under fire

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
Lieutenant Guizi put down the binoculars in his hand, with a complicated expression on his face, which seemed to be very angry, but also seemed to be helpless, and seemed to be cold.

Under the faint moonlight, the torches far away on the other side of the river turned into dots of light, appearing and disappearing on the mountain road.

After a short silence, he began to look at the map that was spread out, and the flashlight hit the map. It was a very simple map.

The two thin lines represent the muddy river in front of you. No line on the river means there is no bridge, but there is a line on the opposite side, indicating that there is a road on the opposite side. Another line goes east along the river, and there is a bridge on the river. Finally, the road on the north side and the opposite bank of the river. Putting it all together, and estimating the distance, we have to go around seven or eight miles, at least an hour longer.

After a while, the bird suddenly said: "When will the engineers come up? How did Tuba Road cross the river?"

Faced with two irrelevant questions, the team leader stood at attention: "Your Excellency, the engineers may arrive in 10 minutes... Someone has already gone to scout... I think they will report back soon!"

"I saw it." The devil lieutenant was not in the mood to get angry. He turned around and waved to the devil team at the back, signaling to continue heading east, then turned his head and said to the team leader: "I go first. You, report to the captain behind." Follow up later, don’t worry about crossing the bridge after the engineers build the bridge.”

Unexpectedly, the lieutenant was not angry at all, and instead wanted to lead the team to pursue in a detour. This made the team leader, who had lost his troops, exhale deeply, and hurriedly followed the lieutenant to the river in desperation.

Wang Qu, this place name is very appropriate to the terrain of the area. The river is winding, and the second lieutenant Guizi pondered as he walked.

It's not a big problem to swim by yourself, but it's a little troublesome to carry a gun on your back. Even elites are nothing in front of nature!

The devil should have discovered something. Looking at the torches going away, he didn't pay much attention to the possible eight roads left in the village. People who came later would definitely search, so he just searched briefly, gradually went away, and started to search. Invite people to cut wood in advance, prepare to build a raft, and wait for the engineers to come to find a way to cross the river.

Luo Fugui used to be afraid of death, why is Boss Hu always so frightened?And always indifferent and don't like to talk and laugh?

This time he fell into the siege of devils again, Luo Fugui finally did not escape alone, could it be that his conscience discovered it?

The old ninth class member who doesn't seem to have a good relationship with the company commander, even if this guy has been kicked by the company commander for a long time, he has not left Hu Yi. Of course, if it is someone else, the situation is of course another matter.

Boss Hu seems to have a cold personality, but in fact he is intentionally indifferent. Therefore, he has no friends, and no one in the independent group wants to look at him. Except for the girl, there seems to be Director Su?
Gao Yidao is another matter, the two are natural enemies.

Luo Fugui never thought of Boss Hu as a friend, not since the first time they met in Songjia Village, the selfish Xiong used Hu Yi to be his elder brother in his heart, and he was often jealous of Ma Liang, who called him brother outright.

So this guy can mess around in front of Hu Yi, he can use his temper, and he can violate discipline and take advantage of the devils, puppet army and landlords. As for discipline, Boss Hu is discipline. Dare to hide, dare to play tricks and call.

Selfish and lonely bear has no sense of security...Yong can't get rid of family affection, this is just Hu Yi who refuses to obey anyone.

The mountain wind seems to be getting stronger, the distance from the river bank is a hundred meters away, curled up in the cellar dug by the fellow, but Xiong doesn't feel nervous at all, being alone with Boss Hu, even if he dies, it doesn't seem so so horrible.

In fact, I don't have any thoughts in my heart. My old lady has passed away long ago, and the people I know are Jiulian and those bastards. It seems that no one can arouse his concern. Of course, the continuous stream of devils outside is what makes Luo Fugui no more reason for the idea.

Now this position is about 120 meters away from the river bank, and with the width of the river, it is about [-] meters away from the opposite bank. If the devil finds himself, he can only fight with the devil. Haodai still has two spare magazines on him. Thinking of this, sit down , in the dark, began to reload the Czech.

Seeing the devils keep entering the village, passing through the village and continuing to advance, but no one searched the village again, of course I thought that a brigade had already passed ahead, so they must have searched.

What's more, there are sentries set up by the devils on the side of the road, mainly to prevent sneak attacks from the eight routes. After all, when the senior commanders of the devils come over later, safety measures must be taken. .

The devils are not marching in a chaotic manner, but in detachments and squads. The densely packed devils carry guns, cannons and ammunition on their backs. The standard marching formation has countless belly fires, and there is nowhere to vent. Even the interest in setting fire seems to be nor.

In fact, it was because there were wounded soldiers in the village, and setting fire to the houses seemed to produce thick smoke, and the treatment of wounded soldiers was not very good, so no one cared, only continuous torches were moving eastward.

Luo Fugui poked his head out of the cellar cautiously. Boss Hu crouched in a corner of the cellar with a crooked machine gun in his hand, and did not give orders to Luo Fugui as usual.

"Hey, Boss Hu, my God, why are there so many devils, let's just be number [-], don't you take us too seriously?"

Hearing no echo, he shrank his head back, carefully pulled out the flashlight from his backpack, put it in his clothes and turned it on. The faint light shone on Hu Yi's face: Boss Hu's chest was rising and falling, as if he was asleep.

"My grandma, can you sleep like this?" Xiong muttered softly.

He didn't wake Hu Yi up right away. He knew that Hu Yi hadn't slept soundly for several days, and he had fallen into the devil's den anyway.Going out like this is definitely going to die, I don’t know why, the mule suddenly feels a little uncomfortable, Boss Hu is actually very pitiful, everyone knows that he has a problem with Su Qing, but the cooked duck has a stiff mouth, it’s better than this unlucky guy The elephant is still poor.

Maybe it's because of sympathy for each other, and suddenly I thought of Er Niu, that ugly monster should cross the river, right?
Oops, she can't cross the river, who cares about me?She was almost insulted by her small body, and she got angry even thinking about it, something that couldn't be done, uh, getting angry?

In fact, Hao Yun’s luck has never been very good. In his life, the days when Xinglong Town was a security force seemed to be the most relaxed. Hao Yun is an unsatisfactory product. After they became guerrillas, they never touched the steering wheel again.

Ever since he came to the Ninth Company as a prisoner, he didn't feel any pressure anymore, he escaped from the Eighth Route Army barracks smoothly, and even walked for a day with the company commander Hu Yi.

Perhaps, except for the Eighth Route Army, no one would let go of him as a deserter. In the Eighth Route Army, he didn't seem to be discriminated against.The eight-way team is so free, although there is no military salary, but Tang Dagou said that he has never been short of money, so he also believed Tang Dagou.

Tang Dagou did not lie to him. The money distributed from the mule has never been used, because there is no place to use it. The eighteen oceans are still in the bag. If he escapes, the travel expenses will be enough. I don't know why, so I stayed in the Ninth Company like that. Although the army was small, they never stopped fighting devils.

(End of this chapter)

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