under fire

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129
Not long after, Dirty Face crawled back from the grass: "Damn it, I almost bumped into the devil face to face."

Xiao Hongying's eyes widened: "You mean the devil is also in the thorn forest?"

"Yes, there are dozens of wild boars caught in the middle. If they can be killed and eaten, and smoked into bacon, they can be eaten for at least a year!"

"I'm telling you devils. What are you talking about? Dozens of wild boars?" Xiao Hongying's eyes lit up: "Can you get them out?"

"If you can kill those devils, it will be fine..."

"I'm going to find the fox"

The militiamen were afraid of gunfire when they went to the battlefield, and they were even more afraid of grenade grenades, but there were two guys who regarded the battlefield as if there was no one in it.

Xiao Hongying has confidence in Hu Yi, and Dirty Face thinks that there are many people on her side, even if she can't beat the devils, she will just run away, and she has been running away for so many years.
The devils in front were hiding in the bushes, but the devils in the distance were running around in the bushes.

The soldiers who were devoted to ambushes were completely confused for a while.

Gao Yidao looked carefully from time to time, and after a while, he finally heard the wild boar humming.

Does the little devil still have the mind to play game at this time?

My mind began to come alive.

In his opinion, the ambush of the Ninth Battalion was a complete joke.

The one surnamed Hu wanted to set up an ambush, and the attacking devils became vigilant and did not move, even if they used up all 36 tricks, there would be no problem!

The situation on both sides is clear, the devils have fewer soldiers and stronger combat effectiveness, and there are grenadiers.

However, in this kind of bushes that can disperse the formation at any time, durians alone can't last long!

If the team spreads out and rushes to his mother's wave. The little devil's grenadier is also just a decoration.

The factors that determine the trend of the battlefield are ever-changing, and it is meaningless to wait any longer.

Facing more than forty devils, Gao Yidao had an argument with Hu Yi: "Our military strength is three or four times that of devils, do you still have the courage to ambush?"

Hu Yi was expressionless: "If you want to charge, I will cover you!"

"Then you wait!" Gao Yidao waved to the correspondent: "Let them all crawl over quickly."

Xiao Hongying just crawled from among the rocks to Hu Yi's side, and the two began to murmur.

It is normal for the devils to worry that the Tuba Road will cause landmines.

The second lieutenant finally surrounded the herd of wild boars on his one-acre three-point land.

Immediately ordered the advance team to get out of the way, waited for the wild boar to rush over, and followed the cover of machine gun grenades to break through the Tuba Road position in one go.

The west side was blocked by ghosts with cat waists, and the wild boar had to run rampant in a narrow area.

The second lieutenant waved his hand, and the three devils immediately shot, bang.
The crisp gunshots startled the wild boars, and subconsciously moved away from the place where the gunshots were fired.

The second round was fired, and the wild boars began to flee eastward.

A grenade explodes behind a herd of wild boars
Unable to return to the nest, the wild boar accelerated its running speed.

The adult herd was overwhelming, rampaging through the bushes.

Soon approaching time in front of the soldiers on the side of the road near the Devils.

The wild boar's head is getting bigger and bigger.

The soldier pulling the machine gun nervously pressed the trigger.

Da da da.
The wild boar in front was overturned, and the cry of killing a pig suddenly sounded.

The soldier was knocked down by the wild boar rushing behind him.

There were humming in the ears.
Seeing this, several soldiers quickly pulled out their shell guns. Before his bullets could be fired, a bullet roared from behind the wild boar.

The devils following the wild boar finally opened fire.

The warrior staggered to one side.

Luo Fugui, who was hiding by the roadside, hadn't had time to drool.

After hearing the gunshots, find the devil behind the herd of wild boars.

Before the bipod of the Czech machine gun pulled out from the weeds landed on the stone in front of it, flames flashed from the muzzle.

Da da da.
A bullet slid past the devil's steel helmet, and hit the body of the devil following behind.

The ballistic trajectory was stretched horizontally, pouring aggressively like a tiger and a hungry wolf towards the charging devil stragglers.

The charging devil team always thought that there was an ambush ahead of the formation, and they had already made preparations, and they fell down immediately when the machine gun fired.

The expected mine did not explode, but a machine gun emerged.

Less than a second after Luo Fugui fired, the two grenades behind the devil rushed out of the muzzle of the grenades one after another.

Then, after Li Xiang adjusted the bomb launcher, two chemical bombs flew towards the Devils launcher position.

Boom, grenades exploded left and right in front of Luo Fugui, who hadn't had time to transfer.

If he hadn't shrunk his head quickly, he would probably have turned into a dead mule.

Cang panic got up from behind the rock and ran to the side.

Seeing that the machine gun was blown out, the devil jumped up again, maintaining his momentum and continuing to attack like a gust of wind.

Da da da.
The old gangster Qi who had been holding his breath fired the machine gun again. After two bursts, the old gangster Qi quickly changed positions regardless of the pain in his chest.

The ammunition man next to him followed the old bandit Qi to the second bunker without hesitation.

Although the chemical bombs fired by Li Xiang were not very accurate, the devil grenadiers still had to move. The chemical bombs would not only choke people, but also affect their sight.

The other two machine guns brought by the old bandit Qi opened fire.
The same is to change positions after two bursts.

The devils are in the west, so there is no problem of accidentally injuring their comrades.

The attacking devils were a little confused, complaining and cursing in their hearts. Tubalu's machine guns hit more fiercely after being hit by a wave before.

When did heavy gunners become so worthless?
The student team who received the order from the first year of high school came back again as a whole team.

In the bushes, the Eighth Route with more people and soldiers quickly gained the upper hand.

The soldiers of the Second Battalion quickly ran past Li Xiang and Wan Throwing Cannon's position.

After running past Hu Yi's frontal machine gun, Gao Yidao got up and yelled at Hu Yi: "Quickly pull away, don't hit me on the back!"

There was only one squad of devils attacking, and the remaining two machine guns were looking for targets everywhere. The grenades could hardly be aimed. Without fire support, the eight-way machine guns began to be arrogant, and bullets roared overhead.

The Second Battalion's killing sound shook the sky. Some of the Ninth Company's soldiers, who were holding machine guns, hesitated for a moment, and quickly followed the pace of the Second Battalion's charge and ran westward in the bushes.

Old bandit Qi didn't know why, so he led Hongying's platoon of more than ten soldiers and followed Gao Yidao
The ghost elites lying on the ground fired a round with their rifles, and there was no chance to pull the bolt.

Had to stand up and face the blades of the second battalion's full impact.

The two sides are too close to even have a chance to throw a grenade
Seeing Gao Yidao's tower-like body rushing towards him like a train, the three devils in front of him stepped forward, ready to stab Gao Yidao.

The devil behind took the opportunity to push a bullet.

The Second Company Commander at the back didn't wait for the devil to point his gun up, and fired the shell gun in his hand first.

Knock the devil behind to the ground.

Gao Dao stabbed with a rifle, and the devil on the opposite side directly raised his gun and held it horizontally. The bayonet rubbed against the devil's gun, and the blade of the bayonet was blocked.

The devil next to him seized this opportunity, laughed wildly and stabbed Gao in the abdomen with a rifle.

Gao Yidao remained calm in the face of danger, and slammed to the right, sideways to avoid the devil's bayonet, quickly pulled back the rifle in his hand, and then stabbed at the devil who was knocked by his blow again.
The second company commander swung the pistol to find an opportunity, and the second bullet was fired again, knocking down the devil who was about to stab Gao again.

The other fighter who was covering Gao Yidao has not been able to find a chance to stab until now.

The devil machine gunner who held a crutch, the bent magazine disappeared, and even hung the bayonet on the muzzle of the machine gun. Trying to fight the bayonet
The commander of the second company watched all directions, and the muzzle of the gun turned immediately. Before he could shoot, the soldiers of the second company rushed up behind him with a standard posture and stabbed the bayonet into the devil's machine gunner's chest.

The charge was fierce, and the Devil's machine gunner was pushed back again and again.

The bayonet on the Devil's machine gun also pierced into the soldier's abdomen.

The two sides stared at each other with their foreheads pressed against their foreheads, and howled in their mouths.

The two people who were entangled lost their center of gravity and fell down. The second company commander quickly found the right opportunity and shot the devil in the head who was being held down by the soldier.

The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion charged with light machine guns, but couldn't find their target for a while, and the militiamen who followed were even more at a loss.
Gao Yidao yelled: "What are you doing in a daze, spread out quickly and continue to charge west and throw grenades"

The devils were equivalent to being divided into two echelons. The first echelon was completely overturned by Tuba Road Charge, and the two light machine guns were silenced.

The second lieutenant in the rear only had grenadiers and no light machine guns.

Unable to suppress fire with machine guns, the grenadiers had to be ordered to fire at full strength.

More than [-] infantrymen half-kneeled on the stones in the bushes and raised their rifles to shoot, throwing a grenade or two from time to time,

At this time, he didn't even care that there were still devils still entangled with Balu.
The dozen or so machine guns rushing up finally found a chance to vent, hid in the bushes, and fired intensively at the Devils grenadier positions.
The second lieutenant will not rest in peace!

The elites of the empire were reduced to being crushed and beaten by eight-way intensive firepower!
It should be called the other way around!
(End of this chapter)

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