under fire

Chapter 123 The night is the best cover

Chapter 123 The night is the best cover

The second lieutenant of the devils waved his sharp command knife, his face was ferocious and frantic, and he ordered the devils to open fire.

The sound of the rifle is as dense as bursting beans, the crooked handle shoots in three bursts rhythmically, and the grenades alternately tom and tom, which makes the second lieutenant very fond of it!

A sergeant ran beside the hoarse second lieutenant, and reminded: "Mr. Inoue, there is a Balu running towards the river, and a squad of engineers is chasing along the river. I guess there are only one or two Balu in the forest."

The second lieutenant was stunned when he heard this, and immediately stared red-eyed: "Attack across the board!"

The devils no longer use their best two wings to outflank, but attack directly, crushing the eight roads in the village to death!Even more prepared to spit and drown Balu!
The second lieutenant continued to stare at the eight-way machine gun that fired just now, pointing forward with the command knife, and ordered the grenadiers to fire continuously.

"Firing into the woods is forbidden in the drills?" The grenadier looked back.

"Now, I'm the commander, fuck his fucking drill! Didn't you say that when you shot the grenade just now?"

Outside the village, in the grass, mosquitoes were flying, and people lying on their stomachs did not dare to slap them, so they had to use their hands to rub their bare skin around, crushing a patch of redness.

"Can you do it?" Ding Deyi was serious.

"Two machine guns fired in the woods just now. I think it's probably because of Lianchang Hu and Mule..." Banxian looked at Li Xiang, who was still playing with the grenade, and answered the political commissar's words, but the words were wrong.

"Oh? How did you know?" Ding Deyi asked curiously, nervously.

"Machine guns are so bad, who else but mules who only know how to waste bullets?" The half-immortal lying in the grass smiled triumphantly.

Ding Deyi was speechless.

Think for a while: "The distance over there is only about 300 meters. As soon as you fire, the devils by the river will come up. Therefore, you must show momentum and buy Hu Yi and others some time. Even if it takes 3 minutes, they will definitely seize this opportunity. .”

Ding Deyi commanded the battle personally, turned his head and gave Banxian another battle order: "Banxian, you lead people to withstand the devils by the river, whether or not we can meet Company Commander Hu this time, we have been exposed. When the side devil comes up, he must be stopped, it only takes 10 minutes, and then everyone retreats north, close to the river, throws away their weapons and swims across the river!"

The meaning of this is that the response time will not exceed 10 minutes. Of course, it is impossible to lose weapons. The Jiulian is not a newly recruited security force, and it has the ability to cross the river with weapons.

As for whether Hu Yi in the village can seize this opportunity, it is up to fate.

On a small cliff.

Looking at the army of devils marching on the road below, they were not affected by the fighting in the village at all. Almost a squadron of devils with torches, carrying guns and ammunition, finally finished walking in front of them, and then another group of devils lit bright torches , slowly approaching the entrance of the village, the two groups of devils pulled some distance away.

"Now, go out immediately, cross the gap between the devils by the river and the devils in the village! Whoever is disobedient, my aunt wants him to look good, bad luck, you don't worry, stay away from my aunt!"

"Oh, didn't one run out just now, maybe it was Company Commander Hu?" Hao Yun didn't want to go out.

"Impossible, Hu Yi's running movements are not like that, definitely not, hehe, do you think it's safe to hide here?" The girl clenched the pistol tightly.

Hao Yun stared blankly, and recalled the little girl's words for a few seconds before he came to his senses: "You mean...the one who fires the machine gun now is Company Commander Hu? I understand! I understand!"

Then he followed the little girl, slid down the low concealment position, pulled the bolt of the rifle on his body rattling, and followed Tang Dagou who slid down.

There was a gap between the two marching devils, and from time to time devils sent orders to and from the devils, and the devils' radio station was at the brigade level.

Village entrance.

With a bang, a black guy slowly climbed up into the air, flew fiercely towards the place where the devil was holding the flames, and then landed hurriedly, coming in front of the second lieutenant who was full of grief and anger.

The second lieutenant stared blankly at the iron guy with a little smoke on the ground in the corner of the torch, obviously he was ordering the cannonball, but why did he fall in front of him, suddenly thought that he should lie down, and instinctively leaned back.

The gunpowder of the grenade expanded happily, breaking through the cast iron cylinder that wrapped his body full of regular lines.

With a loud bang, the shrapnel shot in all directions, and one piece penetrated into the body of the second lieutenant who was just about to hit the ground. The shock wave overturned the four grenadiers beside him.

The grenadier was stunned by the shock.

The black guy attacked again, and a series of bang...boom...boom sounds continued.

The grenades continued to send grenades into the positions where the devils were attacking. The devils' formation was sparse and did not have much effect.

"Fire!!" Hu Yi gave an order to the darkness, then raised his head, lying behind a stone sill, gasping for breath.

In the woods, the sound of machine guns sounded suddenly, and finally turned into bursts, but it was three, two, and four, irregular, just firing a shuttle to change positions!
Hu Yi moved his body, but his complexion became even worse. This is not a good sign, as his body seems to be a little out of control.

Hu Yi judged that Li Ying should still be outside the village, probably waiting to pick him up. They should be not far from the ferry, hiding in the mountains, and the devils have been logging nearby, but he didn't expect a group of eight roads hiding under their noses.

The only place he could stay was by the river in the northeast of the village, forming a triangle with himself and the devils at the ferry. Now, if he wanted to escape, he had to meet Li Xiang first.

The devils who were about to rush into the woods were beaten to the ground by mules one after another. The devils pulled their rifles and shot randomly into the woods based on their feelings.

Although the two sides have not seen their opponents, they have been fighting for so many years. Based on the opponent's tactical reaction, they can also roughly judge the opponent's general situation: an Eighth Route is running around with a machine gun, shooting indiscriminately towards the outside.

Can a machine gun do that?Is there a machine gun like this?Tubalu used the imperial standard machine gun!And flowers came out.

In the previous wave, he didn't let go of the trigger once he pressed the trigger, but now it's even weirder. The Devil's machine gunner has also fired hard, and he is still accustomed to firing bursts, with the bullets tightly biting the firing position.

As the attacker, the devil suffered a loss, but the attack was still very firm, and the response was also very decisive. The only fly in the ointment was the commander, who was accidentally injured.

In Hu Yi's eyes, the terrain and the deployment of the devil's troops are almost inseparable.

Originally thought that they were trapped in the village, maybe at dawn, it was the moment when the two of them died.

Unexpectedly, there were still people in the village, which led to the pursuit of the devils, and at the same time figured out the distribution of the devils' forces.

Fortunately, the devils who were on their way did not join the attacking team.

But the bad thing is that another group of devils approached the village from the south again, if you don't run away at this time, it's a stick!

There was another order, and when Luo Fugui's machine gun ran out of bullets, Hu Yi spoke.

Now Hu Yi has to start worrying, when will the devils at the ferry join the attack?If the devil rushed to Li Xiang's position and he hadn't arrived yet, then it would really be a dead game!
Hu Yi's originally numb heart has changed after staying in Jiulian for a long time, but he is not a rational person. Just now he saw the devil shoot and decided to do it decisively. This is due to his personality and cannot be changed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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