under fire

1121 Slashing with Hands and Eyes 9

Chapter 1121

The concentration camp management model is good, and the devils vigorously promote it in the occupied areas.

However, unlike his ally Mustache, the devils changed the name of the concentration camp: Squad Susheng.

Concentration camps existed at the same time as settlements.

The difference is that the concentration camps held prisoners of war, and the settlements concentrated all the residents of the nearby villages into the townships, burned the original villages, and piled up the houses.
Aren't you good at developing among ordinary people, Balu?
Now directly gather the common people together, break your roots, and see how you can develop!


The hillsides of the Hill Country were strewn with stripped and dead elms.

Xujiagou is not a ditch.

But a township.

To the south is Meixian County.

Adjacent to the Li Youde defense area.

Since Xujiagou is a ditch, it is also close to Taihang Mountain, so there is naturally a river.

Although the river water was much lower and bottomed out, looking at the waterlines on both sides, this place used to be a big river.

It is a large farm with a radius of more than ten miles, and will soon contribute to the great cause of growing grain for the Imperial Army!
There is a small east-west street in the village, with two and three-story small buildings on both sides of the street connected in a row, and behind the small buildings are several rows of bungalows.

The originally desolate township has now become a settlement, and the originally vacant houses in the township are crowded with people.

Housing was still not enough, so countless small shacks were erected outside the town.

A group of puppet soldiers are commanding the bare-chested common people to ram the earth wall.

The wall is more than ten meters high, and the concentration camp has begun to take shape.

Settlements in the village, concentration camps in the east of the village.

After the implementation of settlements, the original long row of blockhouses was directly abolished.

A small team of devils, together with a battalion of the Royal Association Army originally stationed in the field artillery tower, will be stationed here for a long time.

With such an arrangement, the guerrilla Tuba Road lost the soil for survival in Xujiagou Township.

Today, the imperial army has surrounded the headquarters of the Tuba Road base in the mountains.

Elimination of Tubalu is just around the corner!

Township Office.

big stage.

The sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums shook the sky.

"Military and civilian" celebrate together and warmly celebrate the inauguration ceremony of the Xujiagou settlement and concentration camp.

The deputy captain of the Devil's Gendarmerie sat in the chair behind the table, holding a command knife in both hands, watching the county magistrate Yu Wenhai speak with a smile in both hands.

On both sides of the stage, there were densely packed captains and deputy captains of the gendarmerie from other counties to maintain the government.

In the audience, the captains of the county police teams, the captains of the investigation teams, and the leaders of the security forces were clapping and applauding.

Li Weiwei, whose jaw dropped in shock, looked left and right, and he was sure that he was absolutely right.

He recognized the cut nines with ashes on their faces, and the one next to him seemed to be the "platoon leader" of Jiulian named Chen Chong.

Unexpectedly, these two people also mixed into the crowd of "watching the ceremony" behind.

As the captain of the police force, he has his own sources.

He is very clear that cutting nine has something to do with eight roads
Could it be that they want to attack the observation group?
The escort observation group has a squadron of the Imperial Army and a battalion of the Imperial Association Army.

Coupled with a battalion of security forces defending the settlements, the Eighth Route should not have that strength, no, the settlements Huangxie Army?
Isn't that "platoon leader" named Chen Chong wearing the uniform of the Imperial Association Army now?
The scalp was a little numb, and the impatient Jiuying dared to fight even the county seat. Who knows if they would get hot-headed and attack the observation group!
During this time, Balu dug and buried landmines everywhere.

If the Eight Routes can sneak into the venue, it is naturally possible to attack the observation group.

After making up his mind, he must reveal his identity to Chen Chong later!

When going back, even if you die, you can't walk in front of the team.

When I went to the settlement of Xiaowang Village two days ago, I also found people from the "Jiulian", but I didn't expect there to be here.

Tailords are engaged in settlements and concentration camps, and the police force will set up police stations in the future, which is not easy to do
Anyway, I must not dip into this muddy water.

The captain of the investigation team next to him suddenly whispered in Li Weiwei's ear: "Brother Li, the imperial army will set up this settlement, and everyone will be much more relaxed in the future."

Li Weiwei, who was thinking about his own thoughts, said, "Hehe, it's really much easier."

The detective team continued: "It's better for you to stay in the county town, there are more opportunities to make money"

"What are you talking about, everyone is working hard for the common prosperity of the Communist Party, how can you just think about making money?"

"Brother Li, you are in a high position and don't know the suffering of our brothers. In these years, it is not bad for the brothers to survive."

"How to say?"

"You have a way to get money in the county. Our detective team travels from village to village. Now that the Taijun directly merges the village, our brothers will lose a share of income, and there will be no way to survive in the future."

Who is Li Tail?As soon as I heard this guy say this, I immediately knew that this guy seemed to be talking about something: "I heard from your tone, it doesn't seem like there is no way out?"

"Everyone, hey, this village is gone, so many brothers have to be fed, don't you think so?"

"If you fart, let it go."

"The imperial army is going to open Wei'an Office. I heard from the brothers that you are very familiar with Jin Ma in the county seat. Shall we partner up and open one in the south?"

Li Weiwei was startled: "Do you dare to investigate Lao Tzu?"

The team leader of the detective team shook his head: "Heaven and earth conscience, I absolutely didn't mean that. We finally came to you through the introduction of Uncle Li Youde."

Li Weima froze for a moment, then sarcastically said: "Do you think I have that ability?"

The captain of the detective team got excited: "Don't worry, the county magistrate Yu is my cousin, and Captain Xu is my distant cousin. He has already agreed with the chamber of commerce that the chamber of commerce will pay for it. At that time, you and Captain Li will be indispensable." that one."

The circle of this person is not small, and all aspects of the county are involved in the middle, how can Li Weiwei dare to nod?He lowered his voice and asked, "It seems that you don't need to find me, do you?"

"It's such a money-making business. If you come out to mess around, we still understand the matter of sharing the benefits! However, the chamber of commerce has made a request. They want to open a smokehouse and give us [-]% of the shares."

"Hehe, a lot of money is a deceitful business! Aren't you afraid that some people will play tricks on you behind your back?"

"That's why I'm discussing with you, Brother Li. The business in the city is dominated by the uncle and nephew of the Wang family. We can't mix it up. The south is the territory just won by the imperial army. The second brother, Captain Li, and the gendarmerie In the future, who in the chamber of commerce would dare to play tricks with us?"

"This is a money-grabbing business for the security group. Are you afraid of them stabbing you in the back?"

The team leader of the investigation team was not worried at all that Li Weiwei would not agree: "You don't know that, Mr. Wang's sworn brother Jiuye even came in person."

"Master Jiu? Who?"

"No, there's a black dog fur hat over there, the tallest one."

Li Weima was stunned for a moment: "Fuck you say cut nine?"

"He's also related to Eighth Master."

"It is strictly forbidden to sell tobacco and soil on the Eighth Route?"

"Hehe, the south is not the site of the Eighth Road. Besides, Yu Jingsan in Qi County is called a fool for playing with Hai Luoyin. With Captain Li's relationship, even if we don't sell tobacco this time, we have the final say on what to do. "

"What are you going to do?"

"Dropping grain, selling cloth, selling salt, and opening workshops, as long as you can make money! Master Nine has hands and eyes, and is also related to the railway. Going south and going north are all money."

The police force, the detective team and the security forces get along harmoniously.

After the county magistrate finished his speech, the maintenance chairman shouted in front.

The common people in the settlement who were forced to come to watch the ceremony held up small flags in their hands and shouted.

For a while, people's voices boiled.

Outside the crowd at the back, Lao Meng, wearing a five-color cap badge on his head and dressed in a temporary new security force, looked at the puppet counties sitting on both sides of the stage and the traitor leaders of the investigation team, police force, and security forces in the front row, his eyes widened. Guang, muttering to Lao Zhou standing in front of him with his hands folded in his sleeves: "Should we start the fire now and blow them all to death?"

Lao Zhou shook his head: "Captain Su told you the details of the county magistrates above! Many of them are white-skinned and red-hearted. Killing them is not good for the development of our base area."

"However, many are also hardcore traitors."

"They deserve to die, but they shouldn't die here!"

"You asked me to be the battalion commander of the public security army, and to help the devils guard the settlements. How do you ask me to hold my head up in front of the villagers?"

Old Zhou turned his head and gave Commander Meng a blank look: "Don't complain about me. You didn't object when Officer Su made the arrangement for you two days ago? Besides, the county magistrate Yang is still the magistrate."

on stage.

Unaware that County Magistrate Yang, who was sitting on the explosive bag, recognized Chen Chong standing in the crowd at a glance.

As the instructor of the Third Company of the Independent Regiment, he certainly knew the details of Chen Chong.

This is the location of the supplementary regiment's activities, and he only got the news that the superiors are arranging for all the troops to enter the enemy's theater. It seems that the Ninth Company should enter the supplementary regiment's defense zone.

He was a little anxious, he knew better than anyone else what kind of dog temper Jiulian's people were.

They dared to fight even the county seat, who knew if they appeared here, were they going to attack the observation group!

He was assigned by his superiors to secretly break into the enemy camp, and now he occupies a high position in the enemy camp and is about to make a huge contribution
I am an elite who has broken into the upper echelon of the enemy camp, and what I have to do is a big deal.

When I was in the Independent Regiment before, I couldn't show my enthusiasm. If I died without knowing it, it would be a huge loss to the Eighth Route Army!

After becoming the county magistrate, my vision has broadened, and the way I look at problems has naturally changed.

It's not worth mentioning that it's a trivial matter that you can make meritorious service by building a blockhouse like Jiulian and making three or two thousand catties of grain!
With a swipe of a pen, I can mobilize tons of grain. By the way, do those ignorant fools in Jiulian know what a ton is?

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.
The Eighth Route Army did not separate the military from the government, but the area around An County did not belong to the independent regiment's defense area.

So far, magistrate Yang Da is only familiar with the head and political commissar of the supplementary regiment.

Due to confidentiality requirements, even Wang Peng did not know the true identity of County Magistrate Yang Deshi.

He had known for a long time that Su Qing was transferred to the supplementary regiment and was also the captain of the armed task force.

However, the sad county magistrate Yang didn't know that Captain Su's direct leader was actually Ding Deyi.
And he didn't know about the ninth consecutive promotion to the battalion.

If he knew that the Huangxie Army garrisoned in the settlements, it was Lao Meng who was the guerrilla brigade that Hu Yicai got here after he left.

I don't know if he can put a big duck egg in his mouth.

Although Gao Yidao can also figure out Jiulian, but compared with Yang Deshi who is good at figured out, he is completely different.

First of all, he only found out later that Hu Yi had a hatred for his love.

Secondly, I made a fool of myself many times and lost face, and later I couldn't stay in the independent regiment, all thanks to Jiulian.

But now, Guizi knew that he used to be Eighth Route, so he wasn't worried at all about Chen Chong revealing his identity.

However, he is more aware of the ruthless methods of the superiors against the traitors.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, he felt that Chen Chong should be reminded not to act rashly.

Gotta stop!
So, he waved to the subordinates behind him: "You pass this note to the platoon leader of the Security Force surnamed Chen."

(Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue. There is a lot of information to check in this section, and the update is a bit slow. Thanks to the brothers who have been voting and subscribing!
In such a hot day, everyone pay attention to take care of your body. In addition, there is a small explanation in the comment area below. )
 Also explain:
  The development of the Eighth Route Army in [-] was more complicated and difficult than what you (those who have studied it) saw, and the domestic and foreign environments were very cruel.

  Apart from the pressure from the Chongqing government, the Third International disbanded. The rabbit withdrew

  Conflict between left hand and right hand.

  All kinds of changes in human nature.

  Difficulty comes from the difficulty of life and life, and it is difficult to understand deeply if you are not careful.

  Maybe from the current point of view, there is no need to understand, after all, it has become history
  Our Jiuying is still a dojo in a screw shell.
(End of this chapter)

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