under fire

Chapter 120

Chapter 120
"What bad idea did this unscrupulous little girl come up with? It's all right now, the devil made dumplings, and I can't escape if I want to, I have to wait for death!" On the high ground, Hao Yun whispered next to Tang Dagou's ear.

"Keep your fucking voice down, you're already on the boat, and you're running back to fuck? Don't talk to me, be careful if the devil hears it, are you impatient with your life?" Tang Dagou reprimanded in a low voice.

"What the hell, the devil is cutting down trees and making such a big noise, you can only hear it, big dog, I think, otherwise, let's go and bring down those two devil sentinels, change their clothes and run away, there should be a chance Right?" Hao Yun still wanted to run.

"Why do you only care about yourself? What are the others doing? Let's go down and show our faces. Should we walk along the river with the devil, or cut trees with the devil?"

"We can go down to the river."

"Damn the river, can you swim? And even if you escaped from the hands of the devils by the river, won't you be noticed by the devils when you come out? Once they search, let the brothers be cannon fodder? Your grandma, come out! bad idea."

"Don't say it so ugly, can Tubalu be considered a brother? It's as if you haven't done it before!" Hao Yun dismissed it.

"You know what, the other side of the river is our Jiulian people, Chen Chong and the others are on the other side of the river, if our side fires, they will definitely support, and then they will do it!"

"Fighting devils? I think what you said seems to make sense. You have been following for a few days, and you are so bragging that you will blow the bull to death!" Hao Yun seldom talks to other people, but only hurts Tang Dagou. No stress at all.

"Shut up, both of you, Auntie!" The little girl's voice sounded not far away.

From time to time, the little girl would threaten Tang Dagou. After staying in Jiulian for a long time, they didn't trust each other, but they knew each other's virtues very well.

However, the old soldier Tang Dagou is different. He will never do things that put him in a desperate situation. He has been with Hu Yi for so long. In fact, he is subconsciously willing to believe in Jiulian. If he doesn't believe it, he will have already run away. Well, for a person who just wants to survive, the military law of the national army is useless to him, let alone other things.

This time, I came out with enough bullets and picked up a cheap squad leader. Of course, it doesn’t matter whether you listen to him or not on the battlefield. The newcomers are a group of ex-brothers. At least they know their small plans and have experience in dealing with devils. : Run away if you can't beat it.

Tang Dagou is a little different from normal people. He doesn't look down on Balu, because Balu is poor, even if he has been mixed with Jiulian, the richest independent regiment, nothing has changed.

In fact, for him, it was more of fear, fear of not being able to feel free after leaving.

After a long time in gunpowder, he is indifferent to the densely packed devils around him. He will be excited when he sees the enemy. He is a dog. He likes to catch a devil and kill him.

The little girl left him a wide range, but he didn't stay on the small high ground. When the devil came over, he slipped to the foot of the mountain behind the high ground, not far from the ferry. Of course, Hao Yun would naturally get the little girl up too.

After a few people climbed a cliff, they have been lying in a low-lying natural stone pit on the top, with a bush in front of them, secretly observing the devils who fell trees and counting their heads among the weeds.

In the mountains at night, you can find any place to hide. The devils didn't make up their minds to clean up the land. It's unnecessary to search a few ways to waste time. Anyway, there are devil soldiers everywhere. It's not too late to start after dawn.


The devils who were working hard, with torches on the ground, were scattered scattered in the riverside and in a forest by the river, without any rules. , Prepare enough materials for crossing the river.

Also observing the devils was the grenadier team led by Li Xiang. Under the leadership of Political Commissar Ding, they almost confronted the devils. They lay down in the grass by the roadside and waited for the devils to pass by. In the end, they turned into an endless stream of devils. Soldiers are marching.

Several people originally wanted to sneak back and swim across the river, but the devil came up too fast and was crushed in a bush ditch beside a crop field.

The mountain village is like a trumpet in a river bend, and the ground is not three feet flat. Because of the terrain, the devils are not interested in searching the ground. Their main purpose is to march, march to the Eighth Route Division headquarters, complete the encirclement, and support the advancing team.

Li Xiang was staring at the devil engineers not far away. The crossing rope on the river was dragged to the other side by the eight roads. Several devils were patrolling around. It didn't take long for the devil engineers to come up.

Carefully observe the distance of the devils who built the wooden raft. There is no rope to pull the raft across the river, and the raft will be washed away when it enters the water. From one small group to nearly two small groups of devils, tossing and turning on the bank.

Li Xiang stayed in the grass and was not in a hurry, because the devil's engineers crossed the river, and they probably wouldn't be able to please him. There was an Eighth Route Army ambushing on the other side.

The devils along the river continued to march, the long torches, and the number of devil soldiers made one's scalp tingle.

Ding Deyi, who was lying obediently in the bush pit, was completely lost. Next to him was Li Xiang, the platoon leader with obsessive-compulsive disorder, who was watching the devil carefully.

Originally thought that leading the team back could meet Hu Yi.

As a result, not to mention a large wave of enemies, even myself fell into the belly of the devils. If Jiulian was not well-trained, he would have shot and fought with the devils. I have to say that Jiulian was fighting with the devils. The enemy's tactics are very good. The first reaction is to hide, and then think of other tactics when you are safe.

However, Hu Yi and Luo Fugui, the two worry-free people, didn't even see each other.

Good luck to them.

The mountains are connected to the mountains, and the water is continuous. The exposed mountain stones are like monsters in the dark night, showing their prehistoric power, and the branches and leaves are swaying in the mountain wind.

The gunpowder smoke in the village was slowly blown away, and the sound of felling trees came from the river, and the sound traveled far in the dark night, which seemed very strange.

It is a blessing that the folks in the mountains ran away early.

The devils on patrol in the village turned around again with torches on. Maybe, all eight roads crossed the river, right?
the village.

The weary people in the ditch heard the sound of footsteps passing by.

The grenade in front of him opened the back cover. Fortunately, he was not found by the devil's search patrol team. The dirty clothes were covered with soil, and the top of the hat was smoked gray and black, which perfectly blended with the night.

This time I will fight the devil head-on.

The battle ended just after it started, and I muttered to myself that I was unlucky, and I was knocked down by the devil's shell shock wave when I climbed on the roof. Move the body by the side of the ditch.

Now, the two soldiers are surrounded by devils, and their only hope is to have a chance to get out of this hapless village.

Worried and cranky, the biggest catastrophe in life is going through.

No one seemed to have noticed that in the ditch where the patrol team was passing by, the two dead bodies had changed their postures a bit.

The devil who was following the patrol suddenly stopped, stopped walking, and shouted forward: "It seems that something is wrong. When we came here just now, the positions of the two corpses are a bit different."

After finishing speaking, he held a [-] rifle in one hand, and the bayonet glowed coldly.

Jumped into the ditch, ready to add two thorns to the two corpses of the night.

There was no reason for the shooting, and the wounded soldier's operating room was next to it, so there was no need to bother.

The problem that can be solved with a bayonet, as the patrol commander Sergeant, he can no longer suppress his excitement. There must be something wrong with the two Chinese corpses.

The patrols all stopped, and the torches pushed hard into the ditch.

(End of this chapter)

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