under fire

Chapter 1144 The Armed Task Force of Lingchuan

Southwest orientation.

Li Heshui never dreamed that he would meet his own people in the valley of the friendly defense zone.

Naturally, I have heard of the Independent Regiment. As for which independent regiment it is, I am still at a loss. There must be at least seven or eight independent regiments in the Eighth Route Army.

I have studied in northern Shaanxi, and I am still a little curious about the wonderful establishment of nine battalions in the independent regiment.

Follow Dirty Face to see the Ninth Battalion Commander.

After walking several miles along the valley, wading through bushes and weeds, I first saw a group of warriors washing clothes by the stream, and among them was Xiao Hongying who lowered her head and washed clothes herself.

Somewhat surprised, he still happily saluted the soldiers who did the laundry.

no respond!
Dirty face went upstream to the stream, took the water and wiped it on the face a few times... still dirty face.

Li Heshui on the bank stopped, looked at the soldiers in the creek, and then looked at the machine guns they set up in the open space.

Counted, six!

It seems that it is a machine gun platoon!

Directly ignore the two piles of eye-catching [-] big covers next to it.

Unexpectedly, the crowd who were washing clothes came out with a crisp cry: "Who is that part of you?"

Li Heshui turned his head, looking for the crowd.

The little girl went ashore barefoot, stepped on a pile of dry clothes to wipe her feet, then bent over to put on her socks and overshoes, and then hung up a delicate armed belt.

The small military uniform has a tight chest, and the pigtails are tied up recklessly. After wearing a military cap with a hole in it, the pigtails come out of the hole, which is as weird as it gets.

Li Heshui subconsciously asked, "Are you calling me?"

Xiao Hongying walked up to Li Heshui, looked him up and down: "Guerrillas nearby?"

Li Heshui hurriedly introduced himself: "Lingchuan County... Liyi District Armed Work Captain and Chairman of the Lingchuan Branch of the Sacrifice League Li Heshui"

"Captain of the Armed Work Team, the Sacrifice League?" Xiao Hongying was stunned for a moment, and heard that the political commissar uncle said that the Sacrifice League, a well-known non-governmental anti-Japanese team in Tainan, was established earlier than the independent regiment!

I didn't take the opportunity to introduce myself to the students who met Gao Yidao. This is the first time to officially announce my position to the outside world, and my small chest is tall.He stretched out his hand directly: "Chang Hongying, the reconnaissance platoon leader of the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment."

A little girl as the reconnaissance platoon leader?
Li Heshui didn't believe it at all.

He didn't know the details of the brat who was doing the laundry, so he secretly guessed that maybe he was the head of the children's regiment on sentry duty, but it's not true. Except for the members, the minimum position of the children's regiment is the leader, and this one is only a platoon leader. How desperate is the long-term mess?

Even though Li Heshui was very surprised, he still smiled heartily: "Hi, nice to meet you!"

The other party is the captain of the Armed Forces and also the president of the Sacrifice League. The Ninth Battalion happens to be short of people right now. Xiao Hongying is in a good mood, and her small voice is crisp and clear: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"This time the devils raided, the friendly army was defeated, and the superior instructed us to return to this area. I didn't expect you to come so soon!"

Xiao Hongying immediately greeted the dirty face: "Hurry up and tell the mule to set up a pot of stew."

Dirty face froze for a moment: "It's not good to light a fire in broad daylight?"

"Let you go"

"Can it be baked?"

"It's up to you."

Xiao Hongying enthusiastically led Li Heshui to find Hu Yi.

Armed work captain, battalion level, but in Xiao Hongying's eyes, she should be at the same level as herself, although she is only a platoon leader for the time being.

The two chatted all the way, Li Heshui was not calm anymore, and gradually realized that this little girl seemed to have some disrespect for the commanders at all levels of the Ninth Battalion. Just as she was about to remind her, she had already come to Hu Yi: "Fox, here is a guest."

There is a mule company commander in front, and here comes a fox
It seems that the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion like to use nicknames.

Since the little girl introduced me, naturally she couldn't be rude and extended her hand to introduce me: "Lingchuan."

Hu Yi, who was basking in the sun with his arms hanging on his chest, saw the little girl leading an armed work captain over, and struggled to get up from the ground: "Hu Yi, commander of the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment."

Unexpectedly, the "fox" in front of him was the commander of the Ninth Battalion. Li Heshui was startled, and his body shook. If he didn't have a kung fu foundation, he would definitely fall down.

Hu Yi looked at Li Heshui with some doubts: "You have been active in this area?"

Li Heshui, who was blindsided, concealed his embarrassment: "My hometown is in this area, and I just came back after the big retreat in the early years."

He spoke quite frankly, without any politeness, and he spoke clearly in two sentences. Hu Yi nodded: "Have you not seen District Chief He and the others?"

Li Heshui's eyes lit up: "You mean He Dawu, the district chief of Pingshun County? They're here too?"

Hu Yi nodded: "Yes, we are planning to return east to the station."

"Can you stay here first?"


"That's right, I just came back not long ago, and I organized a lot of people, lacking experienced instructors"

"I'm afraid not. We will leave in two days." Hu Yi shook his head.

As for the defeat of the friendly army, it was already expected. As long as the friendly army marched south, it would be regarded as an end of mind.

Originally thought that he could communicate with the old army, but he was never given this opportunity.

The time for the Anti-Japanese University to start school has passed, and now I don't even know where the school is.

Li Heshui had a different idea. The devils were sweeping up the mountains. If the Ninth Battalion could be invited to attack the devils' logistics team, the devils in the mountains would definitely be deprived of food.

Although he recruited a team of more than a hundred people, it was a pity that he was short of guns and ammunition, and there was no way to pose a threat to the hordes of devils' logistics team.

Now that we meet the well-equipped Ninth Battalion, we have to convince them to help us no matter what!

However, as soon as the words were out of his mouth, Battalion Commander Hu directly refused.

On the other hand, the platoon leader Hongying next to him didn't seem to care about the dialogue between the two sides at all, and led Li Heshui to continue walking towards the foot of the mountain.

Seeing that Captain Li was led by Xiao Hongying, Hu Yi knew what Xiao Jiujiu was in her heart without guessing, so he didn't bother to ask.

Li Heshui couldn't help being a little angry, he was a battalion-level guy, and Battalion Commander Hu continued to lie down and sleep without saying a few words to him, what do you mean?
Isn't it too big to send a platoon leader from the children's regiment to accompany this shelf?

Along the way, I saw that there were not many soldiers from the Ninth Battalion, but there were machine guns everywhere, and I looked up at the sky.

If it weren't for the surrounding mountains and ridges, I really doubt that I am in the division's arsenal
My heart began to come alive again.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"What did you say?" Li Heshui came back to his senses.

"I said how many people do you have?"

Li Heshui hesitated for a moment: "It is still in the development stage, there should be more than [-] people."

He didn't lie, the armed task force only had three backbones, and of course the members of the Sacrificial League were counted.

Of course, the militiamen who carried the spears also had to be counted.

Xiao Hongying directly snatched two pieces of roasted yellow wild boar skewered on a branch in Dirty Face's hand, and handed one piece to Li Hesailor, biting and continuing to talk passionately with Li Heshui.

Li Heshui gradually forgot about Battalion Commander Hu.

Start by describing the situation you are currently facing.

Who is Xiao Hongying?
Immediately guessed Li Heshui's real thoughts: "Hey, you are short of guns and ammunition, and you want us to help fight the devil's logistics team?"

"That's right." Li Heshui didn't hide it. Although the wild pork in his hand was a bit hard, he hadn't experienced this feeling of eating meat for many years.

"Tell me, tell me about the details of the devil's supply team."

"We fought once two days ago, but unfortunately we only had thirty or so guns. There were so many devils and puppet soldiers that we failed to fight."

"How many people are there in the baggage train?"

"One or two squads of devils from the guard team, more than a hundred puppet soldiers, plus two or three hundred civilian husbands."

"What? One or two squads. Guards devils, more than thirty?" Xiao Hongying immediately stared wide-eyed.

"Why, are you scared?" Li Heshui sighed. The Ninth Battalion seemed to have such a machine gun. There were only a few dozen people in total, and most of them were troops delivering guns and ammunition to a certain army.

You have to "borrow" something from them!

[Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, Tiejun, and 3962 brothers for their rewards, and thanks to the brothers who have been voting monthly, recommending, and subscribing for support. Add more]

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