under fire

Chapter 121

Chapter 121
Hearing someone jumped into the ditch, the two soldiers who had been nervous couldn't help their hearts beating wildly, and blood rushed to their heads.

Finally, unable to bear the pressure, the soldier behind shouted: "Little devil, your grandma's, I will fight with you!"

This sudden voice called the cautious sergeant into a big horse, and fell headlong into the ditch.

The reaction of the devil standing vigilantly was not unpleasant. He took off his gun and pulled the bolt and was about to shoot. Two black guys flew over while whirling and trembling, and suddenly smelled a puff of gunpowder smoke.

"Enemy attack!"

While trying to shoot and kill the two guys pretending to be dead, and trying to avoid the grenade thrown by Heihuhu, their movements changed shape. Half of the devils in the ten-man patrol team fired.

Beep, beep, dense bullets resounded through the night sky.

The two shadows got up and wanted to run along the ditch.

After a muffled groan, the soldier behind fell to the ground.

Screaming, she hugged her legs and sat up in the ditch. The pain caused all the muscles in her body to contract.

Boom, two loud bangs, the grenade exploded, shrapnel flew around, and the devils only had time to fire one shot.It looked pretty good, it hit one of them, and the other ran away with all its strength, in the dark night, only the afterimage could be seen clearly.

The unlucky soldier was shot in the ditch, his face was mixed with the dirt in the ditch, and the muddy mud flowed down his neck and into his collar. The rifle was right in front of him, and he forgot to pick it up. Perhaps, fear made his brain Turned into a blank, life may end here.

He simply continued to sit in the ditch, grinning his deformed face, looking at the devil who fell into the ditch with extreme fear.

Subconsciously wanted to touch the gun again, trembling all over, feeling that there was no strength in the whole body, and a feeling of powerlessness struck.

The devil army Cao found that the eight roads that had run away, jumped into the ditch with two steps, followed the house of the temporary medical center, ran around the corner, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


The sergeant in the pit continued to hoarse his voice unwillingly and excited the bird's voice: "Pursue immediately, don't let him escape!"

ah?Is this fighting?If you know it's such a battle, the village should have been cleaned up a long time ago!
The bayonet pierced his chest, and the soldier forgot to wail. Perhaps, because of the pain, his vocal cords could no longer make a sound, so he kept silent. He grasped the blade inserted into his chest, as if he didn't feel anything.

Boom, another loud bang came.

The explosion sounded in the devil's temporary health center, and from the holes in the layer where the light leaked, puffs of dust rushed out, dimming the light that leaked out.

The bayonet was still in his chest, and the sergeant was stunned by the explosion. The shock wave made him try to maintain his balance, but he forgot to rotate the bayonet.

Are you going to die?Balu is still thinking about his own mother, thinking about the girl next door... I have to drag a ghost to my back...

The body was driven by the bayonet, and the right hand naturally let go of the bayonet, and fell back. The right hand approached the ammunition bag. A round guy made of wood trembled. He touched the only grenade left in the ammunition bag and unscrewed it long ago. He opened the back cover, stretched his fingers in, hooked the pull ring, and his muscles were trembling.

Are you going to die?This is a very complicated question.

It's only been a few days since I joined the Eighth Route Army, but I still don't want to die, what should I do? What can I do with all the things in front of me?Maybe... dying on the battlefield is also a good choice!

Juncao, who came back to his senses, remained silent, looking at the eight roads in front of him, his eyes finally became focused.

However, he looked at Balu, and under the light of the torch that fell into the ditch, he could clearly see that the guy in Balu's hand was smoking.

The mountain wind seemed to be getting stronger. After the explosion in the house where the health team stayed next to it, the scene became peaceful.

The Devil Sergeant Cao was about to lie down, and pulled the [-] rifle that had been inserted into the chest of the Eighth Route soldier, only to find that the Eighth Router was extremely terrifying, with a grin on his frightened face.

Ferociously proud, watching domineeringly, at this moment, the eight roads on the ground became the masters of this piece of the world.

The lethality of the wooden-handled grenade was limited, and Sergeant Cao was one meter away in front of the eighth road. There was a flash of light, and there was another loud noise. Almost at the same time, more than ten pieces of broken iron penetrated into the bodies of the two of them.

Balu on the ground opened his eyes wide and swallowed his last breath unwillingly. The Devil Sergeant twitched his body, trying to stand up from the ditch, but what he exhaled from his lungs was full of blood foam.

The few patrolling soldiers who just got up jumped two devils and went down into the ditch. One devil helped the sergeant up with his hands and feet. In the darkness illuminated by the torch, the sergeant's mouth was foaming like crab blood. up.

The other devil got angry, put on his rifle, and used his bayonet to vent his anger on the eight corpses on the ground that had been messed up by the grenade.

The mountain wind seemed to be getting weaker, and the movement in the village was even louder. The ghost soldiers passing by the village were shocked by the explosion, and stopped in doubt, looking for a place to hide.

In the dark night, the situation was unclear, so the two devils ran to the place where the explosion happened, talked with the patrol team standing outside the ditch, and finally figured out that they had escaped one way.

The two devils returned to the marching team. After reporting, the devils team continued on the road.

No one joined the ranks of the eight who pursued and fled, and a long torch continued on its way again.

The successive explosions in the village caused a secret commotion in the Eighth Route Army's position. He raised a shell gun, and the little girl took the lead out of the hiding place. Before she could move, Hao Yun pulled the girl by the back of the neck vigorously.

"Unlucky man, let go quickly, and if you don't let aunt die, are you afraid of death?" His eyes widened with anger, but the gun did not point back.

"What I'm worried about is... Is it Company Commander Hu who made the noise?"

"Hmph..." Xiao Hongying suddenly laughed grimly: "Who else can it be except a fox!"

Seeing that the little girl was no longer impulsive, Hao Yun scratched his head with his left hand in embarrassment, and let go of his right hand. The smirk that Xiao Hongying showed just now disappeared in an instant, and she frowned again.

At this moment, Fox's life and death is a major issue, and his determination to save people cannot be shaken. Facing the long team of devils, going out is to die, but she has only one worry, can Fox come back smoothly?

The movement of the two caught the devil's attention. One devil got down, pulled out his rifle, pulled the bolt, and with a bang, the bullet flew into the darkness.

Until the bullet in the gun is emptied.

After a while, there was no response, and he stood up cursing, hesitating, and finally, stomping his feet, followed the team.

A round of crescent moon hangs under the black sky, the mountains and river valleys blowing gently by the mountain breeze, the mottled rocks stand tall, the river bank, the river, the village, the long fire dragon is still moving, going away one by one.

A black figure smashed through the woods by the village and rushed into the wood, out of the village, stumbling towards the river.

A figure appeared at the entrance of the village, leaning against the wall with cross-steps, raised the rifle, and slowly moved the muzzle to point at the fleeing figure.

(End of this chapter)

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