under fire

Chapter 1151 Freshly released independent camp

Liu Yuanqing lazily leaned against the tree, biting the root of the grass, holding a photo in his hand, and kept persuading Kusano Sanyo who was lying on the ground.

Kusano Sanyo only felt countless flies flying by his ears: "Can you let me be quiet for a while?"

"Just kept you quiet last night, now you have to listen"

"You still kill me!"

"We are civilized people, not beasts like you. Look, I've captured you for so long, and I haven't beaten you, and I haven't stabbed you with a red-hot bayonet, right? Hey, what did you say just now?"

Liu Yuanqing suddenly remembered the photo in his hand: "Remember, look, your wife is still quite beautiful? Tsk tsk, hey, let me ask you something, when you were in college, there must have been many people who pursued her, right?

"If you die in battle, your daughter-in-law will have to take on the burden of supporting the family, right?"

"She is still so young, there must be some of your classmates who didn't get along well and didn't find a wife. He will definitely miss your daughter-in-law and will go to your house to help with this, what do you think is right? Even if your wife can persist If she lives for one year, she can last for two years? Don't you think so?"

Sanyo Kusano blushed: "Even if the great warrior of the empire dies, he will never surrender to you! Uh, can you stop talking about my wife?"

"Okay then, I'll say your daughter"

"Can't say my daughter."

"Then say your sister."

"I can't even say my sister"

"Alright, let's talk about you for two years"

"You've said it ten times"

"Then let's say No. 11. If you refuse to surrender, we will execute you, then pull off your clothes, cut off your head, and throw it somewhere to feed the beast. You think the beast will come from Where is the mouth, I guess it must first bite your belly, then pull out your intestines, then drag out your stomach, and finally eat your heart"

"Those little bugs on the ground will get into your nose and ears from where you have eyes," Liu Yuanqing said here, pinched a slender dog's tail grass with his left hand, and stuffed it into Kusano Sanyo's ear.
Kusano Sanyo couldn't help cursing: "Scholars can be killed but not humiliated."

"You can speak Chinese really well. I said, if you surrender, you can change your name casually. No one will know anyway. We can send your wages back to your home through other channels."

"You can still have money as a prisoner? I won't believe you."

Liu Yuanqing turned his head and asked the platoon leader of the cooking squad next to him: "Who is that, is your eight-way devil's policy on surrendering three yuan a month?"

The platoon leader didn't turn his head back: "That's right, half more than me."

"You should know something about those big families of the devil. They have joined the army and they are doing business! You are an elite of the advance team, don't tell me you don't know what they are doing, right?"


"Osaka soldiers even dare to sell weapons and ammunition. Do you really think your shitty imperial army is as selfless as your propaganda?"

"Don't slander"

"Well, you see they even want to kill you with the fire."

The militiaman who was watching the excitement was stunned for a moment, this is a devil, a devil who kills without blinking an eye, and said quickly: "I don't have any"

"Counsel" Liu Yuanqing cursed, and turned around: "Only I am your friend, but my patience is limited. Today's education is over, so you should reflect on it."

A militiaman who came over hurriedly ran down the mountain ridge: "Report to the squad leader, a group of bandits are coming from the east."

Liu Yuanqing, who had just finished his persuasion work, was overjoyed immediately: "Where is it?"

The cooking squad leader pushed Liu Yuanqing away: "It's none of your business."

"You're short-sighted."

"I've never seen someone who talks as much as you!"

"Hey, I guarded the tomb of our regiment commander. I talked to the commander for half a year. Then I came to Commander Sun and encountered this kind of thing. I won't affect you by talking about it. Besides, don't all the soldiers under your command love you?" Listen."

The squad leader was very annoying: "Shut up for me"

"Cut, how dare you say you don't want to hear it? I'm too lazy to talk to you," Liu Yuanqing said, turning around.

Seeing Liu Yuanqing coming again, Kusano Sanyo immediately retracted his neck and stared at him warily: "Hey, I haven't finished my reflection yet."

Liu Yuanqing shook his head: "It's okay, after dark, you can gather together to reflect, and let's talk about your Warring States shogunate. Let me tell you, your Warring States period happened to be our Ming Dynasty at that time."

"You've said it twice."

"That's fine, let's talk about the rebellion of your officers in [-] years. That year, I almost rebelled too."

Sanyo Kusano immediately sternly said, "This matter cannot be said."

"Is there anything you can't say? It's okay, it's just the two of us anyway." Liu Yuanqing suddenly turned his head: "Hey, what are you doing here instead of lighting the fire?"

"Just listen to me, it's not a secret, what's the relationship?"


The cooking squad leader who turned up the mountain ridge looked at the ragged bandits below: "Where is the second head of Heihuzhai?"

Seeing a few figures appearing on the mountain ridge, each with a [-] big cover, this equipment?
The leader of the team jumped quickly after being frightened, and immediately thought: Devils advance into the team!

Immediately picked up the binoculars and took a closer look: "Hey, aren't you the student from the Anti-Japanese University?"

"Quick legs? Is it you?" The squad leader immediately stood up from the mountain ridge: "I said, how did you get here?"

Kuaileg quickly ordered to the soldiers next to him: "Hurry up and let the soldiers reconnaissance from the east come back."

at the same time.

A puppet army team escorting more than a hundred civilians came out of the mountain.

not long time.

Another puppet army team appeared in the bushes on the side of the road and turned directly onto the main road.

Li Heshui walked in front of the team.

Luo Fugui followed closely carrying a Czech machine gun.

Behind him was a dirty face with a military uniform covering a crooked machine gun.

Then came Wenwuquan carrying the ammunition box.

Behind him is the empty-handed Qi old bandit.

In the end, a large group of disheveled puppet troops followed.

The tattered military uniforms were dry and hardened with blood, and there were bullet holes in the bayonet holes. At first glance, they were the puppet soldiers who had suffered a defeat.

More than thirty.

Followed the team in front and walked westward for two or three miles along the main road, and finally caught up with the escort team in front.

Maybe all the escorts were civilian husbands, and there were no devils.

Noisy crying, coughing one after another, puppet soldiers yelling and the muffled sound of gun butts hitting their bodies continuously.

Having seen people coming from behind, the puppet soldiers who fell behind the escort team slowed down: "Hey, why did you come out empty-handed?"

"You took all the people away, and we didn't catch anything." Li Heshui shook out a few cigarettes, put them in his mouth, and then scattered a few cigarettes to the opposite side.

The puppet army who took the cigarette asked: "Are you going back to the county?"

"Go back to the fart, go to Yechuandi Cannon Tower."

"Ye Chuandi? Are you under District Chief Li?"

Li Heshui asked casually: "Which part are you? Why haven't you seen it before?"

"We are the County Security Brigade."

A few people muttered, and the old bandit Qi led the puppet army behind in a big stride forward.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the platoon leader of the puppet army who led the team turned his eyes to the back, and before the opponent came closer, he said, "Hey, what are you doing?"

The shell gun in the hands of the old gangster Qi opened his head: "What are you doing? Hurry up, raise your hand, squat down, and hand over the gun"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, how could the puppet army who surrendered out of fear of death have the guts to resist?

After a long while, under the hopeful eyes of the common people.

Li Heshui frowned: "There are so many people...the target is too big, and someone has to be sent to watch it"

The old bandit Qi shook his head: "Hey, why don't you pick out some strong ones and replace them with puppet army uniforms, and mix this group of puppet soldiers into the civilian population?"

"What if something happens to them?"

"You think Uncle Qi's gun is a vegetarian?"

A soldier in charge of security at the front ran back in a hurry: "Report to Squad Leader Qi, the devil convoy is coming ahead! It's about five miles away."

The old gangster Qi didn't care what Li Heshui was the captain of the armed forces, and he was a few ranks higher than him: "You go back immediately and inform Battalion Commander Hu that they are coming for reinforcements."

Li Heshui hesitated for a moment: "But, there is an eyeliner of the tour team on the mountain ridge."

"Don't worry, when the gun is fired, they will run faster than anyone else"

"There are other devils and puppet soldiers coming out of the mountain at any time on this road"

The old bandit Qi put the big-brimmed hat on his head with a pistol: "You mother, shut up quickly, just like you, and be a fucking captain of armed work."

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