under fire

Chapter 1126 Endless Means

Chapter 1126 Endless Means

The valley is not the kind of terrain where two mountains sandwich a valley.

On the contrary, it looks like a trumpet mouth of a small north and a big south.

Both sides are in the most open area.

The terrain is constantly undulating, densely covered with rocks, and flash floods are prone to occur in rainy seasons. There are many wild grasses and shrubs in the estuary valley, and occasionally there are not too tall miscellaneous trees.

There are forests on the high ground on both sides, but the thorns are so dense that it is impossible to pass through. It is simply unrealistic to outflank the thorns.

Someone just wants to set up an ambush under the other's nose.

Gao Yidao didn't think at all that the devils had been ambushed once, and that the Ninth Battalion could still be defeated.

More than a hundred fighters were divided into four groups, with more than twenty soldiers in each group.

One group is more than [-] meters away from the south side of the road, hiding three machine gun groups led by Luo Fugui, a squad of militiamen who have just been armed with guns and are not yet proficient.

The other group was more than ten meters to the north of the road. The Qi old bandit who had not fully recovered from his wounds led a red tassel platoon, the same three machine gun groups, and more than ten militiamen.

The terrain on both sides is slightly higher and the middle is lower, so you are not afraid of hurting your own people when you shoot at each other. As for the ricochet, it is really unlucky to be knocked down by your own people.

The middle group of coverts was directly blocked in the east of the rugged mountain road passing through it. Staff Officer Hu went to the town in person, while the genuine commander Gao Yidao stood aside and watched.

More than [-] meters behind Hu Yi, Li Xiang took ten thousand guns, one squad, ready to fire chemical bombs.

The rest of the Daomen brought militia hunters as a reserve team
As soon as the order was issued, the reserve team disappeared.

Gao Yidao was dumbfounded, for the Ninth Battalion, which has always admired firepower, actually had bow hunters.
But three of them had three submachine guns hanging on their bodies.
An important factor for the success of an ambush is that the enemy must enter the ambush circle!

Otherwise it's a joke.

Obviously, the devils did not seem to be chasing the Second Battalion and the student team.

The layout of the Ninth Battalion was almost the same as the position set up by his Second Battalion just now led by the student team.

That is to say, there was an extra grenadier class. Judging from Hu Yi's arrangement, he should be planning to use them to attract devils to attack.

In terms of position layout and troop deployment, Hu Yi did not hide.

Gao Yidao was thinking about what the dozen or so men with bows on their backs and submachine guns hung on their chests were going to run into the woods on both sides.
The devil grenadier and the ammunition man are in a team of two. Under normal circumstances, each carries eight grenades, which is a base number of sixteen grenades.

In the wave of shooting just now, the devil's grenadier team had already destroyed at least half of the base!

He still didn't understand that with Hu Yi's temper, it was absolutely impossible to not fight back after being beaten, but with the current situation of the enemy, it was absolutely impossible to knock out the devil's grenadier.

By the way, Li Xiang fired chemical bombs.
That thing had tasted the taste of dying when it was in the warehouse of Jinbalei cave.

When the reserve team left, several of them seemed to be wearing anti-vegetative masks?

He knows Hu Yi very well, and Hu Yi will definitely find a way to deal with the Devil's grenadier, and then he will deal with the Devil's machine gun.
Thinking of this, he immediately murmured to the correspondent next to him: "Go east immediately. After the battle starts, count the frequency of the devil's grenade launcher. After the devil hits every five rounds, immediately let the second battalion and Captain Qin come over!"

His plan is simple, if the devils bombarded the Ninth Battalion like the last time they hit them, the devils' grenade grenades shouldn't last long, until the devils grenades hit the same level or Li Xiang uses the wicked and smoking chemical After the bombing, let the second battalion and the student team launch a charge against the devils.

And Jiuying has a fatal flaw, they generally don't charge!
Today, let the eggless guys like Jiuying see how Erying can show its power!
Gao Yidao said to Hu Yi beside him with a dark face, "Why didn't you shoot chemical bombs earlier?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "The grenadier can only hit more than 100 meters. It's too early for you to do it yourself. Who is to blame?"

"Can't you hit 500 meters?"

"That's a grenade."

"What's the difference?"

"Don't you have it too, haven't you tried it?"

Gao Yidao was speechless, there was an independent group before Hu came, and that thing was just a decoration.

There are no grenades to use!
But since knowing the usefulness of the grenade, the second battalion has regarded the grenade as a treasure. As for the training field, isn't it training?

The night before yesterday to stop the devils, the grenade had already been shot clean, otherwise, with his manpower in the second battalion, it would be impossible for him to be an opponent of the devils in the squadron.

The black light is blind, the ghost knows the difference between the grenade and the chemical bomb after being fired.
The devil came up, and a small team walked forward alternately in the bushes on both sides of the mountain road.

It is estimated that the distance is about 100 meters, and the figure of the devil cannot be seen clearly at all, only the branches and leaves of the shrubs are being whistling and beaten by the bullets.

It is very simple to judge the situation of the Devil infantry, as long as it is within the range of the machine gun's ballistic strafing range, there must be none.

It is common sense that infantry is always ahead of machine guns.

Sergeant Sasaki was very cautious. He believed that there should not be many people on the eighth route ahead, otherwise he had five light machine guns, and it would be impossible to run away in one wave.

It is not easy to train an excellent machine gun shooter. Whoever carries a machine gun is not called a machine gunner, so that the thing must be fed with live ammunition.

He simply didn't believe that Tuba Road, which lacked ammunition, could produce many excellent machine gunners who should not be called qualified!

Besides, the grenadiers of the imperial army have wiped out all the eight-way machine gunners, and now the main defense is whether there are eight-way sharpshooters hiding in the bushes.

It's very simple, a team with five machine guns will never lack sharpshooters!
Because having a machine gun means having bullets, naturally there will be a few rifle shooters with accurate marksmanship.

Due to terrain factors, Sergeant Cao felt that there was nothing wrong with the second lieutenant's arrangement.

The elites of the imperial army really shouldn't fight for casualties with Tuba Road.

When the vanguard was attacked, it was completely ambushed by an eight-way machine gun.

Seeing the attacking Eighth Route escape with his own eyes, maybe there is no Eighth Route in the bushes in front of him except for the body that was shot in the back by the elite of the imperial army and died!

Moreover, along the way, they did not encounter a landmine that Tuba Road is best at, which shows that Tuba Road was also a hastily set up position, and it was just an encounter.

Besides, the imperial army already knew that there was Tuba Road ahead, so why would Tuba Road be so stupid as to continue the ambush?

Even if there is, two waves of grenades from the imperial army can wipe out the entire army of the Tuba Route!
The Sergeant commanded the elites to keep moving forward. It was not easy to walk in the bushes. The team almost advanced along the gaps in the bushes that the eight roads escaped just now.

The light machine gun cleared the way, and there was not even a single return shot from the bushes.

It should not be far from the place where the vanguard was attacked. According to the previous report from the vanguard, there should be a three-way intersection in the foreword.

Sergeant Cao occasionally poked his head, and traces of paths could be seen in the bushes in the valley to the north.

Along the way, the bodies of the elite pioneers were not seen.

Unknowingly, the elites quickened their pace.

Devil Sergeant Cao suddenly felt something was wrong, and waved the machine gun beside him to stop firing.

Follow the birdsong to stop the team from advancing.

There is another way to judge whether there are people hiding in the bushes in the valley, and that is to look and listen.

See if there are birds and butterflies flying, and hear if there are insects!

After waiting quietly for a while, several butterflies flew from both sides.

The unknown chirping insects beside him, who were not afraid of the imperial army who was fearless at all, started chirping.

In early summer, the valley seems to have returned to calm after a "war".

The air is still filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and it is a bit pleasant to inhale into the nasal cavity.

The front is calm, the mountain wind is blowing, and the grass growing on the mountain wall is constantly shaking.

Shrubs shattered by bullets exude a refreshing plant fragrance
Time goes by one second and one second slowly.
[A brother suggested to update regularly, so let’s try it for now. I wrote it at night and sent it at 7:30 in the morning. If there is nothing to do during the day, I can update two chapters. Try to use the code during the lunch break to post it at 17:30 after taking time in the afternoon.

Brothers who have added to the favorites, please give a subscription to the little hands of making a fortune]

(End of this chapter)

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