under fire

Chapter 124 Fighting the Dark Night

Chapter 124 Fighting the Dark Night
It has never been so long, I have been fighting, and I have been drilling in the mountains for several days, taking advantage of the terrain, and I am exhausted.

As soon as it got dark, the political commissar led the team across the river.

Hu Yi didn't dare to take Jiulian to make a detour, otherwise, if the devils crossed the river, they would definitely run to the front, and some devils would go on the original detour path, and they would be caught in the middle by the devils, with no way to go to the sky and fall to the ground. no way.

It's a pity that at the ferry 300 meters away from the village, the wooden raft was too small, and there were too many people in Jiulian, so there was no way to quickly cross the river. In fact, the river was not too urgent, but Hu Yi didn't arrange for Jiulian to swim directly. It was a mistake.

Not to mention hiding in the mountains with the common people is another mistake. Perhaps, the goal of the Ninth Company is to delay the army of devils, and no one gives up halfway and hides.

Of course, the newly joined security forces are naturally not among them. Dashanli's eyes are smeared, and he longs for someone to lead the team.

For the soldiers crossing the river, after ten minutes of blocking the devils, they had to retreat in the face of a large number of devils attacking.

Mule was familiar with the characteristics of these mountain villages, so he successfully found a cellar, and the two got into it.

After waking up from the explosion, he saw that the devil soldiers were about to shoot and kill the soldiers running wildly, and fired without hesitation.

Run away again.

Hu Yi understood that he had to stab the devil again before he attacked, otherwise, he would be bitten by the devils who followed quickly, and he had to fight again in the woods at the entrance of the village.

The devil did not search inside and outside the village, such a reaction was expected by Hu Yi, and he had a clear understanding of the devil's overall plan, so he was not worried about how long he would be able to stop the devil.

The terrain has been used to delay the devils' march for a long time. No matter how the division arranges, it is useless to rush. Doctor Zhou is the key protection target, so there is no need to worry.

Nine companies blocked the devils, just scratching the itch, but it is certain that the devil commander is crazy. Now the target must be to go straight to the division headquarters, to make up for the delayed time, other things are not important!

The opportunity was fleeting, and the devils on the edge of the village were stunned by a wave of grenades from Tuba Road. Facing the powerful firepower, they were tired of coping, and their shots in the woods were sparse.

Click... mixed with the sound of bullets whizzing past, and a metallic sound, the machine gun stood up again in his hand.

The light in the woods was very dark, Luo Fugui leaned over, received an order to retreat, and habitually carried Hu Yi, who was ready to fire at any time, with a man and a gun, so as to calm his heart.

He spread his legs and ran wildly outside the forest.

the village.

The attacking devil commander, the second lieutenant, was injured, which did not affect the devil's display of the pride of the imperial army. The tactical movements of avoiding shells must have been self-taught, and he lay down on the spot in a mess.

Of course, devils also have a bottom line. There are not many strange devils who carry out orders resolutely. In the flashes of explosions one after another, the frightened and determined faces are blurred. Every determined person is shrouded in unclear gunpowder smoke. inside.

The two devil grenadiers who got up did not care about the life and death of the other two grenadiers who were humming on the ground. Based on their feelings, they calculated the position of the grenade that was thrown from outside the village, adjusted the range screw, and with the sound of a belt, the tom With a sound, a black guy flew out of the smoke and rushed into the night sky.

Outside the village, a group of wimpy people were crossing sideways in the darkness, groping for the Eighth Road position.

The second lieutenant who was working by the river was troubled by some problems. The squad that was chasing the eighth road by the river hadn't returned yet. In the flash of the grenade explosion outside the village, the sneaky team came into view. Could it be the outflanking team?

Shooting people first shoots horses, capturing thieves first captures the king, the girl with the ponytail stopped and lay down behind a stone, now that Jiulian is dying, she is determined to kill the devil commander at the ferry first!
Charge into the battle, for the tiny her, she is just a burden, what she can do for the soldiers of Jiulian staying here is that her marksmanship is not bad.

From the sound of machine guns in the woods, she knew that the fox should be fine, but was bitten by a devil. There were a large number of devils in the village, and she, a braided person, rushed in without even a chance to make soy sauce.

Because the bear was with Hu Yi, the machine gun kept firing, and there was no one else but him, let alone a devil.

Hao Yun was lying on the side, and the Yousaka rifle was in the hands of this girl. I had heard that the girl was good at marksmanship, but she would never give advice to this kind of devil-fighting commander. It is serious to be the first to run away.

The mountain wind suddenly seemed to disappear, and the surroundings became quiet. She seemed to have thought of something, moved her body, swayed her ponytail three or two times, narrowed one of her wicked eyes, twitched her wicked eyebrows, and decisively pressed the trigger without moving the ruler. .

Beep, the bullet is ejected.

Then he got up and kicked Hao Yun on the back: "Go".

When the crooked braid appeared in the flash of another explosion, Hao Yun's heart flickered. The devil commander spread his legs apart, leaning on his command knife, and seemed to tremble, but there was no movement.

In the past few days in Jiulian, I have experienced it firsthand, coupled with the information I have heard from the surrounding eight roads, I would have known what this damn girl film is!
Bragging, immorality, harming others but prestige!contradiction.

Hao Yun no longer observed, and decisively pulled up the rifle on the ground, raised his eyebrows, and raised his nose: "You missed it!"

Xiao Hongying looked at the woods with a gloomy face, and swore fiercely, "Grandma warns you, stay away from me! Don't come here again! Next time without my order, even if you are your old man, grandma will still beat you, don't make shit out of it It's not over yet!"

"Hey? See what you're saying, what are you talking about? Is it wrong for me to protect your safety? Are you crazy?" The black face with the rifle was full of grievances.

"Smelly shameless, pretend again! Do you dare to say that you don't want to run for your life, and you are afraid of death all day long. After fighting for so long, you haven't fired a single shot. Is your gun rusty?"

Hao Yun's face turned red: "If I hadn't protected you, I would have beaten the devil all over the place!"

The more Hao Yun said, the more aggrieved he was, and he was about to burst into tears.

Tang Dagou passed through the gunpowder smoke after the explosion of the grenade fired by the devil from the village through the bushes, and jumped into Li Xiang's side.

No excited confluence,

Tang Dagou is clear to the devils, the white-eyed wolf who has no sympathy at all, and finally becomes the monitor of the squad, with concerns.

Except for two silver-gray grenades, Li Xiang's grenades had already been shot.

Except for the river, the outside of the village is dark. The occasional grenade exploded, illuminating a mass of moving black bodies. In the night, it was barely discernible that a mule carried a person on its shoulders.

This time the little girl did not go up to her for the first time. She had been worried for a long time. It was already late at night. The fox finally came back. From the looks of it, he should not be dead, because he was carried on his shoulder and still carried a machine gun.

Just live!

Right now, the next step is to consider how to retreat, maybe it's time for her to act, she thought proudly.

When the fox came back, there was no such thing as her with braids.

I must have hit that devil with that shot just now, since he doesn't want to fall down, let him go.

The ferry devil lost his command, and the sergeant wanted to attack and help the friendly troops in the village, but he didn't get the second lieutenant's order for a long time.

Until he smelled a bloody smell and saw the second lieutenant slowly tilting.

It's not the patrols or outflanking warriors who pass through the gap, it's the Eight Routes!
(End of this chapter)

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