under fire

Chapter 1127 The Wild Boar

Chapter 1127 The Wild Boar

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and we are talking about battles.

For the devils, the current situation seems to be escaping from the imperial army's pursuit with open swords and spears, but in fact there are secrets hidden.

Small-scale battles, ambushes, sneak attacks and guerrilla attacks are the specialties of the Eight Route Army.

The second lieutenant at the back saw that the second unit stopped suddenly, and was a little puzzled. Could it be that Tuba Road really had a second ambush?

There are many changes in the eight roads, and a team has been lost before, so don't capsize the boat again in the gutter.

At least it is certain that the sergeant leading the team should have discovered something.

Just as I was about to send someone to ask about it, there was a booming sound a hundred meters away!
No, grenade!

It seemed that Tubalu came prepared, and the second lieutenant began to retreat in his heart.

After the black grenade hit the ground, it did not explode, and white smoke hissed.

The frightened second lieutenant felt at ease immediately.

Tubalu has a fart grenade, just two grenades, and they use chemical bombs
Almost frightened off by Tubalu, the second lieutenant's mood improved immediately.

Tubalu had already run far away, but at this time he left a few people behind to play grenades. What was he doing?
The second lieutenant is at a loss!
I have seen countless battlefield reports, and this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. Even among the various enemy countermeasures issued by the staff, there is no corresponding countermeasure at all.

The first impression should be that Eight Routes wants to stop the advance of the imperial army, and the second impression is that there is a trap. This possibility is extremely small, and the two sides are obviously encountering each other.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is impossible for the local chicken and tile dog to compare with the imperial army who can fight well.

However, the second lieutenant did not dare to underestimate Tubalu with five light machine guns after losing a unit earlier!

Who knew that Tubalu escaped on purpose, leaving Xiaogu Balu hiding in the bushes and continuing to play with machine guns?
He never considered that there would be a lot of troops in the bushes. The reason is very simple. The Tuba Road has always relied on the number of people to attack the ambush. If the Tuba Road had a large number of people, it would definitely launch a suicide charge against the imperial army in the previous ambush. .

However, why did this group of Eight Routes appear here?
Combined with the information obtained from the pursuit squadron, the Imperial Army's army is sweeping northward, so this group of eight groups is likely to be the one that broke through the encirclement!

In other words, there are people from the Eighth Route Special Service Group in the middle!
It just happens to explain why they have five machine guns!

At the same time, it can also explain why they only have chemical bombs and no grenades.

An elite is an elite, and the second lieutenant with extraordinary battlefield analysis ability finally accurately judged that the main target of entering the mountain was part of the special task force in the opposite team based on a few chemical bombs.

The second lieutenant became excited, and immediately adjusted the battle target!The second lieutenant who originally only planned to retrieve the corpse of the pioneer changed his mind
The command level of the secret service team is not low, but in front of the invincible elite, they are still chickens and dogs!
The Chinese have a classic saying on the battlefield: know the enemy, know the enemy, and win every battle.
This group of Tubalu had grenades, but obviously no grenades.

The escaped group of Eight Roads is also good at playing ambushes before the formation and playing large-scale pull-fire mines.
Then, the Sergeant in front stopped, or he found an ambush in front of the Tuba Road formation, then... there may be landmines.
If you want to break the game, you have to find a trick to deal with Tubalu playing landmines.

According to what the pursuit squadron said, the fleeing Tubalu should not have much explosives.

You just need to guard against the mines they set up with grenades, which is not difficult.

To deal with landmines, avoiding them is the best choice!

Secondly, you can also use grenade bombs to open the way.

If it's not possible, you can throw stones into the bushes. The area of ​​the valley is so large, it is impossible for the invincible imperial army to use some unreliable methods.

There is no need to even think about using the lives of elites to go to thunder!

Next time, if you have the Royal Association Army, you can try it.
However, the battlefield is not a sand table, and plans can never keep up with changes.

After a while, the second lieutenant still couldn't make up his mind.

Due to the terrain, it is not easy to detour, it is currently
The sergeant next to him said directly: "This is too weird, Tuba has no routine at all."

The second lieutenant was stunned for a moment: "Routine? The imperial army swept up Tuba Road. Do you still need to know the way of Tuba Road?"

Hearing what the second lieutenant meant, he was about to be crushed. Sergeant Cao also saw the situation clearly and shook his head: "We don't have many grenades, it's too wasteful to use them on the road!"

"Then what can you do?"

"Most of the Tuba roads have run away. There should not be many of the eight roads in the bushes in front. In order to prevent the eight road mines, I think... we can attack from both wings."

"However, although the two wings are full of thorns"

Even their high walls can be captured, how can mere thorns block the progress of the warriors?

We don't have enough machetes for the thorns!

The Sergeant Chief who had hunting experience had a proud face: "The way of the beast, in such a valley, there must be the way of the beast!"

The second lieutenant froze for a moment: "You mean, let the warriors go through the thorny jungle like wild beasts?"

In order to chase their prey, hunters must not only rely on strength, but also means. Where wild beasts can pass, imperial warriors can pass.

The battlefield is like a millstone for flesh and blood, and no one will always stand still.

After recruits go to the battlefield to accumulate practical experience, they will naturally become veterans.

Commanders who accumulate experience on the battlefield can better understand their opponents and make corresponding countermeasures to complex situations on the battlefield.

The graves of those who think they are invincible on the battlefield after reading military books for a few days have already been covered with weeds.

Of course, those who have read military books can use many past battle examples to make detailed response plans based on the situation on the battlefield. The commander has no problem either.

Even higher than the average commander level.

Experienced commanders can serve as staff officers, and staff officers who have accumulated proven experience in actual combat can also become commanders.

Veterans who have participated in many large-scale battles as grassroots commanders and survived are treasures.

From the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War to the Songhu War, and several years of guerrilla warfare, Hu Yi's battlefield experience is far beyond ordinary people.

None of the friendly soldiers who voted was unconvinced, even soldiers like Big Dog.

The fact that the old gangster Qi and Hu Yi have the same root has nothing to do with ideological awareness, let alone personal beliefs. Hu Yi likes girls, and old gangster Qi is no exception.

The devil's vanguard stopped advancing. Being a bandit was no different from fighting guerrilla warfare to gain battlefield experience. The old bandit Qi, who was equally experienced in the battlefield, immediately realized that something might be wrong.

Until Li Xiang fired the chemical bomb, the devil still didn't move. He immediately judged what kind of trick the little devil should be playing.

However, there is nothing he can do now.

Silent waiting is also a kind of command art.

The devil had a grenadier, and Wan only fired a chemical bomb, and immediately ran back with the grenadier.

Li Xiang had no choice but to run along.

The machine gunner was holding a submachine gun with a dirty face. He didn't like this thing at all. Not to mention that it couldn't hit the enemy far away.

Li Xiang hit the chemical bomb but didn't hear the devils fight back.

Of course he didn't know that the Second Lieutenant Guizi had figured out the origin of the Ninth Battalion.

It's useless to know, he just wanted to use the acrid smoke from Li Xiang's chemical bombs to sneak attack on the devil's grenadier position.

The second battalion got rid of the devil's first light machine gun, and now the attacking devil has two light machine guns. According to the weapon configuration of the little devil's light machine gun to the squad, the ghosts left behind should have no machine guns.

Therefore, what he has to face now is the devil infantry that is twice as fast as him.

I don't know which expert said that a submachine gun can cover a squad!

Three submachine guns, of course, can top a platoon!

As a veteran soldier, he is now personally appointed by the platoon leader Hongying as the commander of the commando, so he will not do the charge to death himself.

Wen Wuquan turned out to be a hunter, and led five militiamen who were also hunters to find a passage at the bottom of the dense bushes.

There are thorn bushes on the top of the head. It is estimated that it will be very difficult to get out. At least two or three meters of thorny vines are needed.
The ground is full of footprints like wild boar forks. I didn't expect to experience the legendary beast way for myself!
If only I could get a wild boar
I haven't eaten meat for a long time
Fuck, the war is coming, why are you distracted?
Dirty Face quickly withdrew his mind, lowering his voice: "Move faster."

"Ahead. There are wild boars."

(End of this chapter)

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