under fire

Chapter 114

Chapter 114
Hu Yi looked at the six people who greeted him at the entrance of the village, and Tian Sanqi was the leader with a mournful face, so he was satisfied: "Tell me, whose idea is it to do this? It's you?"

Before Tian Sanqi could say anything, Wang Daniu said nervously: "These are all Brother Tian's ideas!"

Hu Yi nodded, and said to himself: "Well, it's thoughtful to think about the problem!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Political Commissar Ding who was standing next to him: "Political Commissar, we have to hurry up and prepare to cross the river. We still have the wounded, and the devils catch up very quickly. The ferry is too small. We have to arrange to block it later, otherwise we will be bitten." superior!"

As for commanding the battle, Ding Deyi, as an old political worker, old Red Army, and old Eighth Route Army, certainly had no problem, but he did not interfere with Hu Yi.

Seeing that the political commissar led the troops to the river, Hu Yi looked at the guys in front of him, thought for a while, and said to Wang Daniu: "You guys are doing well, where did you get the gun?"

"Hey, they sent the Eighth Route Army across the river this afternoon." Wang Daniu replied in shock.

"The Eighth Route Army? Did the Eighth Route Army pass by here this afternoon? How many people are there?" The little girl next to him interrupted.

"One company, more than a hundred."

The one big and one small two were stunned and stared at each other.

"Later, a group of wounded soldiers passed by. I heard from them that they belonged to the third company of your independent regiment, and two wounded soldiers belonged to the model regiment. I have seen one of them before!"

It was not the first time for Hu Yi to meet Wang Daniu. He passed by here several times, so he was considered an acquaintance. Hu Yi was not polite when he asked.

A thin moon hung high, and it was past midnight.

A raft appeared looming on the surface of the river. A dozen or so figures were sitting on the raft. Half of them pulled the rope vigorously and pushed the raft forward.

Carefully leaning on the opposite bank of the river, the figure quickly jumped off the raft, and the two stayed on the raft and pulled the crossing rope on the river back.

Soon, another group of people boarded the raft, mixed with the two stretchers carried, and crossed the river again.

For mountain people, a raft is a boat.

At the entrance of the village, a person spoke softly: "I've been staring at those torches, but I can't see them near the place, and it's true that no one came up!"

Another reminder: "Are you stupid, the devil will light a torch for you to see when the devil walks in front of the vanguard?"

"Hey, he doesn't light a torch, he's a fool, he dares to walk a mountain road, fall into a ditch, and he has to shed his skin if he doesn't die."

Some distance away, in the grass on the other side, the binoculars were put down, and there was someone who was not afraid of death. Xiao Hongying looked worried, but no one could tell in the night.I thought that the enemy would have ten or eight vanguards, but after a long time it became one. Can't these devils have something to do?Can't you be more aggressive?Really no future!

Hao Yun next to him couldn't help muttering: "This black light is blind and you can't see far away. You still look through the binoculars. Are you tired?"

"I want you to take care of it! Auntie is willing!" Seeing that the devils were being blocked, half a row of [-] or so squatted in the grass to avoid mosquitoes, but in the end only three devil soldiers came, and the little girl felt angry.

"Then shall we fight now or not?"

"Don't worry, isn't the fox still squatting there, just three devils, bring them closer and fire."

Xiao Hongying really didn't like these three melons and two dates, so she changed her mind temporarily, how could this be considered a blockade, she was a little frustrated.

The little girl got up and went to the cat's waist and ran to Hu Yi's side. Hao Yun immediately pulled up the machine gun and followed, and had a clear understanding of the little girl's position in Jiulian.

"Oh? It's just these little grasshoppers, let's go quickly."

"Okay, you take a squad and go first, these three guys have to be dealt with first."

The little girl is frightened, is she useful, isn't there just three devils?I'll kill them all at once.

Hu Yi leaned his gun on the ground, looking at the dark figure in the distance: "Don't be careless, what if the devils come from the field, there is an open field next to the village, there are too many devils now, can we finish the fight?"

After a while, two figures sprang out from the south, one of them was Tian Sanqi again, he came here first, so he scouted the nearby terrain first.

"Company commander, there are three leading devils, and the devils in the brigade are divided into three groups. There is a squad of devils on the front and two flanks, and they follow behind the leading soldiers. They press on the whole line, and the speed is very fast."

"Fight the vanguard first." Hu Yi no longer hesitated.

As soon as the words were finished, the re-armed machine gun rang out, and the three figures from the south immediately panicked and lay down. A continuous ballistic trajectory was attached to the night, and bursts of flames burst out, which could be seen under the faint moonlight. Those sparks that occasionally jump up are sparks that are occasionally splashed by bullets hitting rocks.

Draw a line of death for the figures advancing in the dark.

"Enemy attack!" A figure panicked and shouted Niaoyu. In fact, the devil understood it all, but the devil's vanguard still shouted subconsciously.

Seeing the machine guns sweeping by, a dozen or so figures in the east and west directions suddenly sprang up in the dark night and rushed towards the village in front of them. Unfortunately, in the dark night, they couldn't see anything except the fire, and the devils did not Open fire, one foot high and one leg low, in the soil, head forward, and the distance is only about three hundred meters.

Finally caught the group of eight-way tails in front.

I thought that when the machine gun fired, one or two of the three pioneers in front would be hit by one or two, but in the end, one missed.

The machine gun didn't frighten the vanguard, there was even one devil who was rushing from left to right and still running forward, while the other two devils squatted down and pulled the bolt and started to fight back.

With a howling sound, the bullets rushed towards the flame at the muzzle of the machine gun, and two bullets grazed Company Commander Hongying's head.

Hao Yun was so frightened that he immediately tore the little girl away and turned aside. The machine gun was fired and there was no shooter.

Hu Yi picked up the rifle next to him, leaned against his cheek, and aimed at the darkness by feeling, waiting for the muzzle flame of the devil to fire again.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, when the devil's vanguard opened fire again, Hu Yi's gunshot also rang out, and the bullet crossed the field mist, carrying a mission, and penetrated into the devil's body.

With a bang, Hao Yun, who pulled the girl away and quickly raised his gun, fired, and the bullet didn't seem to miss.

The other bang came from Tang Dagou's Ma Sihuan, full of courage.

With three bullets, the two devils fell down in the dark night. As for which unlucky guy was shot twice, it is unknown.

The devil's vanguard, who didn't fire a shot, but moved forward, hesitated for a moment, and crawled on the ground, not daring to show off his lost steps again.

The little girl who was covered in dirt and spitting spit got up and punched and kicked Hao Yun: "I'll make you feel bad, you've teased your aunt and grandma twice today, I made you so shameless!" Se, I rarely have a chance to fight devils, and you messed it up."

I said, company commander, isn’t that devil firing cannons this afternoon? The devil’s bullets were flying on your forehead just now. Aren’t you worried about your safety? Don’t bite Lu Youbin like a dog. It was the task given by Director Qin.

Director Qin, he is a
What is it, the little girl didn't say: "I'll deal with you later."

This also reminded me that I only cared about beating myself just now, as if two bullets flew past my forehead.

In the distance, the formation of three lines of devils has dispersed, mixed with three flashlights, the light beams randomly illuminate the village, and then sweep left and right to the ground, which is to illuminate the ground for the attacking devils.

A group of devils pulled out the grenade.

Immediately afterwards, there was a booming sound, and six black grenades flew into the air.

Seeing that this should be the firepower configuration of a squadron, the heavy firepower was concentrated in the vanguard squad.

The devil artillery team has not come up yet, it should be that the mortar is too heavy, the devil marched a long distance, physical strength, hehe, still can't support it, in the dark night, the speed of the mule team is a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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