissar.

The relationship with Li Youcai has to be handed over to that woman, and I will spend more time on training the soldiers in the future.

As for chopping nine, I guess I still have to be able to hold it by myself
Must be prepared.

The Nine Battalion is not small now, and the backbone is there, and it can grow again at any time.

Where there is a battle, there is sacrifice, and the situation of a big reduction in staff has to be reversed.

Hu Yi made up his mind in his heart, and the first step after returning home was to resolve the identities of the people who had been voted by his allies.

Don't get into trouble then!

This kind of matter must be handled in a low-key manner, and it should not be a big problem.

As for training, these people under his command have to change their thinking from being good at fighting guerrillas to being able to fight positional warfare.

Walking on the mountain road, the footsteps began to become light without knowing it.
(End of this chapter)

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