under fire

Chapter 1140 Video Signal Communication Class

The lieutenant was killed. According to the order, the command of the squadron did not reach the second lieutenant of the third squad.

However, the first team leader and the second team leader were killed one after another, and now he has become the supreme commander of the squadron.

The third squad leader, who took over command, considered himself lucky.

The grenadier had just fired two rounds, and the Tuba Road died down.

It seems that Tubalu is still the old guerrilla tactic of ambush and two shuttles.

Obviously, the current casualties of the imperial army should not be too many. After all, there are not many warriors who have withdrawn from the eight-way ambush circle.

Previously, such combat situations were not unheard of.

Recalling what the squadron leader did before, the next step should be done in two steps.

Most people should throw themselves into the battle of chasing Tubalu!Some slightly injured warriors and medical soldiers were left behind to help the wounded.

This kind of arrangement is quite satisfactory. Although it may not be able to completely wipe out those despicable people who ambushes, it will certainly not make a big mistake.

The gunpowder smoke in the valley dissipated very slowly, and the Second Lieutenant Guizi began to order his subordinate sergeants to be alert, and the other two sergeants to form a team.

"Hey, are you scared stupid by the Eighth Route Army? Assemble immediately." Sergeant Cao looked at the wounded soldiers from the first and second teams who had towels wrapped around their necks, and was about to step forward to slap them, but suddenly found that the soldiers of the second team The captain also seems to be standing in the crowd
The guard team is different from the devils' combat force. They are scattered in various counties on weekdays to lead the Imperial Association Army to perform security and security tasks, and they are temporarily mobilized when there are mopping up or combat tasks.

The third squad leader, who was very familiar with the first squad leader, was busy directing his subordinates to attack, and had no time to communicate with the withdrawn devils.

So much so that Sergeant Cao didn't recognize the big dog "Second Lieutenant" who hadn't washed his face for hundreds of years.

Going into the mountains to sweep together, I still have some impressions of the commanders of the various ministries.
These retreated warriors had white towels around their necks, and it seemed that something was wrong
The big dog saw that the sergeant had been staring at him, so he didn't understand that he, the fake second lieutenant, had revealed his secrets.

You're so cheap, you have to grab this official's clothes from the soldiers of the Secret Service Corps.

Raising the [-] cover in his hand, he hugged the fire directly: "What the hell, let you see..."

Gunshots and screams began to appear one after another.

The second lieutenant, who was leading the devil forward, turned his head and saw that his subordinates had clashed with the retreating No. [-] and No. [-] teams.

The internal strife in the imperial army was unprecedented, and the second lieutenant immediately yelled: "Ba Yan, lower your gun immediately!"

The second lieutenant yelled at the top of his throat, but it was completely ineffective.

The "devils" with white towels around their necks who had been staring at his back for a long time raised their guns and started shooting instead.

The second lieutenant was lucky not to exceed 5 minutes.

Then, the [-] large caps in the hands of the retreating white-necked imperial army fired intensively.

The distance was too close, and the unsuspecting devils fell down in pieces.

The well-trained imperial army is not stupid, and instantly understood the purpose of the wave of grenades thrown by the eight roads just now.

Then lie down on the spot, pull the bolt, pick up the grenade
It's a pity that the soldiers of the Secret Service didn't give them a chance. After the rifle fired, they immediately pulled out their shell guns and charged forward, and the bullets rained down in the valley.

The big dog shot the last bullet in the magazine at the head of the devil crawling into the bushes, and then pulled out the [-] cover on his back again.

The battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, like hell, all this fell into the eyes of the vigilant devils at the end, and they ran back in fright.

At the position of the devil's vanguard, three red flares were raised.

The battlefield was filled with gunpowder, so that the devil's vanguard didn't know what happened behind them.

After firing the signal flare, just to be on the safe side, the sergeant who led the team arranged for a devil to continue forward to report to the advance team for help, and the remaining dozen or so devils came back screaming and killing.

The Devil's vanguard squad ran wildly all the way. Instead of being attacked by the Eight Routes, they gradually saw the situation on the battlefield clearly.

Both sides were in the bushes, and it was not easy to deal with the vigilant devils. Liu Manhe ordered a squad that had changed into the devils' uniforms to "rescue" the corpses on the ground.

Ma Liang was injured and did not participate in the assault. He ordered Wang Yinzhi and Li Laosi who were next to him: "Hurry to the front, no matter what, we must cut off the devil's back and get back all the things on the devil who fired the signal just now."

Wang Yinzhi nodded: "Can you give me another shell gun?"

Ma Liang handed over the twenty rings in his hand, and then pulled out two full magazines: "Be careful."

Wang Yinzhi immediately shouted: "Let's go!"

The two lowered their figures and rushed to meet the devil's vanguard in the bushes.

Following that, Crazy Yang's voice of birdsong and scolding roared in the gunpowder smoke.
The ghost soldiers finally understood the situation on the battlefield. Two imperial warriors shot from time to time in the bushes on both sides of the mountain road.
The eight groups that launched the ambush should have all been wiped out.
The Sergeant saw clearly the imperial warriors lying on the ground
Why aren't you wearing a military uniform?
Could it be that he was so sexually active with the Eighth Route Army on the battlefield that he even took off his military uniform?
Unusual events mean that something unusual happened.

When the sergeant was about to give the order to be on alert, the medical soldiers who were treating the wounded had already raised their guns.

Bat. Bat.
On March [-]th, the gunshots rang out.

Two Czech-style machine guns began to call hastily, and pieces of broken grass in front of the sergeant turned and flew.

Then, a few dialed the insurance, and the grenade that smashed the hood fell from the sky.

There were several clanging sounds of metal and stone colliding, and the sergeant immediately rushed to the side, shouting: "Enemy attack. Retreat!"

Those who can be the vanguard in the team naturally have some real skills, those who are not shot immediately lie down on the spot, and raise their guns to fight back indiscriminately
Sergeant Cao no longer cared about his subordinates, and sprinted towards the way he came through the bushes.

He believed that since he was short, as long as he didn't raise his head, Balu would never be able to find him.

Unexpectedly, not far from him, the muzzles of two guns were turning with his figure.

bang bang
The cat's body, which was not low enough, immediately jumped up, and then another bullet hit the back of Sergeant Cao. Before the body had time to land, another bullet flew in, and Sergeant lay in the grass, only twitching.

Wang Yinzhi stretched out his hand and pressed down Li Laosi's head that was just about to be raised: "Don't you want to live anymore?"

The bullets on the top of his head were whistling, and Li Laosi rubbed his head and shouted: "I was touched by a lady's family, it's over, it's over, Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law!"

The smoke gradually dissipated.

Liu Manhe was lying on a stretcher, and the medical soldiers were pressing a hemostatic clot on his body and wrapping a bandage. The bandage was soon stained red by the oozing blood.
The heartless big dog next to him was picking up a can and muttering: "How can you practice kung fu? It's not as good as bullets."

The special company commander who was also lying on the stretcher grinning his teeth red-eyed: "Can you shut your crow's mouth?"

Liu Manhe on the stretcher choked out his voice: "I'm not dead yet."

The special company commander looked anxious: "Staff, there is another class comrade who is blocking the devils from advancing into the team, and we have to take them out."

The row next to it was full of gunpowder and black: "Staff, in this ambush, we sacrificed six team members, twelve were seriously injured, and 24 were injured. We can't fight anymore."

"Even if... there is only one person left, I have to take care of it"

The special platoon leader's tone was a bit sour: "Ma Lianglian only has one minor injury."

Liu Manhe nodded slightly: "Don't be sour. Being able to survive and not get hurt on the battlefield is a skill. You have to learn."

The special platoon leader nodded: "I understand!"

Liu Manhe turned to look at the correspondent next to him: "Call Ma Liang over here."

Ma Liang, with his arms hanging, followed the correspondent of the secret service team to the stretcher.

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Liu Manhe's twitching face: "Can you lead the team?"

Ma Liang was stunned for a moment: "Me? Something wrong?"

Liu Manhe smiled wryly: "Advance to the team this time. If I can't beat it, I can't let the son of a bitch go."

Crazy Yang looked at the things on the devil's vanguard Sergeant Cao thoughtfully.

This is a standard five-person "communication squad", plus half a squad, a machine gun team and an infantry team.

Five [-] carbines, a ten-year-style signal pistol, more than [-] rounds of cardboard flares, an air-to-air communication board, a night-time light-returning communicator, a sign language flag, and a long-pole red and white single-color flag.

It's a little strange that something that the devil's advance team didn't have was found on the guard's devil.

Wang Yinzhi looked at the things on the ground: "Brother Yang, what are you doing with these wooden planks on your back for a long journey?"

Crazy Yang, who was lost in thought, did not explain...

Li Laosi rushed to the two of them: "Commander Ma told you to come over."

After listening to Ma Liang's arrangement, Wang Yinzhi's eyes widened: "What did you say? Let me take the wounded away?"

Ma Liang said calmly: "You are familiar with the terrain, you must ensure the safety of the seriously injured."

Although Wang Yinzhi was somewhat unwilling, he still nodded: "Yes!"

Crazy Yang suddenly said: "Company Commander Ma"

Ma Liang turned back: "Can you act now?"

Because of a crazy plan in his mind, Crazy Yang suddenly spoke more: "Skin trauma, it's almost healed."

"I have to go and bring back the sniper squad"

"No answer" Crazy Yang shook his head: "Play him to death"

"What?" Ma Liang was stunned: "Who are you trying to kill?"

"Advance Team"

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