under fire

Chapter 1146 Accidental events affect the overall situation

Puffs of smoke came out of the smoke bomb thrown out to open the way, followed by a gust of east wind.

Blow the smoke to the eight-way position.

Not missing the opportunity, the attacking devils immediately sprang up from the ground and charged upwards.

"The shell gun fires." On the opposite side of the smoke, a voice roared.

The distance was a bit far. Although the shell gun bullets were not very lethal, most of the bullets still crashed into the smoke.

The devils who took the lead in the charge kept getting shot.

There was a lot of wind on the mountain ridge, and the smoke was quickly blown away by the mountain wind.

After rushing 30 meters, the devils who took the risk and attacked were faced with intensive fire from the eight-way shell guns, and had to lie down in a slightly lower depression again to shoot at the eight-way guns.

There is no way, the mountain ridge is not so wide, and the team cannot be deployed at all.

The eight-way shell gun has an amazing rate of fire.

The three vanguard trio elites who charged forward, the six who fell to the ground and screamed, and the other three disappeared.

Probably fell off a cliff.
As for whether he was shot and fell down, or if he accidentally ran down by himself, we don't know.
He could only lie on the ground and shoot randomly, hoping that through intensive shooting, he could cover the eight roads who were hiding on the high ground and shot one shot to change places.

Observers have long warned that there are special shooters on the Eighth Route, and if you take the lead, you will die.

The distance between the two sides was more than forty meters, and the smoke bomb was gone.

The suppressed machine gun from behind howled and fired a three-burst shot.

Without taking a breath, there was no movement again.

Damn terrain.

It forced the invincible twenty-odd elites to be overwhelmed by the three Eight Routes again.

What a disgrace is this?

A certain highly skilled and daring elite raised his hand and shouted, and immediately a brave and fearless warrior followed.

A three-person team was formed in a hurry, hanging Zhao Wu's backpack in front of his body, which is said to be able to prevent shell bullets.

The trio rushed from behind to the front as vanguard.

Bang bang bang.
The bullets fired by the eight-way shell gun did not knock down the warrior.

The elites who were lying on the rocks were full of admiration, and some quickly raised their guns to shoot to cover and suppress their companions.

Some devils retreated one after another, hanging their rucksacks on their chests.

The devils on the gentle slope tried their best, kneeling or crawling upwards.

Throwing grenades, reorganizing machine gun positions
On the opposite high ground.

The soldier holding the shell gun seemed to be incomprehensible. After hitting the devil, the devil was still alive and kicking?
This is the first time I have encountered such a scene.

Damn, can't a shell gun kill you?

I'll kill you with a grenade, but it won't kill you.
Throw you off the cliff and smash you into scum, even if your mother comes, you won't be able to get it back
Six grenades were thrown out, directly knocking the aggressive trio over.

The rifle followed suit and pressed the devil again to a position less than [-] meters away from the high ground.

Dangerous distance!

Devils began to throw grenades.

The shell gun bullet is too slow to press the bullet. Use the rifle to pull the bolt to shoot, and then pull the bolt to press the bullet.
There are bullets roaring everywhere, and if you are not careful, you will be shot in the head.
The defense was extremely difficult.

West of the ridge.

The battlefield situation is another matter entirely.

The Devils use the exact same offensive tactics.

After the smoke bomb was thrown out, the smoke drifted towards the devils' team, so that the little devils couldn't move forward at all.
Except for the death of a few machine gunners and grenadiers, the casualties were much smaller
Even the captain of the second lieutenant who was hiding behind and commanding was still shouting.
The mountain ridge is just that wide, and Balu likes to shoot a gun to change places. A certain devil directly aimed his gun at a gap in the high ground.
As soon as the soldier stretched out his gun, and before his head appeared, the devil pulled the trigger based on experience.

In less than one-tenth of a second, the soldier who just poked his head out to shoot, his head came close to the roaring bullet.
Immediately lying on the high ground without moving.

There was a burst of cheers in the devil camp.
With one less fighter, the pressure doubles.

The machine gunner grenadiers under his command were killed one after another, and six of his men died at once, and the second lieutenant in command immediately became angry.

Order the elites to pick up the rucksacks they threw on the ground when preparing to charge and hang them on their chests, ready to rush!

The machine gun positions reorganized by the devils who had been stared at him finally opened fire.

Then, the grenade was built again.

"Destroy the devil's machine gun and grenade immediately."

The little devil's killing sound was loud, and the machine guns and rifles rained bullets on the small defensive high ground.

Once again, the Devil machine gunner was knocked down, and a bullet roared to him
Facing the intensive shooting of the devils, only the remaining soldiers pulled out the speed machines and fired horizontally without hesitation.

Two fists can't beat four hands, let alone forty hands
Several bullets hit the soldier's head and chest successively.
The trio's defense collapsed immediately.

The devils cheered.

The left wing was lost, the col was at a low point, and the frontal defense was five people including the second platoon leader, completely losing the advantage of the terrain.

The second platoon leader immediately called the other four to approach the eastern high ground.

If you re-establish a position westward, with machine guns, you can still hold on for a while.

There are mountain beams in the east-west direction, cliffs in the north and south, ghosts in the east and west, and ghosts in the northern depression can come up at any time.
The worst thing is that after the devils in the west seize the high ground, the grenades can be fired at any time.
The common people in the land of Huaxia moved back to their homes.

Unless there are serious natural disasters and man-made disasters, few people can make them leave their homes.

Therefore, when Xiao Hongying proposed to borrow "people", Li Heshui hesitated.

However, he has not been back here for a long time, and he has no mass base at all.

It's not even considered a base, and he can't guarantee the purity of the members of the Sacrifice League under his command.

It is even more uncertain whether young people who are hard to leave their homeland and want to protect their families are willing to go with Jiuying.

Thinking about what was on his mind, he followed Platoon Leader Hongying and stood beside Battalion Commander Hu basking in the sun again.

When I saw Luo Fugui's big and thick body, I was still taken aback, my dear, there is such a character in the Eighth Route Army?
This person should be the company commander of the mule that the little girl was talking about, and hurried forward: "Hello, company commander Luo."

"Who are you?" Luo Fugui, who was robbed of the barbecue, was about to go to Dirty Face again, and for making the little girl so caring, this is definitely the master who is about to be cheated and has to thank the platoon leader Hongying.

Finally meeting a normal person, Li Heshui felt that he had to seize the opportunity: "We are going to fight the devils, and we need the support of Company Commander Luo."

And such a good thing?Luo Fugui's eyes lit up: "The logistics of fighting devils?"

"That's right." When Li Heshui heard it, he had a clue, and quickly told the situation of the nearby devils again.

"You mean there is no large group of devils nearby?"

"Yes, after the county was occupied by ghosts, some of the national army surrendered and formed a puppet army to guard the county, and some followed the little devils to raid the towns and villages around the county to arrest people and build artillery towers."

"How many people do devils usually have when they come out?"

"Twenty or thirty at most, more than a dozen at the least."

"What are you talking about? A dozen devils dare to go around everywhere?" Following Hu Yi and seeing countless scenes, Luo Fugui is no longer the fearful ghost who would run away when the gun was fired.

Luo Fugui began to imagine in his heart that if there were people in the village, there would probably be chickens, and the barbecue immediately lost its appeal: "Mr. Hu. Battalion Commander Hu."

The military cap covered his face, and Hu Yi's voice sounded under the cap: "I'm listening"

Before Luo Fugui could speak.

The little girl spoke first: "Fox, why don't we help them for a while? Okay?"

That tone of voice, coquettish and coquettish.
Lianchang Luo, who ate too much chicken, got goosebumps all over his body and ran away.
Hu Yi was not interested in explaining more, and took out another map from his bag.

A few months ago, Master Li gave him one of the gifts during the friendly army exchange.

I didn't expect it to be useful now, so I started to mark the nearby terrain, villages and personnel on the map with Li Heshui, as well as the usual routes of the devil's baggage team.
Captain Qin, who had just finished studying, leaned over to watch Hu Yi's drawing, and listened to the two discussing their plans continuously.

Immediately fascinated, I started looking at the map and thinking.

The division headquarters has been transferred, and the Longwangmiao Kangda University is probably burned by the little devils. If they go back, they probably won't even find a single person.

The study of the Anti-Japanese University is mainly based on theory and supplemented by actual combat. Didn't you already learn the theory when you were just a senior, and you just have to fight actual combat.

With so many bullets on their bodies, the team members probably have to turn them in directly when they go back.

The point is, this Battalion Commander Hu is also a member of the Anti-University War.

Well, let's share and learn together.
As for the instructor, the one in front of me just came back from northern Shaanxi to do ideological work for everyone, and he is definitely more arrogant than the instructor in the division!
As for when Battalion Commander Hu will go to the Anti-Japanese University to report, it seems to have nothing to do with him!
With his ability, he will definitely become a leader when he goes back, and those who want to exchange experience with him will definitely break their heads!
Get it in one fell swoop!
As the captain, he originally had the right to let Hu Yi join the study group that lost most of the team members.

However, I am just a company commander, and I don't think I have the ability to educate a battalion commander as a captain.

The best way is to let Hu Yilai be the captain of this student
"Hey, Captain Qin, what are you thinking, Captain Qin?" Xiao Hongying tugged at Captain Qin's sleeve.

Captain Qin came back to his senses, made up his mind and immediately expressed his opinion: "The logistics of fighting devils can really reduce the pressure on the base areas in the mountains, and at the same time support the brothers' troops. This must be done!"

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