under fire

Chapter 117 Shelling

Chapter 117 Shelling
The explosion of the mortar seemed to be nearby, and the houses near the point of impact filled the air with dust. The fire from the fire at the entrance of the village shone through the shooting holes on the wall, leaving beams of light behind. In the room, I can't see anything, I can only feel the endless darkness and shock.

The house that Luo Fugui and Hu Yi chose seemed to be fairly sturdy, and it was built entirely of rocks. There were two machine guns, which were regarded as heavy firepower. Once fired, they would be the focus of the devils.

The devil mortar fired, so it will definitely continue. There is not much room for expansion in a small village. The devil infantry will definitely attack immediately after the shelling is over. Hu Yi did not dare to hesitate, and immediately ordered: "Retreat!"

As for whether all those people by the river have crossed the river, it is not important now.

A machine gun must be left behind, and the devils must be stopped for at least a few minutes. If everyone sends ducks to swarm and the devils swarm up, once they are bitten, no one can escape.

It seemed unrealistic for Luo Fugui to stay, but Hu Yi retreated, but Luo Fugui immediately zoomed in on the entire mountain village excitedly.

The order was like a melodious note, and Hao Yun, who had been struggling all the time, was overjoyed, pulled the girl on his shoulders and ran, went out the back door, and ran straight to the river, ignoring Hongying who was dizzy when she was hit by the door frame when she went out, and was swearing. The company commander, Tang Dagou immediately picked up the crooked machine gun left by the little girl, followed closely behind, and flew over the Li Xiang grenade position where the guy was taking the wounded on his back.

There is even a faster guy in front of him!Tang Dagou cast a glance, and under the faint light of the fire, it was a group of subordinates that he had just recruited. Unfortunately, there were a few missing, so he couldn't care about it.

The mule who had gone out of the door paused, feeling that Boss Hu hadn't moved yet. After hanging around with Hu Yi for so long, don't think about it, Boss Hu, who is so heartless, probably wants to act as a hero to fight back.

It's just that I don't have a long memory. Can a machine gun stop the devil?Don't do this even if you die!I don't even look at the number of devils behind, there are many large ones, no matter how powerful the machine gun is, it can't sweep so many pieces.

Time is fair, if you run first, you will have a chance, if you hesitate a little, you may lose the chance, and it will be fleeting.

The Devil's mortar adjusted its shooting parameters and fired again. The infantry and skirmishers followed suit. Combining the infantry with Ma Liu'er's proficiency, the grenadier soldiers were even more unwilling to lag behind and fired with all their might.

There is a river between two mountains, and the mountain village at the bend of the river faces the river on one side and the mountain on the other.

In the narrow ravine, the devils attacked quite methodically, combining infantry and artillery, with clear layers, and quickly pressed up. The only thing that dissatisfied the lieutenant was that they lacked the terrain surrounded by two wings, and their best skills could not be performed.

So far, on the Eight Route Army, apart from six grenadiers, three machine guns, and sporadic rifles returning fire, I haven't even seen a Eight Route Army. Is that a mouse?

Mortar shells kept smashing into the village, and there were two more loud bangs.

The grenadier sound is smaller, but denser.

Flying stones and broken wood are flying everywhere, collapsing horizontally in an arc, the stones are falling rapidly, the paddles are falling slowly, some of them have not yet fallen completely, and they are raised high again, continuing to permeate in the rainy soil and gravel.

The ground trembled again and again, a layer of floating ash burst out, and the roof trembled again and again. Amidst the crashing sound of falling, the dust flowed into a waterfall, and the dust fell on the curly hat brim and covered Hu Yi's shoulders at the same time.

The fire ahead was still burning, and smoke began to fill the room with the open door.

As soon as a grenade hit the wall of the house, the wall made of mountain stones was immediately knocked down, the thatched roof immediately collapsed, and all the dust in the house was raised up. The house without the roof is still a house, with a distance of two miles. This guy can't see any light inside, his ears are buzzing, he can no longer hear the groans of wounded soldiers, and he can't even hear the sound of explosions.

The world seems to have stopped, it seems that it has been a long time, and Hu Yi, who is tired and huddled in the corner of the table, chairs and benches, feels that someone is touching his arm.

Hu Yi stopped coughing, and was pulled out by a pair of big hands, pushing away the broken beam beside him, and at the same time asked hoarsely: "Boss Hu, can you still breathe? Run for your life, why are you stuck? Damn it!"

Crashing—a big hole was torn out of the collapsed thatched roof, followed by a choking sound, followed by the mule's anxious voice: "Boss Hu? You're not dead, are you?"

Hu Yi's hearing was affected, and he couldn't hear what the mule was saying at all. He shouted in a voice he couldn't hear: "Take the machine gun away!"

"You can still roar, as long as you don't die." The mule smiled. In the dark night, amidst the flashes of light, he had a dark face and a gray head.

Hu Yi's shoulder was hit again by a falling stone. Fortunately, he had built small fortifications with tables and chairs at the shooting position early, otherwise, the game might have been over by now.

The two backed north with support.

Devil shelling stopped.

The mules were terrified, and the devils stopped their cannons. Then, the infantry must be coming up, and they have to run away quickly!

Hu Yi was carried by a mule on his shoulders, and as soon as he turned around from a house, several devils rushed across the open field and arrived at the fortification that Hu Yi had set up earlier.

There was no one at the machine gun position. The two devils climbed over the ruined wall and fired at the machine gun position they had observed earlier. Looking at the big hole again, they had to marvel at the luck of the eight roads. The wall collapsed and the roof collapsed. They didn't die!
The other devils kept shooting at the fleeing shadow, pulling the trigger, and ran quickly, but they didn't hit the rabbit-like target who was rushing left and right in the dark night.

Hu Yi felt pain all over his body. Every bone and joint ached from the impact of the mule's fast running. He curled up every finger involuntarily, and even his head began to hurt slightly.

He hated running away, he hated it!
However, the lingering devils are behind them, not ten or eight, but swarms, like ants, which is a powerless pity. If there are ten or eight machine guns, no armored vehicles, no heavy artillery, the devils will be completely Not afraid.

The only pity is that when I was at the mountain pass, I ignored that the devils could climb the mountain. Otherwise, no matter how many devils would not be able to climb the mountain, why would they flee in such a panic.

Even ghosts can come up a cliff perpendicular to the ground, which is actually not unexpected. The mountain is not a jeopardy. There are only so few people in Jiulian, and they dare not disperse. The devils turned up, unexpected and unexpected middle.

Amidst the bean-like gunshots and the whistling of bullets, the mule rushed into the darkness without hesitation, passed through the gunpowder smoke, and the sweat dripping from his head turned his jet-black face into streaks of gray. You can no longer see the ugliness of the dirty face, the slow-diffusing gunpowder smoke choked into your lungs, coughing desperately in the miasma, coughing enough, and cursed: "X you little devil ancestor! Your grandma, Lao Tzu Just remember it for you...Let's wait and see..."


The two soldiers who were blown up were once members of the national army. They lived a happy life when they were deducted from the military salary and received two oceans. After fighting a few battles, they became the security forces. , this Balu woke up slowly.

In the dark night, the devils didn't notice him for the time being, so they hurriedly leaned into the night. Crowds of devils lit torches and passed through the roads of various houses in the village. The occasional birdsong, with indifference, came and went one after another.

Little life matters.

The beating speed of the heart suddenly jumped out of the throat, and the injured brothers had already been carried away, and those who did not move were naturally mistaken for martyrs, and no one had time to touch his chest to see if it was still beating.

I deserve it.

A few devils kicked open the door of the house, and the only intact house in the village became a temporary field hospital.

The medical soldiers followed into the house, and under the lighted torches, bandaged the wounded soldiers brought in by the devils.

The house in the mountain was not very good, there were gaps everywhere in the walls, and the light leaked out from the gaps.

A ray of light leaked into the eyes of Ba Lu who had no time to escape, moved his body carefully, merged with the darkness, touched the grenade still hanging on his waist: Fortunately, the remaining two are still there, Pulled one out, and unscrewed the back cover slightly and slowly.

The rifle had been lost for a long time. Under the reflection of the shaking torches, I searched for a long time in the dark night, and finally found that the rifle was not far away, and there was a person lying on the gun. It seems that the arm moved a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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