under fire

Chapter 122 The Destiny That Can't Be Evaded

Chapter 122 The Destiny That Can't Be Evaded
Luo Fugui held the machine gun with one hand, stuck his head out of the cellar, and held his breath fiercely. A gust of mountain wind and gunpowder smoke drifted past, exuding an exciting smell and disappearing in the darkness. The guy who rushed out of the village didn't know Who is it? A devil is holding a gun, right next to the cellar where Luo Fugui and Hu Yi are hiding.

Luo Fugui didn't move, the devil's finger was slowly pressing down.

The bullet should be about to come out of the chamber, and the unlucky guy should not be able to escape, Luo Fugui was secretly guessing whether the guy who was running away would be knocked left or right.

Bang, bang, two gunshots sounded one after another.

The sound of a shell gun was added to the sound of Sanba Dagai.

Gunshots sounded at the entrance of the cellar, the flashes illuminated the night, and then gradually dimmed. Under the stiff gray arc brim, a preoccupied face blurred into the darkness again.

Luo Fugui rubbed his ears vigorously: "Boss Hu, you didn't make a sound when you came out, you scared me to death!"

"Are you still waiting for death, hurry up and go."

"Let's go?" Luo Fugui was stunned for a moment, until he got kicked on the buttocks, and immediately reacted, he rushed out to the cellar dug on the hillside, turned around and pulled the machine gun that Hu Yi handed over, and then pulled out another machine gun.

Footsteps sounded from the village, and torches were shaking from time to time, and the devil's figure could be discerned when he jumped.

The mule raised the machine gun, no longer waiting for Hu Yi's order, and aimed at the place where there was a slight scratching sound from the sudden swaying of the bushes, and the bullets rushed into the darkness, accompanied by a large ball of flames at the muzzle of the gun. continued.

The sound of sweeping across a large area attracted the attention of the devils marching on the road.

Hearing the characteristic gunshots of crooked guns, the marching lieutenant was at a loss. The sporadic gunshots just now turned into crooked gunshots. Didn't it mean that he only ran eight ways?To make such a big commotion, the gunshot sounds a bit wrong.

The machine guns are used for burst shooting, the hateful Balu only fires one shot, or the inaccurate broken shell guns, these guys hug the machine guns and don't let go!This machine gunner has to be well trained and trained, but he is not his own unit, so can he manage it?Next time you meet their squadron leader, you can laugh at them.

Immediately followed by the intensive Sanba Dagai sound.

The lieutenant looked back at a distance, and only the Tomosaka rifle was firing!It seems that the skills of the Eight Routes are not bad, but, what do you care about yourself?Order to speed up the march, these rats are not worth staying!

The second lieutenant of the bridge-building ghost by the river, had been looking at the village since the grenade exploded in the village. Finally, he saw a Balu running out, letting go of his tense heart, but he was a little dazed. movement!What does it mean?
He didn't think there would be a problem with the arrangements in the village, and he didn't think that the tuba road rout had the courage and ability to run to the ferry where there were torches everywhere in the dark night to take the initiative to die.

The Eight Routes should have been wiped out as soon as they entered the village, but the captain, who was eager to march, gave up the task of searching the village, but it was only one Eight Routes, it didn't matter.

His task was to help the engineers build a pontoon bridge. Crossing the river and chasing the Eight Routes was the most important thing, because his own bridge building speed was slow, and he was already despised by the friendly troops who had to take a detour.

So the current second lieutenant believes that building a bridge is more important, and it is enough for a squad of devils to block the eighth road that escaped from the village and is running north.

The second lieutenant ordered a sergeant to lead the team, head north, and chase after the fleeing shadow, while the others continued to work.

The devils stationed in the village are actually only half a small team. The main task is to take care of the wounded soldiers in the village and guard the marching route of the devils. I never thought that when two soldiers from the Eighth Route in the village killed one and chased the other, they encountered ambush.

This was a battle where an ambush was absolutely impossible. The team leader in the village, the devil, thought that this was his punishment. When he attacked in the afternoon, half of his team had suffered casualties. He was hiding in the darkness with his blood-red eyes open. , These eight ways are shameless!

It must be eliminated. Immediately let the grenadiers behind pull up the grenadiers, and the machine gunners set up machine guns: "Fire immediately, and kill those cowardly eight roads who only know about sneak attacks and ambushes!"

The barrel of the machine gun was hot, holding it in his hand, Luo Fugui let out a strange cry, pulled the machine gun to his shoulder, and helped Hu Yi, who crawled out of the cellar, run out of the village.

Hu Yi endured the pain from his shoulder, still gripping the machine gun, bent his index finger next to the trigger, the muzzle of the gun habitually drooped, and bowed slightly, with heartaches coming from his back. He was pulled by Luo Fugui, step by step, Dragging his feet into the woods beside the village.


The two leaned together and squatted down. Hu Yi turned around, focused like a hunter, and his breathing was not disturbed. run away.

The two immediately fell to the ground with their heads in their arms.

Immediately afterwards, with two bangs, the Devil's grenade fired, and two untargeted grenades flew into the vicinity of where Luo Fugui's machine gun fired just now.

The woods are not dense at all. The reason why the bushes in the forest are often cut by the common people is also low. The devil came over with a torch, and it was unobstructed. It was not a place to stay for a long time. Shaking in the mountain wind, groups of devils were looking at the entrance of the village.

The current position of the two is very bad, there are only two roads, front and back, the guy who ran just now has merged into the darkness to the north, followed by a group of devils, shooting from time to time, that guy is lucky, the road in the mountain is not straight On the contrary, the devil's shooting was unexpected.

Hu Yi felt the mud, rocks and shrubs flying around from the grenade explosion. He didn't know that every time this happened, he became a little excited, and he didn't notice that his breathing was full of desire.

It was the desire for killing, the hatred for the devils, and it turned into a tiger hiding in the mountains and forests, watching the wild sheep with a ferocious face.

His heart tightened, his muscles tensed, and the pain in his back became numb until his heart was as calm as water.

Suddenly lifted in the dark, swung his left arm to the left, signaled to Luo Fugui, who was pressing bullets into the machine gun with trembling hands, moved to the side, and then habitually lay down in the dark, swinging the crooked tripod , The butt of the gun entered the shoulder socket, which caused a pain, but brought a sense of pleasure.

At this time, I shamelessly remembered Dr. Zhou's slippery
I remembered Su Qing's aloofness and coldness


There are lights and bonfires in the village, not far away.

The figure of the ghost soldier was swaying towards him, and the dim light of the torch cast him in the dark eyes. A dozen devils seemed to have good tactical moves, moving forward by shaking left and right, and the devil's offensive formation would not be easily affected by outsiders.

There are only two roads out of the village, and the forest is 30 meters away.

There was a rattling sound, and the devils who were about to break their nerves became excited, took off the grenade, and knocked on the helmet.

Luo Fugui was terrified and took cover on the spot, making terrifying movements. Hu Yi had no choice but to concentrate and watch the infantry attacking by the devils.

As for Luo Fugui, he should still be able to execute what he should.

It is also what the mule is best at, fire suppression, perhaps, it should be called fire attraction, and it is currently pressing bullets into the gun.

boom boom boom
A flash of light suddenly rose from the edge of the woods, splashing with a cloud of mud and stone rain.

The devil started to rush, and the infantry quickened their pace, and the crooked handle at the back poured bullets into the grove continuously.

However, in the woods, a fire suddenly flashed out at an inappropriate time, and at the same time, a puff of blue smoke rose.

This burst of fire and smoke interspersed with the sound of gunshots caused the two devils to be knocked down in this small place outside the village. The devils' tactical literacy is indeed high. He fell down on the spot, and the devils who were covering the attack immediately responded back and fired at the position of the muzzle flame.

The bullets screamed wantonly over the positions of Hu Yi and the two of them, and the positions of the two of them have been fully exposed!
(End of this chapter)

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