under fire

Chapter 1122 Different Lines

Chapter 1122 Different Lines

"Everything in the upper way is equal and unimpeded. What the Mahayana does, the Hinayana uses.

Not false or not true, not there or not.Transfer to ** and always achieve success.

But there is a wonderful picture, and there is nothing to do.Infinite causes and conditions, either go or come.

It is really a wonderful body to become enlightened.Everything becomes subtle, and everything comes from wishing.”

"Hey, I said, can you stop reading?" Captain Yang's ears were full of scriptures, and his eyes were turned away from the two ghost sentries who were idling back and forth with guns on their backs.

"If you don't want to hear it, then plug your ears." Li Xiaolian was a little dissatisfied, but fortunately, this scripture was finally finished.

"I don't think your plan is reliable." Captain Yang turned to the monkey next to him boredly.

"What do you know, step on the spot during the day and work at night." The monkey opened his eyes, rolled his eyes at this man, and barely looked diagonally through the crack in the wall.

"Why not just burn the devil's warehouse?" Captain Yang asked again.

"Hey, besides our batch of goods, there are other goods in the little devil's warehouse."

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, so much smoke and soil from Qi County has been transported here, he will definitely transport it to Beiping and Tianjin. There are too many goods to go by water, so he must take the railway."

"What do you want to do?"

"The little devil used this thing to poison the people of the country. Let's play big this time."

Captain Yang reacted immediately: "Are you planning to burn the train?"

"Why, dare you?" Houzi was actually in a panic. He didn't know about other things. The smoke and soil are really harmful. When he heard that it was going to be transported to his hometown, is it okay?
Captain Yang followed suit: "Where is your Captain Su? Do you have any detailed plans?"

The grocery store next door is on the second floor.

The middle-aged man looked serious: "You are also an old comrade, how can you forget our discipline?"

On the opposite side, Su Qing looked calm: "You guys made the plan, what do you mean by saying this now?
The middle-aged man tapped lightly on the table: "Our purpose is to destroy the devil's finances, not to let you sell big cigarettes!"

Su Qing immediately retorted: "Where did you see us selling opium?"

"Hehe, don't you admit it? Do we have to report it to our superiors?"

Su Qing thought for a while: "I don't know much about finance. This time we used counterfeit banknotes to buy goods from traitors. If we burn that batch of goods again, the counterfeit banknotes of the enemy will still remain in their own hands. If there are too many, the price of the enemy will rise.”

"As prices rise, the people who get hurt in the end are still ordinary people, do you understand?"

"If it is not used in enemy-occupied areas, if the money is circulated to the base area, our losses will be even greater! I suggest you report to your superiors that the use of legal currency in the base area is strictly limited during this period."

"You have to have an overall perspective, not only the enemy-occupied areas, but also the economic situation in the Kuomintang-controlled areas."

Su Qing shook her head: "This is not the scope of my work."

"The battlefield is not necessarily full of swords and guns, and there is no smoke on the battlefield. If you say that, I must report to my superiors."

Su Qing didn't back down: "That's your right, but I remind you that if the superiors want to devalue the enemy's yen and military tickets, just talking about it won't work!"

The middle-aged man softened his tone: "You must also understand that the devils have already caused heavy losses to the friendly army by printing fake legal currency."

Su Qing suddenly got a little impatient: "I'd like to hear, what major losses did the friendly army have? Millions of people in the enemy-occupied areas starved to death, and they still forcibly confiscated military rations, completely taking disaster relief as a trifling matter!"

The middle-aged man did not expect Su Qing to react so strongly: "I agree with you on this point. The friendly army believes that so many people in the occupied areas starved to death, and the devils should bear the responsibility!"

Su Qing was stunned for a moment, and her tone was cold: "I don't know how shameless it must be to have the face to say such inhumane words. Are the people in the occupied areas not Chinese?"

"Well, the superior is negotiating with the friendly army on this matter. The friendly army excuses that they can't go to the enemy-occupied area to provide disaster relief, and they are unwilling to hand over the food to us. They also speculate whether we will put the food in our pockets!"

Su Qing sneered: "So, they let the New Five Armies surrender to the enemy, and then let the New Five Armies give relief to the common people?"

The middle-aged man smiled wryly: "You can't catch me and scold me. The puppet government in Jinling saved the country in curves, and Chongqing's disaster relief in curves. They don't care about the lives of ordinary people. They are like dogs."

"It's completely nonsense, it's clearly going to attack us!"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment: "There is one more thing. We have received news that there is a change in the friendly forces and they are gathering in Shaanxi. If you collect relevant information, you must report it to me as soon as possible. This information is top secret."

"What do you mean?"

"Analyzed by superiors, the Third International is likely to be disbanded in the near future, and the one in Chongqing may have gotten wind of it, and will take reckless actions next."

Su Qing was shocked: "Are they going to attack northern Shaanxi?"

The middle-aged man did not expect Su Qing to react so quickly: "The defection of the New Five Armies to the enemy is also likely to be just a cover. It is the Chongqing man who deliberately lured us into Tainan, and then tried to make a decision in one fell swoop."

Su Qing thought for a while: "Borrowing a knife to kill someone? The Chongqing guy who shot himself in the foot with a stone did not do less. Don't worry, he underestimated our ability to develop base areas!"

"It's a good thing that you can make arrangements in advance, but you still have to be careful, don't let 'them' get caught."

"I see. Is there anything else?"

"You want to ask... the enemy's observation group?"

"You know more about the situation than I do. If we conceal it from each other, it may cause serious consequences."

The middle-aged man thought for a while: "There is no need to rush this matter for the time being. The headquarters and the division headquarters are about to merge. I will tell you what should be known to you at that time. In short, before this, you must not do anything to the observation group, and you must ensure The safety of the members of the enemy observation group."

"Let us ensure the safety of the observation group, don't you think this is ridiculous?"

The middle-aged man smiled: "I don't want to do this either. If you have any opinions, you can report them to your superiors."

"I think. I see."

"Now, let's talk about Yantu?"

"I won't tell you where the money came from because it involves informant security."

"Can't you trust me?"

"As an old comrade, you know the secrecy system better than me. You shouldn't say such things."

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth: "Don't be too busy, you just need to tell me who the enemy is responsible for the counterfeit banknotes. How will it affect the safety of the informant?"

"You can apply to your superiors to give orders to the task force."

The middle-aged man was discouraged: "Now the situation is changing every day, and this confidentiality regulation has to be changed."

"You should report to your superiors instead of complaining to me." After Su Qing finished speaking, she stood up and prepared to leave.

"Well, you pay attention to safety." The middle-aged man nodded and added: "You are very capable at work!"

After Su Qing left, the middle-aged man was silent for a while.

He got up and prepared to leave through the back door, but found a smear of white on the ground: "Hey, why is Captain Su so careless?"

Picking it up, it was a folded piece of paper.

Just as she was about to go downstairs to call Su Qing, she stopped suddenly at the top of the stairs.

No, Captain Su is an old comrade, it is impossible for her to make such a low-level mistake.

Check carefully before coming, there is absolutely no note in the room!
Open the note immediately.

The silk imitation font on the top: I work on the railway, don't read it.
It's more like a commercial telegram sent by a son to his parents to report his safety. Railway?

"As expected of old intelligence personnel. It seems that they have to be merged." The middle-aged man frowned, but he couldn't figure it out. Their source of funds was still a secret. It was impossible for the independent group to have such a large sum of money, even if It's fake legal currency!
No, Su Qing asked to meet here by himself, and there was a Japanese goods store opposite.
Could it be that the large number of counterfeit legal currency has something to do with this firm?
The middle-aged man feels that although the secrecy system formulated by the superiors in the early days can protect the underground staff to the greatest extent, it limits the intelligence time.

The intelligence system of the headquarters is mainly aimed at the collection, analysis and judgment of the enemy's strategic intelligence.

The focus of the local intelligence system is to pay attention to changes in the enemy's situation in small groups, the development of base areas, and work in enemy-occupied areas.

In the brutal armed struggle against the enemy, the people's livelihood happened to fall within the scope of work of the local anti-Japanese government.

As the captain of the armed task force, it is really rare to have such an overall view.

Xiao Hongying was bandaging Hu Yi: "Hey, I said you should hide on the stretcher"

"It's just such a little injury, do you think I'm embarrassed?"

"The thread is broken, can't you save me some trouble?"

"Report." The correspondent ran over panting: "I found the enemy situation."

There was a flutter in the bushes.

The people who were resting on the slope immediately rattled their guns.

Hu Yi raised his head: "What's the situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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