under fire

Chapter 115 Sandwich Cake

Chapter 115 Sandwich Cake

After three rounds of grenades, there was no movement on the Eighth Road at the entrance of the village. The devil was in a hurry now, and he didn't have time to chatter.

As soon as the grenadier stopped, the devil soldier Cao Xiaokuan waved his hand, and directly launched an attack in the fields.

Seven or eight flashlights were turned on, and a group of panicked figures rushed close to the Eighth Army's position, but they didn't see a single figure, and there was no Eighth Route to fight back. In the dark house, there is a row of black locust trees at the entrance of the village, swaying in the wind, and the weeds below are caught in the bushes.

I didn't expect the village to be so small, and with the flashlight on to expose the target, Tubalu didn't say a word.

Behind the seven flashlights, behind a dozen black figures, there was a noisy running sound in the field.

At the entrance of the village opposite to the empty place, a little light of fire appeared, but no one could be seen. A fire was slowly lit, and the fire lighted up, slowly illuminating the open space at the entrance of the village. It is estimated that there are eight roads hiding behind a few natural boulders at the edge of the village.

The fire was right behind the boulder, otherwise throwing two grenades would blow it up. In such a small area, there was obviously nowhere to hide in the open area. Fortunately, it was only 20 meters away, and one charge would finish the job.

Facing the emptiness and the extinguishment of the fire, the devils had no choice but to bite the bullet and expose themselves to the fire.

The flames shot up into the sky and became even more blazing. The devils scattered around the entrance of the village and formed a big circle. Finally, a grenade was thrown into the sky, and they were going to try their luck to see if they could extinguish the fire.

Looking at the landing point, luck was not good, the goal was not achieved, the grenade threw the stone, and the shock wave after the explosion blew a gust of wind, causing the flame to sway and burn even more vigorously.

The grenade cap was smashed again, and a devil stretched his arms to throw it again. Suddenly, a bullet penetrated the devil's shaking face.

The body leaned back violently, the grenade failed to be thrown out, and it was still firmly held in the devil's hand with the convulsions before death. At this time, the sound of gunfire came.

A devil next to him reacted quickly, and rushed over to grab the grenade and throw it out. His muscles tensed, his face flushed, and he broke the twitching finger of the bomb-throwing devil. Finally, he grabbed the grenade and raised his hand to throw it out. , In the darkness of the village, another bullet flew in and penetrated into the body of the devil who raised his hand.

There was great pain, but the hand was exerting force instead, and the grenade held in the air finally exploded at this moment, with violent tremors, the shrapnel shot out with finger bones and flesh, and the grenade held in the hand exploded and exploded on the ground. It's not the same thing at all, the nearby devil's vanguard unit was bombed, screaming and screaming.

The Sanba Dagai, who was a little farther away, had shrunk his head and hid in the village. Balu fired back fiercely from the firing position just now. Mars, stone chips flying around.

A large number of devils behind have followed, lying on the ground, a second lieutenant was yelling at the bird's voice behind him: "Bomber, come up quickly!"

A group of dark shadows were exposed in the mountains, working with their heads down.

In a certain room, there was also a coquettish and hostile voice shouting: "Li Xiang, you bastard, what are you doing, hurry up and fire, if the devil rushes over, we will all be finished!"

"Oh! Don't worry, let's follow your command and hide behind the house. How can I know where the devil is?" Chen Chong's voice answered.

"It's facing the place where we ambush just now. Most of the devils are there. About 50 meters behind them, there should be a devil's grenadier position. You can figure it out." The charming voice said impatiently: "You don't know Observe?"

"The devil is coming again? Do you think we were scared too much!" Just as the voice in the room finished speaking harshly, another person's trembling voice was vaguely heard: "Why don't we... run away?"

The one who spoke before stopped, and suddenly cursed in shock: "You f*ck, why did you all come here in this room? Won't you go to another room? Huh?"

Who else but Tang Dagou?
"Didn't you tell us to follow? Didn't we all follow in?"

"Then what the hell, I told you to go to the devil's line of defense now, will you go?"

"If you say more, I will run away." The same ruthless voice.

A small face showed impatience: "Hey, being a deserter on the battlefield will shake the morale of the army. I will say it for the last time. If you dare to run away, I will beat you like a sieve."

There seemed to be a mess in the wooden house, and then someone ran outside and shouted: "Hey, hey, let's go to the next room and let them get scared."

Immediately there was a rattling sound, the house was re-drilled, the house was opened and shooting holes were opened, and a large area of ​​the cat wall corner was raised on the roof.

The sound of tom... tom... tom... came from a distance, and it could be heard clearly. The devil was still reasonable, and after all the eight roads were in ambush, they finally opened fire.

A grenade the size of a small fist flew high into the sky, and then there was a whistling sound for a while, followed by explosions one after another in the village.

The devil grenadiers fired at the same time, but the explosion time was different, which meant that the explosion time set by the gunpowder fuze of the grenade was not consistent, and clusters of flashes flew wantonly with shrapnel.

Shockwave entered the room, and the little girl swayed her calves, almost stopped, and immediately turned to look at Hao Yun, the staff officer.

Hao Yun also panicked, this firepower is so fierce?It shouldn't be, thinking about whether it is important to drag the little girl to the river to cross the river first, and suddenly heard another voice coming from behind the house.

The booming sound that was close at hand was the grenade launcher of the Eighth Route Army. Hao Yun's heart couldn't help beating a few times, and he looked out from the shooting hole in front.

In the light of torches at the head of the village, nearly a hundred people were densely packed but scattered in the mountains and fields. They held guns and lowered their heads and raised their faces. The flustered line of skirmishers advanced quickly, one by one unconsciously fighting in the uneven terrain. mile and road, but no shots were fired: mainly, no targets.

It was originally planned that after the grenadier fired, while the smoke of the explosion in the village was still in the air, the devil army Cao was preparing to charge. With the sound of humming in the village, a few black lumps immediately fell from the sky, and the familiar whistling sound rushed into the sky. In the light of the fire, it was clear that the devil soldier Cao was terrified, and immediately screamed strangely, and then fell down.

After fighting with Eight Routes for so many years, I rarely encountered such fierce firepower, but this was the first time I encountered such fierce firepower in the mountains. The careless devils froze for a moment before lying on the ground.

The sergeant lying on the ground first judged the distance. Perhaps, the two sides were separated by an open field at the entrance of the village, about [-] meters away.

Eighth Road has six grenade launchers, and the sergeant has already heard it, but you only hit your own squad with six grenade launchers. Is Tuba Road being forced to be impatient?Why don't you just keep it for the brigade at the back?
The expected explosion of the grenade grenade began to resound through the night sky. The grenade landed very trickily, and all fell in the group of devils ahead. We got together, and immediately, when the explosion sounded, there was a sound of killing pigs like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The quiet village in front of me looks lifeless. The two sides are coming and going to attack each other with grenades. The whole place is hot, flashing, and smoking. The picture is very weird. This feeling makes people very conflicted. Woolen cloth?

The lieutenant who directed the attack at the back put down the binoculars in his hand, and had no time to feel the desolation in the dark night in the deep mountains. You bastard, it would be better if you lead the way in front, so you can at least live another night. Now, give If you don't want to face, then don't let anyone live. He decided in his heart that no one will be left alive, and all the eight roads will be wiped out in this small mountain village as fertilizer.

The grenade confronted each other, but they pitied the vanguard of the devils who were caught in the middle and were about to charge.

(End of this chapter)

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