under fire

Chapter 1128 Make yourself smart

Chapter 1128 Make yourself smart
Animals in the mountains travel through the mountains, just like people, they will choose easy, energy-saving, and even safe routes.

Not to mention flying.

Flat ridges and ravines with sparse bushes are the routes that large animals like.

Small animals generally do not run around, and most snakes crawl and burrow.

Animals are always better off walking along a fixed route. If they walk a lot, there will be intermittent trails of different widths in the woodland, which are called animal paths.

The big and small animal roads are interlaced and coiled, forming a road network for wild animals.

Large animals are heavy, and the animal trails are tightly stepped, so they are not easy to grow grass and are easy to find.

And small animals often move around water sources or caves.

The wild boars in the mountains don't like to walk on the ridges, let alone the ravines where large animals often go.

Because the adult wild boars are crazy, even tigers and wolves are not afraid, tigers and hungry wolves can't do anything to adult wild boars, but small pork is delicious
Animals have their own ways to survive, and pigs use stupid ways to dig their own paths in the thorny forest near the mountain wall.

Sergeant Cao is knowledgeable and knows everything about astronomy and geography. He has hunting experience. Before joining the army, he organized many survival activities in the wild.

He believes that even hunters who have lived in the mountains for many years cannot understand this mountain better than him.

The Imperial Elite cannot venture through minefields without wasting grenades to clear their way.

The bushes in the valley are not wide, and the animal path through the thorn bushes is the best choice.

Half of the team's elites followed behind the Sergeant, and got into the dry, dense, tangled, tangled bushes.

The ground is almost covered with black soil formed by the feces left by wild boars for a long time.

As a result, the shrubs and vines above the head are more dense than other places.

The wild boar was afraid of the loud noise, so the previous guns fired together.

A family of wild boars in the thorn bushes is hiding in the bushes in fear, occasionally grunting a few times to express anger, and may go crazy at any time!

Adult wild boars with underdeveloped brains have rough skin and thick flesh. They run rampant in the mountains, and even tigers and wolves have to shy away from existence.

Very angry at intruders in their territory.

Wen Wuquan and a militiaman walked in the forefront, and the militiaman sprinkled something out of the jar from time to time, and a foul smell diffused in the thorny forest.

Dirty face asked: "What the hell are you doing?"

The militiaman replied in a low voice: "Dog pee"

The person next to the Taoist gate immediately widened his eyes: "Are you collecting ghosts in broad daylight? It only works with dog's blood."

"You know what, there are wild boars ahead." The militiaman wiped his drool.

"Don't move!" Dirty face suddenly gave a low voice, and then pricked up his ears to listen carefully: "There is a situation"

Wen Wuquan was stunned for a moment: "Is there really something wrong?"

"Don't talk, there is a sound of metal crashing."

"It's not a devil, is it?"

The militiaman next to him shook his head: "Little devil, how could he know the way of the wild boar, did you hear it wrong?"

Ding. Another soft sound came.

This time I heard clearly, and quickly lay down on the ground.

"Be careful, there are ghosts!" Dirty Face's face turned black: "Prepare for submachine gun shooting"

After giving the order, Dirty Face groaned inwardly, the wild boars in the thorn forest created a small space.

You can't even have a cat waist, you can only climb!

When encountering devils, the two at the front can barely fire, and the people behind can only watch the back of the person in front.

If you bring a rifle, it will be difficult to turn the muzzle in the dense bushes!
Beasts have an instinct to sense danger!

The Thorn Cave to the east smells like dog urine. That thing is disgusting, not only barking and annoying, but also chasing after it for three days and three nights without giving up.
As for the two-legged beast in the west, it is similar to the monkey in the mountain, and it is not an opponent of an adult wild boar at all.
So, the wild boar family living in groups, led by the first pig, a large group of six or seven adult boars, sows, large and small, a family of more than [-] to [-] and a half pigs spread their hooves and rushed westward.

From time to time, he hummed and shouted to warn the intruders to get out of here.
Sergeant Cao never dreamed that he would encounter a wild boar as soon as he got into the bushes and did not climb far.

If it is normal, it is a good opportunity for hunting, smoked bacon for big pigs, and roast suckling pig for small pigs.
How could imperial soldiers be intimidated by wild beasts?
The sergeant commander immediately ordered: "Use the bayonet and block the passage of the wild boar."

The ghost elite who followed him panicked. Quickly pulled off the bayonet and lined up with the sergeant's long bayonet!
Trying to stop the black shadows walking in groups
A stench hits the face, and the noon sun shines through the thorn bushes to form circular spots on the ground.

Seeing that the intruder didn't seem to be leaving the territory at all, the wild boar became angry.
Humming sounded one after another.
The pig finally accumulated enough strength, its short legs like a devil began to exert strength, and rushed towards the bayonet without any fear.

The Sergeant Chief was a little uneasy. He didn't intend to shoot in order not to expose the target, so the rifle in his hand didn't pull the bolt to push the bullet to load at all.

The two bayonets can indeed block most of the thorny space. The bayonets accurately stab the head of the wild boar. However, the momentum of the wild boar is extremely fierce.

The pig's head looks huge, but the pig's brain inside the thick skull is very small!
The butt of the gun was on the ground, and the bayonet hanging from the muzzle and piercing into the wild boar's scalp was bent directly by the wild boar's head shaking violently after eating the pain.

With two knives stuck in its head, the wild boar was really crazy this time, and rushed directly at the Twolegs blocking the way.

A rifle without a bayonet can't hold up at all
The space is narrow, and the wild boar rushing over stepped on the head, back, buttocks, thighs, and calves of the ghost lying on the ground holding his head.
The body of the wild boar, which weighed more than a hundred kilograms, almost rushed westward against the back of the devil's body.

The two devils behind Sergeant Cao set up their bayonets early on and plunged them into the pig's head again.

The hog-killing howl resounded through the valley among the brambles.

The wild boar is not even afraid of the tiger after it goes mad, its simple mind just wants to push the two-legged beast in front of it away.

The strong body continued to push forward, and the hind hoof stepped on the sergeant's long back kept looking for a point of strength, and finally stepped on the devil's neck, which was a good point of strength.
Sergeant Cao only felt a strong force coming, click.
He became another elite who died at the feet of wild boars.
The bayonet was still holding the head of the pig firmly, and the following large herd of wild boars were blocked, and they huddled together in a mess, grunting and screaming.
Devil finally shot!

The commanders of both sides were killed almost simultaneously.

Gunshots are heard.

Wen Wuquan looked to the west: "We have to go back"

The militiaman turned pale when he heard the movement in front of him: "Yes, the wild boar is blocked in front, and it is likely to come to our side."

A group of people began to retreat slowly, and the militiamen chopped off the nearby branches and sharpened them, and planted them densely on the ground to prevent wild boars from coming.
Seems to be at an impasse again.

The second lieutenant seemed incredulous when he heard that his subordinates came back in dismay to report the death of Sergeant Cao.

The plan to outflank the beasts failed!
There is no point in attacking, because until now, he doesn't know where the target is!

What if I keep thinking about how eight roads can play landmines?
It has been more than fifteen hours since we lost contact with the squadron!
The bushes ahead are tens of meters wide
Do you want to attack by force?
The chasing lieutenant said that an explosion of an eight-way landmine can kill and injure dozens of imperial soldiers.
Or use a grenade to clear the way!
Or use the life of a warrior to ride the thunder.
Boar damn boar. If you can use boar to clear the way.
Thinking of this, the second lieutenant became excited.

How can the wild boar be driven out?

After a little thought, I immediately came up with an idea: "Immediately calculate the location of the wild boar, seal off the westward animal path in the thorn forest, and blast the wild boar out for me with a grenade."

A grenade can also be used as a grenade, but the propellant needs to be added, and the accuracy is far inferior to the grenade.

Then, a strange scene appeared, several devils kept throwing grenades into the thorn forest.
The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion, who wanted to ambush, waited for the devil's attack without waiting.

Why is the devil on the opposite side hiding in the bushes and not moving.

Neither attack nor retreat, there is only one possibility, waiting for reinforcements!

Hu Yi didn't know that the Nine Battalion used large landmines made of explosives brought back from the friendly army on the mountain ridge, which directly frightened the most elite elites of the devils.

At this time, more than twenty devils were lining up in a half circle, preparing to drive the wild boars to the front of the formation to be thunder pioneers
Indecision, many times, just because too many details are considered. Can't make a decisive decision!

A second lieutenant is not a lieutenant.

If the lieutenant is here, he will definitely give the second lieutenant a few big blows.

If Balu really had so many grenades for landmine ambush, and had arranged so many machine gun teams to fight against them, wouldn't he be full?

(End of this chapter)

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