under fire

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
The lieutenant simply analyzed the eight-way firepower configuration with the squad leaders beside him, and then calculated the number of people in the eight-way group. Six grenade launchers meant that there was a company of eight-way teams in the village. Of course, the lieutenant calculated according to the firepower configuration of the Devils.

With the result, the lieutenant no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered the two teams following him to push directly to the village from the east and west sides respectively, one company and eight routes, facing himself and a squadron, fighting positional warfare, That's a joke. By the way, try the depth of the eight roads and the shallowness of the water.

What the lieutenant didn't know was that the eighth road in the village was only half a platoon long.

It's just that Jiulian's heavy firepower is all here.

The devils, who were nearly half wounded, took the lead to strengthen the squad, and lost the ability to attack. A health soldier climbed up behind him, and immediately bandaged the wounded devils.

Suddenly, bang, there was a gunshot, and the devil's health soldier exposed to the fire fell to the ground with a small eye on his chest and a big eye on his back. Spewing blood out, I finally understood why the flowers were so black. Under the dim light of the fire, the blood seemed to be black.

According to international practice, when the two sides exchange fire, they generally do not fight health soldiers. Therefore, health soldiers generally wear white cuffs.

The devils never abided by this custom, but cursed in unison, and the eight ways in the village did not obey the rules.

Of course, Hu Yi may, should, or may not know the international practice.

The screams of the devils at the entrance of the village were still heard, and the two squads of reinforcements from the back pressed on with torches, but the speed was not fast, and they rushed slowly, but they also caught up with the second wave of eight-way grenades. Not many, six doors The volley was only six rounds. Originally, the grenade that was expected to hit the devil's grenade launcher was immediately blown up, and now more than ten people were injured.

It's not that the devils are weak in combat, but that they marched long distances, and there were so many people that they had to enter the land reclaimed by the common people among the rocks on the rocky hillside. Big ditch and small ridge, the ground is not three feet flat, it is a good place to ambush and hide, want to attack quickly?The devil's short legs and small body make his teeth hurt just by looking at it!

The sergeant lying on the ground in front, lowered his head, checked his body and it seemed that there was nothing missing. Looking back, the brigade from behind pressed up, and immediately became red-eyed and became ruthless. The soldiers roared, and then, with the devils who could move, they got up and charged.

Seven or eight figures rushed into the open ground immediately, four with guns and four with grenades in their hands, ready to throw forward anytime and anywhere.

A crooked machine gun suppressed by the fire cover behind it also rang out, suppressing fire on the dark room.

The grenadier soldiers didn't need to be commanded, and the grenades slammed into the village in cooperation with the charging team.

The four attacking stragglers shot here and there, shooting suspicious targets in surprise, three steps at a time, and they were about to pass through the open field, opposite to the dark room behind the pile, the eight-way machine gun finally It came out bubbling, da da da, puff puff three machine guns fired, one Czech style with two crooked handles, the muzzle of the gun was on fire, and it was matched with a few grenades spinning in mid-air.

The dense rain of bullets did not give the attacking devils any chance, and the attacking team only had time to fire a shot. The devils' attacking team all lay on the ground, but still failed to enter the village!
The wounded devil lying on the ground immediately smashed the grenade on the head, and in the darkness ahead, the sound of rifles rang out one after another.

The bullets all rushed to the ghost soldier holding the grenade, and the grenade that had already smashed the cap fell down. The grenade thrown by the eight roads exploded first, and then the three grenades exploded again.

The ground trembled, bullets flew randomly, and the eight corpses were melted into the gunpowder smoke. The crooked handle stopped for a moment, and then the anger poured out in panic.

The grenades dropped grenades one after another into the village, setting off waves of rocks and heat waves, filled with smoke and dust for a while, and ignited three or five houses.

Unable to find a good concealment, several figures hiding along the wall of the village were thrown into the ditch by the exploding grenade, with a long series of miserable howls.

Tang Dagou's face was black, listening to the familiar screams mixed with the rumbling and rumbling, with a ferocious face, he squinted his eyes and looked at the place where the devil's crooked handle was shining with flames, he pulled the trigger, and a bullet hit the ground. Xuan'er flew over with an angry scream.

The ballistic of the machine gun blasted into the sky a few times, and then became hoarse.

A few seconds later, the machine gun rang again, and after a three o'clock shot, the big dog's bullets flew over immediately: "You f---ing barking Huan, I let you bark, you f**king barking again"

While chanting, the machine gun stopped firing, and the rifle fired again. Before the machine gun rang again, a magazine of ammunition had already been emptied. He quickly drew the gun and turned to lean against the wall to press the bullets, but his mouth did not stop: "What the hell."

The big dog curled up and half leaning against the wall stretched out its head to look out the open door, wearing a gray hat crookedly with a dirty face that hadn't been washed in 800 years. The light, and the faint torches in the distance, seem to go straight to the sky, dotted with stars, feeling that they are approaching, maybe, that is an illusion.

Lieutenant Guizi looked back at the fire dragon stretching down from the mountain, and then looked at his subordinates who were stumbling around, with dark faces. Could it be that there are eight main forces here?Are you going to die here to the end?A small mountain village set up a position to block the pace of the imperial army?
Then there's nothing to think about: "Mortar!"


The biggest difference between the two sides now is the firepower. In many cases, the strength of the firepower on the battlefield determines everything on the battlefield. Hu Yi's concentrated firepower not only makes the opponent unable to lift his head, but also breaks the opponent's confidence. When the enemy is at the right time, it will make the enemy misjudge his own strength.

Two [-]mm caliber mortar shells were coated with paint. When they slid into the barrel, the sound of the paint rubbing against the metal was very harsh, maybe pleasant.

Boom, boom, the large-caliber mortar ejected from the chamber, and slammed into the recalcitrant Eight Route position in the mountain village.

"Boss Hu, I hit at least two this time. The attacking devils have all been wiped out. Should we retreat?" Luo Fugui was stunned, but before Hu Yi could answer, the unique whistling sound of mortar shells From far to near.

Lie down!After speaking, he turned to the side on the ground and propped up his body with his arms to prevent his chest from touching the ground.

This kind of anti-artillery technique can be mastered by the Ninth Company.

Tang Dagou's group of experienced soldiers would naturally do the same. They had long been used to the whistling sound of shells and hadn't heard them for a long time. They felt that they were quite pleasant.

Boom, boom, as the ground trembled, the two guys who climbed the roof were shaken off. Fortunately, when they fell, the shock wave of the explosion had already passed, and they were lucky not to be scratched by the shrapnel. I quickly thanked the Seven Great Immortals in my heart Eight Great Gods.

Gunpowder smoke was everywhere, and the two guys who fell off the roof felt waves of pain from their bodies. They opened their mouths to howl, but they ate a mouth full of dirt. In addition to the gunpowder smoke, the air was filled with mud and dust that hadn't dissipated .

A mortar with half the caliber is not a little guy like a grenade. Even the shell is only comparable to a grenade, but it is a lethal cannon.

A group of turtles who have never seen naval guns.

There was no test firing of the Devil's mortar, because the distance was too short, and it was not necessary for the Devil's gunner at all!
Therefore, the impact point was a bit crooked, and it landed a little off in the village. Li Xiang's six groups of grenadiers hiding on the ground behind the house were mostly overturned. Fortunately, the devil's shells were not very accurate, and there were only three people calling out on the ground.

At this time, Luo Fugui was less than five seconds away.

In the village of Heiye, two billows of smoke, under the light of the fire, were slowly pulled away by the mountain wind and gradually blurred into pieces.

The devil's mortar shells hit the open space, but the results were not great. The shock wave and loud noise shocked a bunch of idiots.

(End of this chapter)

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