under fire

Chapter 1150 The Occupied National Area

The Eighth Route Headquarters and the Southern Division Headquarters were cleared again, and the mopping up was coming to an end.

Although there are still remnants of the Eighth Route in the mountains, relying on their familiarity with the terrain, they lead the villagers to move around.

But the cost of raiding by the imperial army is not low, and eating and drinking is a big problem.

The villagers in the deep mountains are so poor that the family only has one pair of trousers, and whoever goes out wears them.

In addition, Balu transferred the villagers ahead of time, and this time the raid did not grab food at all.

Didn't get anything of value.

The devils and puppet troops robbed, burned, and killed all the villages deep in the mountains, and then began to slowly retreat outside the mountains.

The number of train teams sending supplies to the mountains decreased accordingly.

Wounded, sick, snakebited wounded
Eight Ways Captured by Devils.
Suspects arrested by the detective team
Every day at a fixed time, they will be escorted out of the mountain by devils and puppet troops.

The Ninth Battalion had little chance of launching an ambush.

There are scattered forests in the hilly area at the foot of the mountain!
The landform is not quite the same as in the deep mountains.

The tall pine tree probably cannot be hugged by a single person.

If there were a few more iron birch trees, the environment would be like black mountains and white waters.

Hu Yi was lying on the mountain ridge, his mind was in a trance.

To formulate a detailed ambush plan, it is necessary to select a suitable ambush point on the enemy's route.

Then deploy according to the specific terrain conditions of the ambush point.

Withdrawing his mind, Hu Yi held up the binoculars and began to observe, then marked on the map.

Behind him, Li Heshui, who was full of grief and indignation, was crying to old bandit Qi.

The old bandit Qi became impatient: "You are a big man, you are crying for mourning."

Li Heshui wiped away his tears: "The devils and puppet soldiers killed people when they saw them in the mountains, burned houses when they saw them, captured our comrades and ordinary people, tied them up and sent them to build artillery towers, and they would be stabbed by devils with bayonets if they resisted. The wolf dog bites until he dies from exhaustion."

Looking at the long civilian association team at the foot of the mountain, Luo Fugui next to him shook his head: "I said... where did the devil find so many civilian husbands?"

"They are good citizens, guaranteed by the village maintenance committee, and they have to build roads after hard labor. They are all free labor for little devils."

Old bandit Qi asked casually, "Why didn't they resist?"

Li Heshui shook his head: "The traitors threaten his family, how can they resist?"

"Didn't I hear that there are many people who escaped from the east?"

"The woman was robbed and humiliated by the devils, and the man was tricked into repairing the cannon building by the little devil on the pretext of building a cannon building for food, until he died of exhaustion and was thrown into a mass grave."

As long as you talk about eating, Luo Fugui, who is starving to death, will share the same hatred: "Don't they know how to run away from grandma?"

"There are devils and puppet troops everywhere, where can they go?"

"Doesn't the national army still have a government-in-exile?" The old bandit Qi stayed in the enemy-occupied area for a long time, so he knew a lot about it.

Li Heshui became angry: "When the devils came, they ran faster than anyone else."

Luo Fugui's ugly eyes turned: "If you don't run, you will die, only fools don't run"

in the valley.

Captain Qin is temporarily training the Ximeng brought by Li Heshui.

Almost all the members of the Sacrificial League will practice kung fu.

"This is the left. You kid can't even tell the left from the right? Get out and go to the logistics team." "Give me a chance." "Let's talk after this battle."

"I run really fast." "Go to the reconnaissance class."

"Report, I can throw rocks halfway up the mountain" "You can really blow it" "I mean throw it down the mountain" "That's not bad, go to the gun squad."

"I am strong." "Go to the logistics class"

"I can shoot arrows, ten steps to wear Yang" "Reconnaissance class"

"I can cook." "Cooking class"

"I can read and write." "Communication class"

"I know how to farm." "Engineer Squad"

"I can open any lock" "Reconnaissance class"

"I am a gelling." "Hygiene Class"

The platoon leader students led by Captain Qin are very experienced in this kind of training.

The students directly became the class monitors, and those with special skills were directly selected into the corresponding class.

More than a hundred people were divided into more than ten classes, each forming a circle.

Squad Leader A: "Even if it's a flock of sheep, we must be brave enough to stab the horns of our heads into the enemy's stomach"

Squad leader B: "What everyone is holding is not a fire stick, but a weapon that can kill the enemy and defend the homeland."

C: "The little devil has a head and two legs, just like us."

Ding: "Don't be afraid on the battlefield, the more you are afraid, the more bullets will stare at you."

"Report to the squad leader, I don't have a gun." The member next to me muttered, "When I die, you can pick up the gun."

Captain Qin blew his whistle.

The squad leaders immediately yelled: "All gather!"

The team moves very quickly, but the formation is messy and looks awkward.

The squad leader corrected them one by one. They were still in a mess.

Scratching the neck, scratching the hook, twisting the nose, spitting, coughing and buzzing.
Captain Qin didn't care, all the recruits looked like this, and started to talk: "The little devil killed my parents, humiliated my sisters, and the puppet army worked as a slave to burn my house and rob me of food. Everyone said... what should I do?"

"Kill the little devil, kill the puppet army!" The squad leader took the lead and shouted
Messy voices follow
"We have guns in our hands, not fire sticks. To avenge the folks!"

avenge the folks avenge the folks
Captain Qin was very satisfied, and gave an order: "Target mountain ridge. There is no broth for lunch at the latest arrival."

"Why are you running so fast? The whole class should act together."

"Pay attention to the formation."

They had just eaten a full meal, and those who were assigned to the reconnaissance squad really ran fast, and they directly left the team behind by a long distance
On the ridge.

Luo Fugui looked at Li Heshui: "Hey, how far is the nearest village?"

"After going down the mountain, there are villages near the woods in the distance."

"Why didn't you hear the chicken crow?"

"Didn't I tell you? Friendly troops defected to the enemy, devils and puppet troops entered villages to plunder, arrested people everywhere and repaired cannons, chickens were robbed by puppet troops."

"Where is the nearest gun tower?"

At the end, more than a dozen members of the cooking team who went up the mountain were dejected and put the lunch boxes on the ground.

The old gangster Qi directly brought three lunch boxes, one to Hu Yi, and the other to Xiao Hongying next to Hu Yi.

Opened the remaining lunch box and poured porridge into his mouth: "It would be nice to turn this place into a cottage."

Hu Yi glared at him.

The old gangster Qi sneered: "Just talking."

Xiao Hongying, who was holding a binoculars next to her, suddenly muttered, "Hey, there seems to be someone on the mountain ridge over there."

The old gangster Qi was stunned for a moment, quickly put down the lunch box, lay down on the ground and held up the binoculars.
In the distance, a group of puppet troops entering the mountain loomed.

A large group of men in black walked on the mountain ridge on the south side.

Hu Yi called Li Heshui and pointed to the map: "When we were in the mountains, why didn't we meet these people?"

Li Heshui wiped away his tears and explained: "They only went to the fixed supply point, and did not enter the deep mountains."

Hu Yi continued to ask: "Where is their nearest supply point?"

Li Heshui pointed to the map: "It should be in this area. According to our insider, follow the northern valley to the east for about ten miles."

"Where was your last ambush?"

"The etiquette and righteousness between Changzhi in the north and Lingchuan county road."

Captain Qin, who just came up, held his beloved Cao Changjing in both hands, leaned over to Hu Yi, and muttered: "The enemy seems to have learned to arrange people to watch along the way?"

Li Heshui turned his head: "It's the newly formed patrol team of the devils. The puppet army is not stupid. We rely on the villagers to keep watch. The enemy has followed suit. They come out during the day and go back at night."

"Grandma's little devil has come up with so many names of traitors, I can hardly remember them all," Luo Fugui, who was lying on the ground next to him and looking at the sky, muttered to himself.

The old bandit Qi suggested to Hu Yi: "Let's pretend to be a devil who came out of the mountain, and let's talk about his two gun towers first."

Li Heshui hesitated for a moment: "But we can't reveal the identity of Eight Routes for the time being."

The militiaman in charge of guarding the rear shouted to Kuaileg under the mountain ridge: "Which part are you from?"

Quick Leg immediately opened his throat: "Which part do you belong to?"

After finishing speaking, Kuaileg hurriedly asked 21: "Tell him that we are from the staff department or use another identity?"

21 whispered: "The devils occupied this area half a month ago, and the situation is unknown now, let alone the staff department."

A voice came from the mountain ridge: "I am the Lingchuan Independence Camp"

"Quickly go back and report to your chief, and say that the second head of Heihuzhai is here." After Kuaileg finished speaking, he immediately waved to the top soldiers behind: "Go around and scout immediately."

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