under fire

Chapter 118

Chapter 118
On the other side of the river, a fire extinguishing dragon meanders along the river bank to the distance, and a group of people by the river are scrambling to get on the wooden raft.

"Girl? What's wrong with girl, Tang Dagou, what the hell did you do? Something is wrong with you girl, I'll kill you!" Ding De, who was directing the Ninth Company to jump onto the wooden raft, was shocked and furious.

"Political commissar, hehe, the girl is fine, I'm not afraid that she won't run fast, Hao Yun carried her back!" Tang Dagou gasped.

"Girl all right? That's good!" Ding De lowered his tone: "By the way, where's Company Commander Hu?"

"Uh, we didn't come out when we left. Maybe, it's in the back." Tang Dagou was a little guilty. He left the officer on the battlefield and ran first. No one found out that he was fine. The political commissar just asked this question, and his heart jumped.

"Our Eighth Route Army has no rules of abandoning comrades-in-arms, Tang Dagou, take your people back with me!" Ding De waved his hand and was ready to return immediately.

Tang Dagou and a group of soldiers looked at each other. This is the political commissar of the regiment in front of him. No one dared to resist. Go back and face the devil? Is this possible?Dallyingly touch back.

In the dark night, another group of people poured out from the entrance of the village.

Li Xiang, who was following behind, rushed over with half a platoon of wounded soldiers.

With a dark face, Ding Deyi had no choice but to let go of the idea of ​​taking people back, and shouted: "Wounded soldiers go first, the others put their guns and ammunition on the raft, and climb the raft to cross the river!"

Seeing this, Tang Dagou immediately pulled away one of his subordinates who had already jumped onto the raft, leaving a place for Hao Yun who was dazed and turned to the little girl, and threw the Czech machine gun onto the raft without hesitation.

Seeing that the audience was still in a daze, he immediately shouted in displeasure: "A group of wood, why are you still in a daze, quickly get the wounded up, start the boat, er, start the platoon." He raised his hand and pointed to the soldier with the torch: "You Is M dead, put out the torch quickly!"

Tang Dagou raised his finger and pointed at his subordinates: "What the hell are you doing on the raft, get into the water!"

"Squad leader, I don't know how to water, I'm afraid!"

"I'm afraid I have to go into the water, hold on to the raft, you're afraid of a ball, the devil is here, you don't have a chance to go into the water, it's cool to give you two holes, hurry up!"

The soldier got into the water slowly, and tightly grasped the feet of a wounded soldier who was squatting on the wooden raft. The wounded soldier was impatient: "Are you fucking going to die by grabbing the wooden raft? Why are you grabbing my feet? Are you going to Are you dragging me into the water?"

Tang Dagou yelled: "What the hell are you yelling at, you're calling devils, are you looking for death?"

The word "guizi" suppressed a group of guys who were eager to escape, and stopped talking. The wooden raft was full of clothes, and the soldiers began to pull hard on the crossing rope tied to the wooden raft. With their feet hard, the wooden raft slowly moved to the other side of the river. Floating away, the river is actually not wide, the current is just a little fast, and the draft of the raft is too deep, almost sinking into the river. Fortunately, Wang Daniu personally directed it, so it will not fall over.

The uninjured soldiers in Li Xiang's platoon did not go into the water, and there was no problem in swimming over. The wounded had already gone to the other side of the river. There was another reason. They carried guns, grenades and grenades on their backs, and they would sink to the river as soon as they hit the water. here, throw it away?Of course not, the raft was already overweight and had to wait for the next trip.

"Don Big Dog, you arrange one or two soldiers to wait here. When the raft comes back, send half of the people to the other side of the river to establish a position. Everyone is ready to go into the water, and swim there!" Ding De saw that Li Xiang's squad of soldiers was staying on the shore, and immediately gave Tang Dagou an order.

It had to be like this, and the platoon recruited by Tang Dagou was expected to fight against it. Maybe with a platoon of guns, these guys would all become deserters. Put them on the other side of the river, safe and secure. These guys should have no problem fighting with the wind.

Ding Deyi had already discovered a small highland about 50 meters away, and Ding Deyi called out loudly: "Li Xiang, just dig the fortifications on the small soil bag immediately, to stop the devils, hurry up."

Tang Dagou understood what the political commissar was thinking, and reacted immediately, so he opened his mouth to make an idea: "Commissar, if the devil comes down from the village, we can take people up the river, and of course we can also go down the river, cross the river, don't be shy, you see? "

"Uh, your consciousness has improved. Don't worry about your mother's nagging. The people who brought you will go there immediately. Li Xiang, take half of the people back with me, meet the company commander Hu behind, and arrange two people to plant grenades on the side of the road as landmines!"

"Yes" Li Xiang replied, and immediately began to make arrangements: "But I only have a dozen or so in total, so there's not enough troops?"

"Tang Dagou, you, Hao Yun and Banxian will bring a soldier to stay. Li Xiang, you will arrange two more people to mount the machine gun 50 meters to the east. After the devils come, they can retreat eastward with two magazines!" The little girl's voice sounded out of place.

"You. Didn't you get on the raft, why did you run back again?" Ding De was shocked.

"Hey, Mrs. Mu Pai, you can pass seven or eight of them at once, and you almost sank to the bottom of the water with two machine guns. There's nothing I can do about it, so I have to jump down. Hasn't the fox come back yet?"

"Hao Yun, if you don't dare to run without my order next time, my aunt wants you to look good." The little girl rolled her eyes at Hao Yun, who was followed by him, who was soaking all over her body.

"Uh, didn't Company Commander Hu give the order to retreat?" Hao Yun didn't care.

"If you retreat, you have to keep people to stop you, isn't your national army running around in such a swarm? No wonder, tsk tsk!"

Ding Deyi suddenly realized that the arrangement he had prepared was completely disrupted by this girl.

"Boss Hu, we seem to be surrounded."

"Don't worry, the terrain in the village is complicated. The devils haven't found us yet. Only by running to the river can we have a chance to break through and let me down."

"Uh, Boss Hu, can you still go?"

"I just have a shoulder pain, so I'm worried. It's just that the machine gun won't work. It's up to you this time. Don't be so pessimistic."

A bayonet hanging from the muzzle of the gun pushed aside the branches blocking the way, and a ghost appeared between the leaves. Seeing the dark river bend under the faint moonlight outside the village, the ghost carefully checked the surrounding environment, and continued to He walked into the ferry area before, but he didn't know that he had been stared nervously at him by a dozen pairs of eyes.

Then another seven or eight devils appeared, each with a bayonet on a rifle and holding two torches.

The oil-soaked torches were whistling in the mountain wind, and the fire dragon in the distance seemed to be at least two miles away. Apart from the footsteps of a large number of devils, there was only the rush of the river.

A few devils started to move towards the river, wanting to check if there was a bridge on the river, so the devils split into two and searched the upper and lower reaches of the Zhuoshui River carefully.

the village.

The screams and groans of devils could be heard from the next house from time to time.The black shadow in the ditch outside the house did not dare to move. It is not too dark now, and it is still early before dawn. I hope the devil can leave here soon. It has been lying on the ground for a long time, and the footsteps of the devil have not stopped. How many devils are there?
In a place with poor mountains and bad waters, you come with so many people?Come to visit mountains and rivers?
The Eighth Route soldiers didn't know about Hu Yi's conversation with Political Commissar Ding and several platoon leaders. They knew that there were many devils behind them, but they didn't know how many there were.

(End of this chapter)

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