under fire

Chapter 1149 Theory meets combat effectiveness

under the moonlight.

The soldiers of the second battalion continued westward along the mark.

Snakes have snakes, rats have rats, and the Second Battalion used to sneak around a lot, so they like to play this kind of job of leaving marks everywhere.

This is definitely not comparable to Jiuying.
There are still puppet troops mopping up the mountains, and the troops dare not light torches.

Passing through the valley to the beam, and down to the valley again, the vanguard stopped suddenly: "It smells like gunpowder smoke"

The other person next to him nodded: "I can smell it too, and it smells like blood."

"Squad leader, you wait for me to go over and have a look first?"

After a while, the soldier came back: "The valley is full of ghost corpses. It's strange that the devils are wearing our military uniforms!"

Kuaileg, who came to the corpse, saw the armband on the corpse, and his heart sank: "No, it's a member of the secret service team."

"No, this is a little devil." 21 shook his head.

Quick Legs froze for a moment: "How do you know?"

"You can see that their uniforms are very short. The soldiers of the Secret Service Regiment are generally taller, but these people on the ground are at least half a head shorter. Who else can they be if they are not devils?"

"Uh, what you said seems to make sense." Kuaileg nodded: "Light the torch"

Even if you are about to be discovered by the enemy, you have to figure it out.

Corpses were turned upside down to face the sky.

Kuaileg recognized them one by one, and muttered: "I have never seen any of these people, but they are wearing Eighth Route Army uniforms."

21 analyzed: "Two possibilities, one is that the devils wore the Eighth Route Army uniform and were wiped out by another group of devils."

Quickly looked at the corpses on the ground, and shivered: "Are you telling a ghost story? Is there a possibility?"

"No, besides rifle bullets, these corpses were also hit by 21 large bullets, as well as shell gun bullets." [-] picked out a bullet from the vicinity of the corpse, and carefully inspected the bullet holes on the devil's corpse for a while: " Fuck, there are also bullet holes from the Devil's airborne machine gun, and there is no blood coming out of these bullet holes, it should be shot out by the Devil's airborne machine gun after death."

"Can you see this too?"

"These bullets are just under the corpse, but there is hardly any blood on the ground. They must have been placed here after death."

Chick machine gun?I have heard of the Czech style, the crooked handle, and the crooked handle. What kind of machine gun is this chicken machine gun?

A new soldier next to him didn't understand, so he asked the veteran next to him: "What is a chicken machine gun?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?"

"Ask Quicklegs."

"Don't you have long legs yourself?"

"Company commander, found the mark, it is the reverse indicator mark left by the special task force, which means that he has gone west."

The first company commander did not hesitate: "Remember the location, and immediately move west to get closer to the spy group."

Kuaileg knows that the battalion commander, the second company commander, and the cadet team are reinforcing friendly troops, but now they are not far from the secret service group, so it should not be difficult to find the battalion
Kuaileg was not very familiar with the terrain in this area, so he walked to a T-junction in a valley.

Looked at the footprints on the ground: "The secret service group has gone north, and there are a lot of sandal prints on the ground, it should be the battalion commander."

He directly regarded the footprints left by the militiamen brought by Hu Yi as the traces left by Gao Yidao.

There are still traces of battle here, it seems that the company commander did not have time to leave a mark
After hearing Kuaileg's analysis, the first company commander immediately ordered: "Go south!"

The sky is big and the earth is big, and the battalion commander is the biggest.

in the tent.

Maps were spread on the ammunition boxes, and a lantern hung from the top of the tent.

Six people from different distances sat around the map.

Hu Yi, the commander of the Ninth Battalion, was at the head, Captain Qin, a member of the Anti-Japanese University, was next to him, and Li Heshui, the captain of the armed forces, was opposite Hu Yi.

Next to Li Heshui, there were three people on the other side. The closest one was Li Xiang who hardly spoke, and the one farther away was Luo Fugui who squinted and yawned.

If the reconnaissance platoon leader next to Hu Yi hadn't been twisting Luo Dalian's long arms, Luo Dalian would have been lying on his back long ago.

Li Heshui pointed to the map: "After the national army retreated and the devils invaded Lingchuan County, the whole county was divided into five districts, each district set up a pseudo-office, each district formed a patrol team, and each district had jurisdiction over organized villages, and each village had its own police station. "Maintenance Council"

Hu Yi was in a daze. He stayed in the valley mainly to find out whether the friendly troops had withdrawn or not.

However, the supplies of the devils who encircled and suppressed the friendly army did not go to Lingchuan, they should go to Qi County to the east, so he didn't pay much attention to the supplies of the devils who came into the mountains from Changzhi, Shanxi.

Li Heshui didn't know what Hu Yi was thinking. Seeing that Hu Yi seemed very tired, he had to tell Captain Qin the specific situation.

But the little girl added a few words from time to time.

Went with Captain Qin to bring back the batch of guns. After talking on the way, Li Heshui never dared to underestimate the reconnaissance platoon leader. The soldiers under her were completely better than each other!
The two had almost discussed how to conduct reconnaissance, where to set up an ambush, and how to deploy troops and firepower. Then Li Heshui asked Hu Yi: "Battle Commander Hu, take a look, we have made a rough plan."

Xiao Hongying pulled Hu Yi who was in a daze.

Li Heshui took out a pack of cigarettes, shook out two, handed one to Captain Qin, and then explained again: "As long as this battle can be won, the people in the ten miles and eight villages will know that we are back, and it will be easier for us to develop in the future." .”

Hu Yi withdrew his thoughts. He didn't expect Captain Li to be quite capable of working on the map, and the strength of the arrows was carefully marked.

"You have two or three hundred people, but there are really only a dozen or so who can really fight?"

"Although they haven't really been on the battlefield, they usually practice martial arts and go hunting in the mountains. They are good at hunting. They even set up an ambush with me two days ago."

"In other words, they have no fighting power at all, can I understand this?"

Li Heshui was stunned for a moment: "This is indeed the case."

"Then why do you think that with guns, they can beat the puppet army with similar strength?"

"Hey, there are you guys here, just say it, you can fight as you want."

Hu Yi had black lines on his face: "Based on you people, I don't think even the mob bandits can be defeated, am I right?"

Hearing what Hu Yi said, Captain Qin hurriedly explained: "The local guerrillas are indeed no match for your independent regiment. My opinion is that let the students disperse among the guerrillas and establish a grassroots command system."

Hu Yi shook his head: "According to Captain Li, these puppet troops transporting supplies with the devils used to be the security regiment of the friendly army, which means that their combat effectiveness is not bad."

"I see, that is to say, if we really want to ambush the enemy, we don't have enough troops, right?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "You don't understand what I mean. We see a lot of people here. Captain Qin should know that half of them are militiamen. This ambush is not easy to fight."

Captain Qin understood what Hu Yi meant. What he said was that it was not easy to fight, not that he would not fight: "Then what do you think you should do, Commander Hu?"

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Train first, don't you have more than a dozen platoon leaders? After three days of training, at least everyone must learn three points and one line. Don't go to the battlefield and the devil will piss his pants as soon as he fights back."

Half an hour later, the sound of pulling the bolt, pushing the bullet, pressing the bullet, and ejecting the bullet began to sound in the valley.

Under the moonlight, a team of more than [-] people was heading west in the valley.

"Brother Qi, do you think the machine gun can really shoot down the little devil's plane?"

"If there is no anti-aircraft gun, it is also possible if the Devil's plane flies low."

"Then how to fight?"

"There are three types of devil planes, reconnaissance planes, bombers, and fighter jets. They each have their own characteristics." The old bandit Qi was lying on a stretcher with his head in his hands and looked at the night sky as a wounded person.

I don't know how long it took, the old bandit Qi woke up, and the team stopped on a mountain ridge.

The cold air sucked into his lungs, which was very comfortable. The old gangster Qi looked at the sky, it should be dawn soon, and he raised his head and asked the members of the Sacrifice League who led the team next to him: "What time is it now?"

"The chicken has crowed three times"

"I ask you what time"

"Well. I don't have a pocket watch."

"How far is it?"

"It's already here. About two hours after dawn, the devil's supply team will appear."

The old bandit Qi changed the subject: "Does the devil's supply team go in and out of the mountain every day?"

"That's right."

"When the devils and puppet soldiers came out of the mountains, did they all carry stretchers?"

"Well, it seems that most of them are like this, and sometimes there are ordinary people who were captured by traitors and taken to the county town."

"What are they arresting ordinary people for?"

"Repair gun towers, dig blockade ditches."

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