under fire

Chapter 113

Chapter 113
Banxian murmured, "Go to the division headquarters, we may have to march in a hurry, but you see that the brothers don't have the strength, can you?..."

Tang Dagou was stunned for a moment: "Do you want to tell me that you are not full? Hmm? There are not many people in this area who can breathe. It is good to have something to eat!"

Banxian didn't care about the ridicule: "Drinking porridge all day long, can you bear it?"

Tang Dagou cast a sideways glance at Banxian: "Hey, what the hell can you be? Are there a lot of canned food in the devil's place? You want to eat it and bring someone to do it yourself?"

"That's not true, it's just that the wild vegetables and porridge here in Balu are all the time, even the patterns don't change, the birds are fading out of my mouth." Banxian smacked his mouth.

"Then you go to the devil behind, there is meat there, don't think that the devil won't nail a few eyes on you just because you have been a security force!" Tang Dagou looked down on this guy.

A group of subordinates were also dumbfounded, and it took a while to react. One of the subordinates said: "Hey? Tang Dagou? We used to be in the same group, but now we are all in the same group? How are you talking? Why? They have canned food, but we don't?"

"Don't call me out! You fucking aunts and aunts, you know those guys are easy to talk to, if I hadn't come early, do you think they wouldn't drag you into cannon fodder?" Tang Dagou sternly said He called out to his subordinates.

"No, isn't Director Qin saying that officers and soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are equal?"

"Equality? Then you go and let the mule carry you away, will it work?"

"Isn't that just a little girl, who can compare with her?"

"Girl, she killed more devils than you. Don't be fooled. If you want to eat canned food, I don't have a share. If you have the ability, go find the devils yourself, hurry up!"

When Lieutenant Guizi was about to attack, he was hit by a wave of grenades from Balu, causing [-] or [-] casualties, and three died. The attack was frustrated again. .

After venting his anger against the air with two mortars and a few grenade launchers, he finally calmed down. This time when he entered the mountain, there were dozens of lieutenants like him. The last major general, it's not his turn to take advantage here, and pursue the Eighth Route. The order to support the advance team was issued by the North China Front Army Command. Although the division heads all have precedents that they like to do it themselves, the lieutenant dare not, the big one Not daring to be ambiguous about the direction, he hangs behind Balu and chases after him.

The Eight Routes at the mountain pass had also retreated earlier, densely packed devils lined up on the edge of the cliff, and pursued in the direction in which the Eight Routes escaped. In the ranks of the march, the top of the mountain looks flat, and if the eight roads try to block it, it is courting death.

The problem is that the flat area is only the top of the mountain, and further north, it is a cliff, but the uphill becomes downhill.

The lieutenant was very puzzled, how can people survive in such a place?What's the point of living in this mountain without seeing the outside world?
The devil brigade followed behind. Under the attack of the devil's mortar, the Ninth Company sacrificed two more and injured a few more. They have stopped the devil for a day, and the mission should be completed, right?

Hu Yi looked at the two or three eagles circling in the sky. Of course, the sky was already dark, the soldiers had already lit torches, and there were people shaking everywhere in the mountains. Perhaps there had never been so many people coming at the same time on this land. , Noisy startled flocks of night birds.

He stroked the devil's beard but only knew how to run away. The shameless Eight Routes were just ahead, and the devil's first strengthening team was speeding up, preparing to teach these invincible Eight Routes a good lesson. After blocking most of his divisions for most of the day, he vented his anger, and of course he had to take revenge.

As a result, the eight roads in front ran like rabbits!Flying fast, I don't know why Tubalu can run so well. Since he can't catch up, of course there will be no casualties, but I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

It was already dark, Lieutenant Guizi looked at the single line on the map, the division headquarters of the Eighth Route was more than ten miles away, but the winding mountain road, more than ten miles, went up and down the mountain, and if you want to speed up your march They couldn't do it at all, and the few devils who fell off the cliff didn't even have a chance to find the corpse.

Since you are going to your division headquarters on the Eighth Route, isn't this the vanguard of the road, then don't worry about the pursuit, just keep the marching speed, and follow you to the headquarters of the Duanba Road.

When marching in the mountains, stamina is of course important. They are all soldiers, and no one is much weaker than anyone else in terms of physical strength. The only difference is that the devils have short feet and short bodies. Walking four steps, it is easy to stop the mountain, but it is difficult to go down the mountain. From time to time, Balu will plant a land mine with a grenade on the side of the road. Down.

in the village.

Tian Sanqi, who had gone down the mountain in one step earlier, had already reached the Xiaozhang River. The three guys led by Tian Sanqi arrived in the village. Without saying a word, he pointed a gun at Wang Daniu and asked him to organize the villagers to evacuate into the mountain. Well, the common people have never seen such an Eighth Route Army. They all say that the Eighth Route Army loves the people as much as their lives. They have never seen this bandit-like Eighth Route Army!
Devils into the mountains?What is a ghost? Is the painting on the door a ghost?
Could it be possible that the three eight roads in front of me are fake?The group just after the afternoon should be the Eighth Route Army. Look at the people, be polite to the common people, give guns when they leave, and wave their hands when they cross the river.

Right now, these three Eight Routes are vicious, and they must be reported to the division someday. Several old folks from the peasant association exchanged opinions bitterly.

In fact, there is no need for another day, several other elderly aunts are pulling Tian Sanqi to discuss how to speak, because Tian Sanqi smashed the broken water tank that the old man was going to move, and the little food was dumped on the ground. A few chickens were also thrown away in the Fa-rectification, and a few sheep fell in a pool of blood, but it was a pity that Luo Fugui was not there.

This is nothing but bandits. The only difference is that the chickens and sheep were not robbed and roasted. Of course, the burning of the house has not yet been done. Maybe, when the people leave, they will burn the house.

Bringing chickens and sheep will leave traces all the way, Tian Sanqi has obtained the true biography, if this thing is not dealt with, the devils will follow all the way.

The common people who were crying so hard quit, and a few aunts vowed to fight Tian Sanqi to their death, holding Tian Sanqi's thighs and asking for an explanation.

Fortunately, Tian Sanqi knew Wang Daniu, otherwise he would have regarded these three guys as bandits. Wang Daniu, who had been persuading him for a long time, helped Tian Sanqi speak with his brand-new rifle, but no matter how he tried to persuade him here, it didn't work.

"Wang Daniu, don't talk about those useless ones, quickly get the boat over, the big troops are coming soon, and the ghosts who are worried about you are watching from behind. If you let him catch up, no one will be happy. I will take care of the matter here. deal with."

Tian Sanqi finally took out two oceans from his bag, and handed them to the aunt who hugged his thigh with the help of the torches lit by the villagers next to him: "I'll pay you the money, the devil is really here, If you don't leave, the devil will not only kill people, but also burn down houses!"

The aunt who received the money began to calculate whether she was at a disadvantage. Anyway, the dead sheep was still in her hands, and it seemed that she still had something to gain.

Let go of Tian Sanqi.

The common people began to drill into the mountains to the west, and several young militiamen prepared boats to let the coming large troops cross the river.

(End of this chapter)

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