under fire

Chapter 1141 The ever-changing battlefield situation

On the ridge.

The observer stooped and ran to the second platoon leader directing the attack: "Report: Three red flares rose in the southern sky just now."

The second platoon leader turned his head and didn't see the flare, and frowned: "The staff doesn't have a flare gun, it must have been fired by the devils."

"Three red signal flares?" The observer next to him hurriedly explained: "Three reds are for launching an attack. The firepower preparation is one red and two greens; Yellow and one green, one red and one green for resisting the enemy's counterattack, two reds and one green for the second echelon joining the battle, two reds and two greens for encircling and annihilating the enemy in depth, and three greens for withdrawing from the battle."

After the observer finished explaining the rules for using the flares, the leader of the second platoon nodded his head, "Nah, the brat fired three red flares, which means he's launching an attack. Could it be that the staff are surrounded?"

The squad leader next to him suggested: "Anyway, the ambush has already started for the staff officer and the others. We must try our best to stop this group of devils so that the staff officer will not be attacked from both sides."

in the valley.

Because the mountain ridge blocked the small half of the sky in the south, the devil observers at the foot of the mountain could not see the red signal flares fired by the security team at all.
Lieutenant Okawa felt a little bad in his heart.

The outflanking team lost contact, and there is no news until now.

Facing the Eight Routes on the mountain ridge, he did not rush to order an attack. He held up the binoculars, carefully observed the terrain, and prepared to deploy troops on the spot.

Ba Lu did not continue to escape, but hid on the mountain ridge in front.

The mountain ridge is not high, but it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Relying on the advantages of the terrain, Tuba Road shot coldly down the mountain from time to time.

Eight roads must be wrapped around the mountain ridge!

If the Eighth Route continues to scurry in the mountains, it will be difficult for the aviation unit to play a role.

When the air force came over, there was a guard from the south to intercept them, and then a part of the troops were detoured from the two wings and climbed up the mountain ridge to outflank it.

Balu, who is good at mobile warfare, has no chance to maneuver.

At that moment, it was time for the Eight Routes to perish!
The messenger had already reported back at noon, and the route of the guards' advance had been changed to follow the eight-way group on the mountain ridge.

There were gunshots and explosions in the south. According to the preliminary judgment, it should be that the security team had contacted Xiaoguba Road and exchanged fire.

Lieutenant Okawa immediately gave the order: "Call for aviation reinforcements"

Everything seems to be going according to plan.

The situation is set!

The gunfire from the south gradually became thinner.

It seems that the small group of troops on the periphery of the Eighth Route has been defeated!

Time is passing slowly.

Airmen were delayed.

Lieutenant Okawa was a little upset, and he must write a battle report after returning home.

Commanding the knife back and forth with the knife flower, walking back and forth, looking at the watch from time to time.

However, aviation was still not waiting.

On the contrary, it was the vanguard of the security team who ran quickly and detoured from the valley.

Following the guard post outside the advancing team, he came to Da Chuan panting: "Report to Your Excellency Da Chuan, our troops were ambushed by eight routes"

Lieutenant Da Chuan was stunned: "What did you say? You mean that the Eight Route Army beat you up?"

Did I not make it clear?The guard whistle froze for a moment: "Yes"

Da Chuan raised his eyebrows: "How many troops are on the Eighth Route Army?"

"Visual estimates are more than eighty"

"The general situation is consistent with the previous tracking and reconnaissance." Okawa was a little confused: "How is the battle going?"

"The pioneer squad was the first to discover the eight-way ambush, and nearly half of the squadron entered the eight-way ambush range. The battle was fierce. When I left, the pioneer squad was launching a countercharge."

Okawa was stunned for a moment: "That is to say, you don't know the outcome of the battle?"

The sharp soldier nodded: "Yes."

"Baga." Da Chuan growled and raised his hand to slap the face: "You know everything, what letter are you here to report?"

The messenger was aggrieved, and he didn't have eyes: "The eighth road is just to the south, and now it's going to attack from front to back..."

Okawa was angry when he was instructed by a senior soldier to make tactical arrangements
Papa... After the order was given, I was slapped twice

The assistant next to him hurriedly reminded: "Since the main force of the Eighth Route is fighting with the guard in the south, then there should not be many troops from the Eighth Route on the mountain ridge. We should immediately take down the mountain ridge and approach the guard."

The assistant didn't dare to say anything about attacking the Eighth Route Special Agent Group.
Da Chuan ordered with a dark face: "Order, a small team feigns a frontal attack, and the others divide into two parts to spread out to the two wings, climb up the mountain ridge to outflank, cooperate to take down the front mountain ridge, and then quickly attack southward, flanking the eight routes with the guard team."

The assistant reminded: "We have called the aviation, they should be here soon"

"Don't wait for them, let them scout in the air and stand by."

On the ridge.

The squad leader pricked up his ears: "Hey, platoon leader, the gunshots from the south have become sparse? Could it be the staff who fought?"

The platoon leader shook his head: "From the firing of the guns to the present, the fighting time has not exceeded 10 minutes. The time is so short."

The squad leader immediately became nervous: "Could it be that the staff failed in the ambush?"

The platoon leader nodded: "Regardless of the fighting situation on the staff's side, we must now prevent the devils from climbing over the mountain from us."

The observer suddenly pointed to the valley: "Report, the little devils in the valley are spreading out. The troops are divided into three groups, attacking from the front, and the two wings are detouring to climb the mountain."

The platoon leader quickly took the binoculars and looked down the mountain ridge, and was immediately dumbfounded.

The observer continued: "If the little devil climbs up the mountain ridge from both sides and squeezes in the middle, we have no terrain advantage."

"Don't worry, arrange three fighters on each side, fight for the commanding heights, and try to delay the time for the devils to approach the middle!"

"However, after the devils go up the mountain ridge, they can directly cross the mountain ridge and head south. It is meaningless for us to block it now."

The platoon leader shook his head: "If the devils carry luggage, it's not easy to climb over the cliff from the mountain without taking the mountain road. As long as we nail it here, at least most of the devils can't pass quickly."

The soldiers who were assigned to block on both sides came to the platoon leader: "Platoon leader, don't worry, we will definitely use the favorable terrain to hold on to the position, people are in the position!"

"Attention, when the enemy is preparing grenades in front of him, he must pay attention to concealment. The firepower should not be exposed too early. Wait until the enemy enters the position before hitting hard to kill as many enemies as possible."

"Yes!" The two groups of soldiers bent their waists and spread out along the mountain ridge to seize the high point.

The squad leader looked at the devils at the foot of the mountain, and was not very nervous: "Little devil, he is going up the mountain head-on, and he has to pass the first mine pass. The guns in our hands are not fire sticks, so it is not a problem to stop them for half an hour."

"The little devil's grenade is accurate. Be careful. Use the rifle first. After the enemy approaches, the shell gun fires. After dropping the bomb, the machine gun fires. The firepower increases in turn."


Two mortars from the mortar group supplemented by the guard took the lead in shelling the hill.

Then, more than sixty infantrymen of the Devils dispersed and launched a frontal charge on the mountain ridge.

To the south of the mountain, more than ten miles away.

From the north came the sound of shell explosions.

The correspondent was running northward at full speed.

He wanted to notify the fighters fighting in the north to retreat.

Followed by a team of more than thirty people led by Ma Liang.

Crazy Yang hadn't fully recovered and couldn't adapt to the high-intensity march. Li Laosi and the big dog carried him on the stretcher.

The big dog cursed all the way.
Air-to-air communication may seem advanced, but it is actually not that complicated.

If there is no air-to-air contact board, pulling a few white cloths to form arrows can also contact and guide the aircraft.

Crazy Yang didn't expect that the fighting power of the Eighth Route Army would be so strong.

In more than [-] minutes, a Japanese guard squadron that was not full of size was wiped out.

For the capture, he only wanted the devil's squadron flag and the devil's squadron leader's marching diary.

Somewhat puzzled, the advancing team actually threw the air-to-air communication contact board to the guard squadron.

It is impossible for the commander of the devil's advance team to not even know this most basic tactical coordination.

Unless they have state-of-the-art walkie-talkies, it's almost impossible!
The devil must be using the radio!
Using the air-to-air communication board to confuse the devil pilots by surprise to bomb the target, there is a lot of loopholes to exploit.

Lieutenant Okawa is not ignorant of ground-air cooperation, but the radio station communicates directly with the pilots, which can instantly and accurately guide the air force to attack the eight-way position!
He gave up on the air-to-air communication contact board, which could only roughly guide the direction.

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