under fire

Chapter 1142 3 Signal flares

The weather was fine, breezy and cloudless.

Two shells fell accurately on the mountain ridge.

After two loud bangs, bursts of gunpowder smoke rose.

The sound of shooting on the hill stopped.

The platoon leader shook his head, shook off the debris and dust, and shouted to the side: "Don't stay in the col, move and retreat quickly."

"It's all right, we are condescending, the little devil can't beat him"

"Don't be careless"

The ears were still buzzing, and the deputy machine gun shooter in charge of observation yelled: "No, the devil plane is coming again."

"Hurry up and put on the camouflage." The platoon leader was taken aback. The little devil thinks too much of himself. We are in one squad. You not only use mortars, but also transfer planes?

"Don't stay by the side of the mountain road, try to get into the crevices of the rocks."

"Check the camouflage carefully. The devil plane is the eagle in the sky, we are the chicks, as long as he can't see us, he is blind"

The gunpowder smoke rising from the top of the mountain is the best indicator target, and the fighter jets in the two-plane formation soon flew over the mountain ridge.

The pilot immediately made a visual observation to find the target.

However, nothing was seen.
Flying steadily to the north, and after confirming the target with the ground, the battle turned around and flew back again.
Pilots are all talents. They not only need to be able to hold meetings, but also learn how to code, send and translate reports.
There is no way, the Eighth Route is on the mountain ridge, the elites of the empire are at the foot of the mountain, and the air-to-air information contact board is basically useless.
Two aerial bombs screamed and fell from the sky
Two huge puffs of thick smoke rose from the col where the mountain road crossed the mountain ridge.

Large and small stones followed and rolled down the mountain beam.

The soldier next to the special platoon leader muttered: "Platoon leader, the little devil's plane is flying so low, how about I shoot him twice?"

"Don't talk nonsense, do you think shooting a plane with a rifle is shooting a bird?"

"Hey, the little devil's plane has such a big target, it's much easier than hunting birds."

"Shut up, the higher-ups have a strict order to prohibit shooting at devil planes, wasting bullets in vain, pay attention to concealment"

"I heard that the plain troops shot down a plane with rifles." The soldier was unwilling: "Besides, we are not ordinary troops, and we have no shortage of bullets."

"Hey, what I said doesn't work anymore? Turn back and let your kid sweep the latrine"

"During the Hundred Regiments War, you killed Major General Devil in one shot. Even though it happened by accident, you must give me a chance, right?"

"Confinement for three days."

"." The soldier finally stopped talking. Since the platoon leader won't let you wait, I will fight again while you are not paying attention!

After dropping two more bombs, the plane hovering over the ridge was lost.

We could only use two [-]mm airborne machine guns to shoot aimlessly at all the bushes and weeds on the mountain ridge that might hide people.

Watching the fighter jets shooting back and forth after dropping bombs on the mountain ridge.

Lieutenant Okawa was very angry.

Because what came was the Empire's outdated Type [-] biplane fighter.

And what he asked for was a bomber!
A bomber that can throw gas bombs and incendiary bombs!

The assistant leaned over to the lieutenant: "The flying team said that the bombers are not empty and are bombing Baiyun Mountain."

Da Chuan knew what Baiyun Mountain meant to the devils a few days before departure, and he was discouraged: "Since the Eighth Road on the mountain ridge is there, I don't need to talk about how to fight it?"

The assistant nodded.

Then let the orderly start playing the semaphore.

The devil army on both wings immediately accelerated their climb up the mountain ridge.

In order to be able to see the situation on the mountain ridge clearly, the observer stepped back and held up the binoculars to keep looking at the situation on the eight roads on the Koushu mountain ridge next to him.

Lieutenant Okawa invested most of his troops in the attack.

The second lieutenant, who was attacking from the front, saw that there was no return fire on the mountain, so he immediately got excited: "The engineers speed up the demining, and all attack."

It's not stupid to shoot the little devils back and forth. The pilot is not stupid. When he sees the attack of the devils below, he will immediately shoot the key devils to attack near the mountain road in front.

The reason is very simple, if the Eight Routes ambushes, they will definitely guard both sides of the mountain road.

The endurance of the fighter plane is very strong. If you do not make tactical actions after taking off, you can hover over the opponent for three or four hours continuously!
There were a total of five soldiers guarding the mountain road. If the special platoon commander hadn't ordered the transfer before the plane arrived, they might all have died at this time.

The bullet hit the stone next to him with a puffing sound.

The ballistics of the machine gun were pulled back and forth beside him like a saw.

The bushes and weeds on the mountain were fairly dense, and the Devil pilot couldn't see clearly the strange thing lying in the bushes between the rocks.

The special platoon leader estimated the time: "Check the weapons and prepare to fight!"

Even if they are all killed by devil planes, they must fight back the devils who are about to go up the mountain!
Don't think about it, the devil must be attacking upwards at this time.

The mountain ridge is not high, and the terrain like the day before yesterday can be encountered but not sought.

Loose bullets are pressed into the bridge one by one, and pistol rounds are pressed into the magazine or pressed into the magazine.

The only machine gunner with the machine gun in the team was carefully taking out the two spare magazines hidden in the cloth bag to see if there was any dust.

Can't move at all now.

As soon as you move, you will be strafed by the little devil's plane.

Estimating the time, the little devil should not come up so fast if he wants to clear the mines.

The grenade fired a grenade and exploded directly at the col.

The Devil pilot was also unambiguous, and adjusted his flying posture accordingly. The trajectory of the machine gun was centered on the blast point, and he pulled the net to shoot in all directions.

The mountain ridge is not high, and no counterattack was made, and the devils who lined up the landmines had already reached halfway up the mountain.
The devils who went up the mountain from both sides were faster, had already climbed the mountain ridge, and began to outflank the middle from both sides.

At this point in the battle, under the cover of the plane, it doesn't matter whether you are the eighth or the ninth, you only need to be wiped out by the imperial army.

"Report to Company Commander Ma, the Japanese planes are bombing the mountain ridge."

"Where's the correspondent?"

"He went to inform the third platoon leader to retreat, and he was almost at the foot of the mountain."

Ma Liang immediately ordered: "Hide on the spot."

The special platoon leader who led the team looked at Ma Liang: "We have to take them back."

Crazy Yang, who jumped off the stretcher next to him, immediately stopped him: "I can't go."

The leader of the first row was stunned for a moment. He understood that going to respond now was simply sending him to death, and he didn't refute.

Crazy Yang was not interested in explaining, so he placed three stones on the ground, and asked the soldier carrying the communication board to place the white board on the ground to form an arrow pointing directly at the mountain ridge.

The first platoon leader was taken aback for a moment: "What are you doing?"

Crazy Yang replied smoothly: "The target!"

Let's just watch here, who do you point to?
Fighting chicken?What. You mean the devil plane?

Crazy Yang nodded.

Fuck you mother, the first platoon leader is ready to draw his gun immediately.

Crazy Yang rolled his eyes, kicked over, and kicked the unsuspecting platoon leader away.

"How dare you attack the platoon leader?" The soldiers of the secret service group quit, raising their guns and pulling their bolts.
The big dog had a black line, and hurriedly stopped: "What the hell, listen to me. The devil's plane knew they were on the mountain ridge, and he did this to make the devil confuse the target."

A row of long grinned: "Fart, if you put up two signs, the little devil will believe that I am an idiot?"

Crazy Yang ignored him, pulled out the flare gun, held three paper shell flares in his hand, and loaded one with the red dot on it.

Then he looked up at the flying direction of the Devil fighter in the distance, waited for a while, raised his hand to the sky and hit.
Crazy Yang ignored the hot barrel and loaded the second shot into the flare gun.

He raised his hand and shot again.

The signal flaring soaring into the sky suddenly began to turn into red bright spots.

Follow Crazy Yang to hit the third shot
The soldiers of the Secret Service Regiment holding guns looked at each other in blank dismay.

Second red highlight.
Follow the third hair into a green highlight.

In broad daylight the valley can be seen very clearly.
A platoon leader reacted: "Fuck, this guy is a spy, he deliberately exposed our position"

"The whole team. Go out." Crazy Yang seemed to be getting excited, and he talked more, ignoring that Ma Liang was the supreme commander here, and directly gave orders.

The Devil's plane roared overhead, and the soldiers of the secret service group trembled, staring at the back of Crazy Yang who was walking in front and waving at the Devil's plane.

No, after the Devil's plane came over, they didn't drop bombs or shoot machine guns.

The Eighth Route Army had strict discipline, and Ma Liang was the highest commanding officer. Even if the soldiers of the secret service regiment saw a platoon leader being beaten, they did not refuse Company Commander Ma's order to follow and march north.

If eyes could kill, Crazy Yang would have died at least twenty times.

It seems to fly to the back and turn around again
Ma Liang suddenly asked Crazy Yang: "How many devils have run away, if they report to the devils in the north, they have a radio station, aren't we falling into a trap?"

"It's true that the ghosts to the east reported the letter, but the ones to the west were not so fast." To Ma Liang, Crazy Yang said a lot.

Ma Liang nodded: "When the devil's messenger left, the battle wasn't over yet."

Speaking of this, Ma Liang stopped suddenly, that is to say, when he was cleaning the battlefield in the south, he had already thought of a countermeasure, and couldn't help but shuddered: "You let Li Lao Si stay on the east side of the warrior, just to guard against the little devils. Send someone back to check the situation on the battlefield?"

"Understood?" Crazy Yang returned to his true self again.

"It takes at least an hour for the devils to come and go. What do you mean, we pretend to be devils and attack the mountain ridge?"

The big dog next to him stared wide-eyed: "What the hell, can you let the Devils fly into the team?"

Crazy Yang shook his head: "Are you dreaming?"

"What the hell, when it's getting dark, let's give up the mountain ridge position to the advancing team kid, and he can't see the planes in the sky clearly."

"Bullshit..." Crazy Yang was speechless, wearing a devil's military uniform and tricking the little devil's plane once, and cheating twice, this guy is really stupid as a little devil with a radio station.

The big dog said endlessly: "Tell me how to use that board."

The roar gradually faded away, and I saw the Devil's plane flying to the north mountain ridge again,

The leader of the platoon looked at the devil's uniform, which was still bloody, and moved to the front to question, but just heard Ma Liang speak, and forgot to speak for a while.

After listening for a long time, I squeezed my fist hard, and finally couldn't help but take two quick steps: "That. I apologize to you for what happened just now."

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