under fire

Chapter 1145 Terrain is far more important than combat power

Luo Fugui didn't have much interest in paying attention to the guests brought back by Xiao Hongying.

Although the barbecue is not as good as chicken, the taste is not bad.

Putting the branch with the largest piece of barbecue next to the sleeping Hu Yi, he opened the miso bag he had seized from the devil, and rubbed it on the barbecue.

Be serious and focus.

Xiao Hongying once again came to Hu Yi who was lying in the weeds on the marching blanket basking in the sun, and snatched the barbecue from Luo Fugui's hand: "Hey, fox, wake up!"

It is a great waste of resources for fighter jets to deal with infantry who are hiding and disappearing.

Lieutenant Okawa has never been able to figure out the specific situation of the Eighth Route troops on the mountain ridge.

Although it is certain that there are not many people on the eighth pass on the mountain ridge.

But it is not yet certain whether there is any.

The spirits of the two wings finally went up the mountain, waving flags to show that they had not encountered any resistance.

The lieutenant heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately ordered the elites under his command to advance to the middle.

The frontal attack team also encountered no resistance. If it weren't for the engineering soldiers constantly discharging the landmines buried by the Eight Routes from the roadside, he would even think that the Eight Routes had withdrawn long ago.

I looked up at the sky... If there is no accident, it should take up to 10 minutes to occupy the mountain ridge.

There is a security squadron outflanking the south, now we have to speed up our progress, and we have to get closer to the security squadron that is biting the main force of the Eighth Route to take down the mountain ridge!

The soldiers lying on the east side of the ridge saw the devil flying away.

Thirty or so devils who climbed up the mountain ridge were advancing towards the middle.

A look of excitement...

Just push aside the camouflage covering your body and prepare for battle.

"Rabbit, when the battle starts, I will shoot first to attract the attention of the devils. If the devils are attacked, they will definitely let the grenadiers take away my firepower." The veteran of the combat team leader began to arrange the battle plan: "You will fire the first shot later." Be sure to destroy the devil grenade!"

The soldier called Rabbit was excited: "Don't worry, as long as he dares to set up a grenade, I guarantee that he will not be able to shoot a grenade."

The team leader immediately gave an order to the soldiers lying behind the rock on the other side: "The devil's machine gun is on your side. Your task is to keep an eye on the devil's machine gunner. After killing the devil's machine gunner, strictly prevent other devils from using their machine guns. infantry"

"Okay, don't let it go, that little devil, Sergeant Cao, is too arrogant. If you can knock him down, he will probably roll to the bottom of the cliff."

"It's a pity...we didn't arrange a few mines in advance."

"So what if there are no landmines? Who are we? We are the most powerful soldiers of the Eighth Route Army Special Service Regiment. Hehe, the little devil is obviously still treating us like ordinary soldiers. I will see how they die later!"

The trio who occupied the favorable terrain ahead of time played one against ten, not cowardly at all, even talking and laughing.

In addition to determination, defending positions requires skill.

The mountain ridge is uneven, occupying a high point to defend, and killing the threatening devils with machine guns and grenadier firepower, there is not much pressure at all.

Devils do not have machine guns and grenades to suppress firepower, they are toothless paper tigers, they can completely press the devils on the attacking side to hit a live target 50 meters away, and the defending side is almost invincible.

The terrain of the mountain ridge is narrow, just a little bit wide, the only unpredictable thing is whether the devils will launch a sudden charge.

It would be better if we can start again with the mountain wind, even if the little devil throws a grenade to create gunpowder smoke to block his sight and attack.

Just ignore the Yamashita devil mortar.

It's so high, no matter how powerful the little devil is, his artillery observers can't see the situation on the mountain ridge at all, and the mortar is no different from a blind man.

The two sides are getting closer.

There was no way to dig trenches on the rocky mountain ridge, so we had to use the small highland stones as cover.

The team leader pointed the crosshair at the figure of the little devil, so he couldn't see who the commander was. However, the devil walking in front and waving his hands was likely to be the commander, and he immediately became his target.

There was a flash of fire near the highest stone.

Seeing the flash of light, Chief Cao, the leader of the team with first-class sword skills, subconsciously made a tactical dodge action of falling forward, the distance was too close!He was still hit in the chest by a bullet fired from a hundred meters away.

He fell to the ground and convulsed, bleeding from his mouth and nose.

for a while
Should not die.
The sergeant next to him immediately took over the command and ordered the machine gunners to suppress fire, and the grenades to eliminate the targets who dared to attack the masters of the Imperial Sword Sect.

While leaving the offensive line for the infantry, it is necessary to suppress the firepower on the small high ground in front, and there must be a shooting range.

The machine gunner can only place the machine gun on the edge of the mountain ridge.

The grenade hit the ground, and the assistant took off the grenade and set it aside
Gunshots were finally heard on the ridge.
The old god showed a smile on Lieutenant Okawa's face instead.

The general situation of the top of the ridge came to mind.

It seems that the Eighth Road is still on the ridge.

In less than a minute, the elite on the ridge waved a small flag to signal down the mountain.

The observer immediately reported: "Three eight roads were found on the east side of the mountain ridge."

"Three?" Eight roads are not on the front?It must have been a camouflage, no wonder... the fighter jets circled for a long time and didn't find the eight roads on the mountain ridge.

Lieutenant Okawa hesitated for a moment, and recruited fighter jets for reinforcements, which only increased the number of jokes.
"Report, three eight roads were found in the west of the mountain ridge"

Does Tubalu really think he is a god?
One against ten?

The lieutenant laughed again.

Let's wait, wait until the two wings advance to the middle, and attack from the front, it will only cause casualties to the elites in vain: "Order, the frontal attack is suspended, and stand by. Mortar support."

There is an important shortcoming of semaphore communication, which is not detailed enough.

Therefore, until now, Lieutenant Okawa did not know that the grenadier had been killed.

As for the machine gunner, anyone in the advance team can operate it anyway, and the Devil Sergeant who took over command on the mountain ridge did not report at all.

The battle has begun on both sides.

The special platoon leader got out from the crevice of the rock: "Close to the col of the mountain road immediately. Just in case the devils rush up!"

The mountain road is steep and narrow, the devil wants to fight up easily?

There are no doors!

No machine gun screams or grenade explosions were heard. It seemed that the first wave of fire from both sides successfully killed the devil grenadiers and machine gunners.

As for whether he hit the devil commander, I don't know for the time being.

The well-trained devil infantry immediately returned fire.

The warhead whistled past the head, hit the stone with a puff, and then collapsed into the sky.

The devils seem to fight back intensively, as long as they don't show up, there is no threat at all.

The three fighters retreated a little and moved to a new firing position.

The devil elites who found cover did not launch an attack, and the two sides remained in a stalemate like this, with almost no casualties!
It's a pity that there are cliffs on both sides, so you can't outflank it. Juncao hates this terrain to death.

Started to miss the fighter jets that had flown away.

But what is an elite?
He is a warrior who can perform miracles!

How could it be possible for the elites of the two classes to be crushed by the three Tuba roads?

It is not difficult to operate the grenade, but it is difficult to hit it accurately.

The fighters of the Eighth Route Special Service Regiment lived up to their reputation. They knocked down the two experienced main shooters as soon as they came up, but how could the elites give up?

The deputy shooter took over immediately.

The machine gun group was reorganized.

A grenade is loaded into the grenade.

Before he could pull the belt, despicable bullets flew over one after another.

The two elites fell one after another.

Although none of them were killed immediately, one of them may have died from pain, but bounced his body like a loach in a frying pan, and rolled down the cliff
Listen... a long scream came from the bottom of the cliff
It is estimated that there is no help.

The sub machine gun finally started to fire.

Under the guidance of the observer, constantly adjust the position of the ballistic landing point
The ghost lying on the ground immediately stood up and prepared to charge.
On the opposite high ground near the cliff, the fire flashed again.
The sub-shooter of the machine gun fell over again. If the devil next to him hadn't moved quickly, the sub-shooter would probably fall off the cliff with the light machine gun.

The observer immediately yelled: "There are special shooters on the eighth road"

Tuba Road relied on the favorable location to change places with one shot, which was too insidious.

Dealing with such a situation is clearly written in the infantry manual.

The Devil Sergeant immediately yelled, "Throw smoke bombs."

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